


root@Mongodb:~# mongosh
Current Mongosh Log ID: 63f48e2e5d50ed0f2ed35d3c
Connecting to: mongodb://
Using MongoDB: 6.0.4
Using Mongosh: 1.7.1

For mongosh info see:

To help improve our products, anonymous usage data is collected and sent to MongoDB periodically (
You can opt-out by running the disableTelemetry() command.

The server generated these startup warnings when booting
2023-02-21T16:54:50.226+08:00: Using the XFS filesystem is strongly recommended with the WiredTiger storage engine. See
2023-02-21T16:54:50.700+08:00: Access control is not enabled for the database. Read and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted
2023-02-21T16:54:50.700+08:00: vm.max_map_count is too low

Enable MongoDB's free cloud-based monitoring service, which will then receive and display
metrics about your deployment (disk utilization, CPU, operation statistics, etc).

The monitoring data will be available on a MongoDB website with a unique URL accessible to you
and anyone you share the URL with. MongoDB may use this information to make product
improvements and to suggest MongoDB products and deployment options to you.

To enable free monitoring, run the following command: db.enableFreeMonitoring()
To permanently disable this reminder, run the following command: db.disableFreeMonitoring()

4.2 查看MongoDB数据库中的所有数据库

test> show dbs
admin 40.00 KiB
config 12.00 KiB
local 40.00 KiB

4.3 打开或者新建一个数据库


test> use fib
switched to db fib

4.4 添加集合


fib> db.createCollection('teacher')
{ ok: 1 }
fib> show collections

4.5 插入数据

fib> db.teacher.insert({_id:1,sname:'张三',sage:20})
DeprecationWarning: Collection.insert() is deprecated. Use insertOne, insertMany, or bulkWrite.
{ acknowledged: true, insertedIds: { '0': 1 } }

4.6 查询所有记录

fib> db.teacher.find()
[ { _id: 1, sname: '张三', sage: 20 } ]

4.7 更新操作

fib> db.teacher.update({_id:1},{$set:{sname:'李四'}})
DeprecationWarning: Collection.update() is deprecated. Use updateOne, updateMany, or bulkWrite.
acknowledged: true,
insertedId: null,
matchedCount: 1,
modifiedCount: 1,
upsertedCount: 0

4.8 查询

4.8.1 查询sname='李四'的记录

fib> db.teacher.find({sname:'李四'})
[ { _id: 1, sname: '李四', sage: 20 } ]

4.8.2 查询指定列sname数据

fib> db.teacher.find({},{sname:1})
[ { _id: 1, sname: '李四' } ]

4.8.3 AND条件查询

fib> db.teacher.find({sname:'李四',sage:20})
[ { _id: 1, sname: '李四', sage: 20 } ]

4.8.4 OR条件查询

fib> db.teacher.find({$or:[{sage:20},{sage:21}]})
[ { _id: 1, sname: '李四', sage: 20 } ]

4.8.5 格式化输出

fib> db.teacher.find().pretty()
[ { _id: 1, sname: '李四', sage: 20 } ]

4.9 删除

4.9.1 删除数据

fib> db.teacher.remove({sname:'李四'})
DeprecationWarning: Collection.remove() is deprecated. Use deleteOne, deleteMany, findOneAndDelete, or bulkWrite.
{ acknowledged: true, deletedCount: 1 }

4.9.2 删除集合

fib> db.teacher.drop()








这个时候可以去官网下一个MongoDB Shell,下载地址:

下载完之后,建议安装到bin目录下 ,这样环境变量就不用再重新去额外配置了,安装完之后,我们再看一下bin目录下的内容:



mongosh "mongodb://ip:port"
mongosh ip:port/数据库 -u 用户名 -p 密码
mongosh -u 用户名 -p 密码 --port 端口号 --host ip 数据库名


posted @ 2023-04-27 13:58  binbinx  阅读(178)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报