CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[pGetDescendedPhysicalItemCatalogs]( @PhysicalItemCatalogId int ) AS set nocount on BEGIN TRY IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [tempdb].sys.objects WHERE name = '##PhysicalItemCatalog') CREATE TABLE ##PhysicalItemCatalog( [PhysicalItemCatalogId] [int] , [Name] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL , [MnemonicCode] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL , [ParentId] [int] NOT NULL , [IsDeleted] [bit] NOT NULL , [IsValid] [bit] NOT NULL , [PhysicalSpecialtyId] [int] NOT NULL , [Handled] [bit] NOT NULL default 0 ) INSERT ##PhysicalItemCatalog(PhysicalItemCatalogId, Name, MnemonicCode, ParentId, IsDeleted, IsValid, PhysicalSpecialtyId) SELECT PhysicalItemCatalogId, Name, MnemonicCode, ParentId, IsDeleted, IsValid, PhysicalSpecialtyId FROM entity.PhysicalItemCatalog with(nolock) WHERE PhysicalItemCatalogId > -1 AND ParentId = @PhysicalItemCatalogId DECLARE @catalogId int SELECT TOP 1 @catalogId = PhysicalItemCatalogId FROM ##PhysicalItemCatalog WHERE Handled = 0 IF @catalogId IS NOT NULL begin update ##PhysicalItemCatalog set Handled = 1 where PhysicalItemCatalogId = @catalogId exec [dbo].[pGetDescendedPhysicalItemCatalogs] @catalogId end ELSE begin SELECT * FROM ##PhysicalItemCatalog DROP TABLE ##PhysicalItemCatalog end END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [tempdb].sys.objects WHERE name = '##PhysicalItemCatalog') DROP TABLE ##PhysicalItemCatalog END CATCH set nocount off
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[pRecalPhysicalItemCatalogsSpecialty] AS set nocount on declare @catalogId int declare @specialtyId int DECLARE @catalog TABLE ( [PhysicalItemCatalogId] [int] , [Name] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL , [MnemonicCode] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL , [ParentId] [int] NOT NULL , [IsDeleted] [bit] NOT NULL , [IsValid] [bit] NOT NULL , [PhysicalSpecialtyId] [int] NOT NULL , [Handled] [bit] NOT NULL default 0 ) DECLARE my_cursor CURSOR FOR select PhysicalItemCatalogId, PhysicalSpecialtyId from entity.PhysicalItemCatalog where parentId = -1 and PhysicalItemCatalogId in (select ParentId from entity.PhysicalItemCatalog where ParentId > -1) OPEN my_cursor; FETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor INTO @catalogId, @specialtyId; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN insert into @catalog exec [dbo].[pGetDescendedPhysicalItemCatalogs] @catalogId UPDATE t SET PhysicalSpecialtyId = @specialtyId FROM entity.PhysicalItemCatalog t, @catalog a WHERE t.PhysicalItemCatalogId = a.PhysicalItemCatalogId delete @catalog FETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor INTO @catalogId, @specialtyId; END; CLOSE my_cursor; DEALLOCATE my_cursor; set nocount off
/* * TEST SCRIPT: declare @catalogId int DECLARE my_cursor CURSOR FOR select MedicineCatalogId from mmat.MedicineCatalog with(nolock) WHERE MedicineCatalogId > -1 AND ParentCatalogId = -1 OPEN my_cursor; FETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor INTO @catalogId; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN exec [dbo].[pGetChildrenMedicineCatalogs] @catalogId FETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor INTO @catalogId; END; CLOSE my_cursor; DEALLOCATE my_cursor; IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [tempdb].sys.objects WHERE name = '##MedicineCatalog') BEGIN SELECT * FROM ##MedicineCatalog ORDER BY ParentCatalogId, MedicineCatalogId DROP TABLE ##MedicineCatalog END */ CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[pGetChildrenMedicineCatalogs]( @MedicineCatalogId int ) AS set nocount on IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [tempdb].sys.objects WHERE name = '##MedicineCatalog') CREATE TABLE ##MedicineCatalog( [MedicineCatalogId] [int] , [Name] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL , [SubstanceClassCodeId] [tinyint] NOT NULL , [SpellCode] [nvarchar](20) NULL , [ParentCatalogId] [int] NOT NULL , [IsDeleted] [bit] NOT NULL , [Handled] [bit] NOT NULL default 0 ) DECLARE @MedicineCatalog TABLE ( [RID] INT IDENTITY(1,1), [MedicineCatalogId] [int] , [Name] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL , [SubstanceClassCodeId] [tinyint] NOT NULL , [SpellCode] [nvarchar](20) NULL , [ParentCatalogId] [int] NOT NULL , [IsDeleted] [bit] NOT NULL , [Handled] [bit] NOT NULL default 0 ) INSERT ##MedicineCatalog(MedicineCatalogId, Name, SubstanceClassCodeId, SpellCode, ParentCatalogId, IsDeleted) SELECT MedicineCatalogId, Name, SubstanceClassCodeId, SpellCode, ParentCatalogId, IsDeleted FROM mmat.MedicineCatalog with(nolock) WHERE MedicineCatalogId > -1 AND ParentCatalogId = @MedicineCatalogId declare @count INT INSERT @MedicineCatalog(MedicineCatalogId, Name, SubstanceClassCodeId, SpellCode, ParentCatalogId, IsDeleted) SELECT MedicineCatalogId, Name, SubstanceClassCodeId, SpellCode, ParentCatalogId, IsDeleted FROM mmat.MedicineCatalog with(nolock) WHERE MedicineCatalogId > -1 AND ParentCatalogId = @MedicineCatalogId SELECT @count = @@ROWCOUNT; declare @catalogId INT declare @rid INT SET @rid = 1; WHILE @rid <= @count BEGIN SELECT @catalogId = MedicineCatalogId FROM @MedicineCatalog mc WHERE RID = @rid; update ##MedicineCatalog set Handled = 1 where MedicineCatalogId = @catalogId exec [dbo].[pGetChildrenMedicineCatalogs] @catalogId SET @rid = @rid + 1; END set nocount off GO