[LeetCode]题解(python):040-Combination Sum II








  这题和上一题类似,首先将数组排序,如果组合不包括第一个数,那么,直接跳到和第一个数不等的数,如果包括,那么数组跳到下一个数,target 减去第一个数。




 1 class Solution(object):
 2     def boolcombinationSum(self, candidates, target,j):
 3         ans = [];size = len(candidates)
 4         if target == 0:
 5             return []
 6         if size < j + 1 or target < 0:
 7             return [[-1]]
 8         n = 1
 9         while j + n < size:
10             if candidates[j + n] != candidates[j]:
11                 break
12             n += 1
13         tmp1 = self.boolcombinationSum(candidates,target,j + n)
14         tmp2 = self.boolcombinationSum(candidates,target - candidates[j],j + 1)
15         if len(tmp2) == 0:
16             ans.append([candidates[j]])
17         elif tmp2 != [[-1]]:
18             for i in range(len(tmp2)):
19                 ans.append([candidates[j]] + tmp2[i])
20         if len(tmp1) != 0 and tmp1 != [[-1]]:
21             for i in range(len(tmp1)):
22                 ans.append(tmp1[i])
23         if len(tmp2) != 0 and tmp1 == [[-1]] and tmp2 == [[-1]]:
24             return [[-1]]
25         return ans
26     def combinationSum2(self, candidates, target):
27         """
28         :type candidates: List[int]
29         :type target: int
30         :rtype: List[List[int]]
31         """
32         candidates.sort()
33         ans = self.boolcombinationSum(candidates,target,0)
34         if ans == [[-1]]:
35             return []
36         return ans
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posted @ 2015-11-03 19:35  Ry_Chen  阅读(517)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报