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 1 merge into regularreport using 
 2 (
 3     select count(guid) count from regularreport where 
 4     project='ae1a0218-98ea-4ec7-b5f3-a559b8ee60f6'
 5     and regulardate = '2012-10-29~2012-11-04/第45周'
 6 )  
 7 regularreportcount   on (regularreportcount.count<>0)
 8 when matched then 
 9     update set requiredtime =
10     to_date('111111111111' ', 'YYYY-            MM-DD hh24:mi:ss')
11      where project='ae1a0218-98ea-4ec7-b5f3-a559b8ee60f6'  
12      and regulardate = '2012-10-29~2012-11-04/第45周'
13 when not matched then
14      insert (guid,remark) 
15     values (sys_guid(),'this is insert')

因为 update 有where 适用于oracle 9+

posted on 2012-11-21 17:44  chuanzhifeng  阅读(381)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报