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Infragistics NetAdvantage WPF 2009 Vol. 1

Posted on 2009-04-11 22:13  chris  阅读(1812)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

Windows® Presentation Foundation (WPF) elevates user expectations and the state-of-the-art to a higher plane. No longer do you have to be a Michaelangelo or a Leonardo da Vinci to paint a presentation masterpiece. With NetAdvantage for Win Client WPF controls as your palette, we take care of presenting your information with power, clarity, and motion.

We designed for the WPF platform from the start with an uncompromising attitude toward leveraging its cinematic graphics, rich styling, animation capabilities, and integrated UI virtualization. Embracing templates and exposing numerous styling points gives you complete command over our controls' appearance. A logical, friendly object model makes it easy to take advantage of the WPF platform's potential, whether you choose to do so through declarative UI (XAML) or code. Transcend the ordinary user experience with our extraordinary user interface controls that will set your application apart.


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