



  1. At the command prompt, as root, add the PostgreSQL third party repository to get the latest PostgreSQL packages:

    apt install gnupg postgresql-common apt-transport-https lsb-release wget
  • Run the PostgreSQL repository setup script:

  • Add the TimescaleDB third party repository:

    echo "deb https://packagecloud.io/timescale/timescaledb/debian/ $(lsb_release -c -s) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/timescaledb.list
  • Install TimescaleDB GPG key

    wget --quiet -O - https://packagecloud.io/timescale/timescaledb/gpgkey | sudo apt-key add -
  • note

    For Ubuntu 21.10 and later use this command to install TimescaleDB GPG key wget --quiet -O - https://packagecloud.io/timescale/timescaledb/gpgkey | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/timescaledb.gpg

  • Update your local repository list:

    apt update
  • Install TimescaleDB:

    apt install timescaledb-2-postgresql-14
  1. note

    If you want to install a specific version of TimescaleDB, instead of the most recent, you can specify the version like this: apt-get install timescaledb-2-postgresql-12='2.6.0*' timescaledb-2-loader-postgresql-12='2.6.0*'

    You can see the full list of TimescaleDB releases by visiting the releases page. Note that older versions of TimescaleDB don't always support all the OS versions listed above.

  2. Configure your database by running the timescaledb-tune script, which is included with the timescaledb-tools package. Run the timescaledb-tune script using the sudo timescaledb-tune command. For more information, see the configuration section.

When you have PostgreSQL and TimescaleDB installed, you can connect to it from your local system using the psql command-line utility.

You can use the apt on Debian-based systems, yum on Red Hat-based systems, and pacman package manager to install the psql tool.

Red Hat
  1. Make sure your apt repository is up to date:

    apt-get update
  • Install the postgresql-client package:

    apt-get install postgresql-client
    Red Hat

    Restart PostgreSQL and create the TimescaleDB extension:

    1. Restart the service after enabling TimescaleDB with timescaledb-tune:

      systemctl restart postgresql
    • On your local system, at the command prompt, open the psql command-line utility as the postgres superuser:

      sudo -u postgres psql

    If your connection is successful, you'll see a message like this, followed by the psql prompt:

    psql (15.0 (Ubuntu 15.0-1.pgdg20.04+1), server 14.5 (Ubuntu 14.5-2.pgdg20.04+2))
    SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, compression: off)
    Type "help" for help.
    • Set the password for the postgres user:

      \password postgres
    • Exit from PostgreSQL:


    Use psql client to connect to PostgreSQL:

    psql -U postgres -h localhost
    • At the psql prompt, create an empty database. Our database is called tsdb:

      CREATE database tsdb;
    • Connect to the database you created:

      \c tsdb
    • Add the TimescaleDB extension:

    • Check that the TimescaleDB extension is installed by using the \dx command at the psql prompt. Output is similar to:

    tsdb-# \dx
    List of installed extensions
    Name | Version | Schema | Description
    plpgsql | 1.0 | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language
    timescaledb | 2.7.0 | public | Enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data
    (2 rows)

    After you have created the extension and the database, you can connect to your database directly using this command:

    psql -U postgres -h localhost -d tsdb

    apt install postgresql-14



    service postgresql start

    apt install postgresql-14-postgis-3

    apt install timescaledb-2-2.5.1-postgresql-14

    create databases test;

    \c test

    create extension postgis;

    create extension timescaledb;


    FATAL: extension "timescaledb" must be preloaded
    HINT: Please preload the timescaledb library via shared_preload_libraries.

    This can be done by editing the config file at: /etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf
    and adding 'timescaledb' to the list in the shared_preload_libraries config.
    # Modify postgresql.conf:
    shared_preload_libraries = 'timescaledb'

    Another way to do this, if not preloading other libraries, is with the command:
    echo "shared_preload_libraries = 'timescaledb'" >> /etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf

    (Will require a database restart.)

    If you REALLY know what you are doing and would like to load the library without preloading, you can disable this check with:
    SET timescaledb.allow_install_without_preload = 'on';
    server closed the connection unexpectedly
    This probably means the server terminated abnormally
    before or while processing the request.
    The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Succeeded.



    echo "shared_preload_libraries = 'timescaledb'" >> /etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf



    service postgresql restart



    create extension timescaledb;




posted @ 2023-04-24 19:48  binbinx  阅读(607)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报