P(wi | wi-1) = count(wi-1, wi) / count(wi-1)

simplify, we can get

p(wi | wi-1) = c(wi-1, wi) / c(wi-1)

Well, we can have a example.

then we can get the probility

P(I want to eat) = P(want| I) * P(to | want) * P(eat | to)

P(want | I) = c(I want) / c(I) = 0.33

P(to | want) = c(want to) / c(want) = 0.66

P(eat | to) = c(to eat) / c(to) = 0.28

In practical, we do everything in log space, because one is avoid underflow, and the other is adding is faster than multiplying.

p1 * p2 * p3 * p4 = logp1 + logp2 + logp3 + logp4

Language toolkit

1. we can download SRILM     http://www.speech.sri.com/projects/srilm/ 

2.Goolge N-Gram Release     http://ngrams.googlelabs.com/

3. Google Book N-grams   http://googleresearch.blogspot.com/2006/08/all-our-n-gram-are-belong-to-you.html

posted on 2013-04-21 14:51  MrMission  阅读(202)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报