
A look of quick intelligence and soft refinement
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Posted on 2012-06-27 11:17  Chrisfang6  阅读(1372)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报



Not all resources offer a mechanism by which you can create an alias to another resource. In particular, animation, menu, raw, and other unspecified resources in the xml/ directory do not offer this feature.


 1. drawable: 属性元素关键字 bitmap

1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>   
2 <bitmap xmlns:android=""  
3     android:src="@drawable/icon_alias" />  




2. layout:


1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 <merge>
3     <include layout="@layout/main_ltr"/>
4 </merge>

  • res/layout/main.xml, single-pane layout
  • res/layout/main_twopanes.xml, two-pane layout

And add these two files:

  • res/values-large/layout.xml:
    1 <resources>
    2     <itemname="main"type="layout">@layout/main_twopanes</item>
    3 </resources>


  • res/values-sw600dp/layout.xml:
    1 <resources>
    2     <itemname="main"type="layout">@layout/main_twopanes</item>
    3 </resources>


These latter two files have identical content, but they don’t actually define the layout. They merely set up main to be an alias to main_twopanes. Since these files have large and sw600dp selectors, they are applied to tablets and TVs regardless of Android version (pre-3.2 tablets and TVs match large, and post-3.2 will match sw600dp).