

 1 #md5sum CentOS-6.2-x86_64-bin-DVD2.iso
 2 b0b03502875490417c9f8cb9fe8ce6d6  /root/CentOS-6.2-x86_64-bin-DVD2.iso
 3 #rbd  import rbd/mytest.img ./CentOS-6.2-x86_64-bin-DVD2.iso --image-format 2
 5 #rbd info rbd/myimg       #该办法的鸡肋之处,需要有块前缀(或者rbd_directory查看)
 6 rbd image 'myimg':
 7     size 1256 MB in 315 objects
 8     order 22 (4096 kB objects)
 9     block_name_prefix: rbd_data.cb4bf238e1f29
10     format: 2
11     features: layering
12     flags:
13 #/etc/init.d/ceph -a stop    #关闭集群
14 #mkdir recover; cd recover; wget -O rbd_restore https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smmoore/ceph/master/rbd_restore.sh        #下载恢复工具
15 #for block in $(find /var/lib/ceph/osd/ -type f -name *.cb4bf238e1f29.*); do cp $block . ; done
17 #sh rbd_restore  myimg  "*data.cb4bf238e1f29*"  1317967872  #第二个参数,生成的文件名,参数三,块前缀 参数四:rbd大小
18 #ll myimg 
19 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1317967872 6月  28 15:12 myimg
20 #md5sum myimg 
21 b0b03502875490417c9f8cb9fe8ce6d6  myimg

在单一节点上收集object get_ob.sh (存在局限性)

1 id=${1} 
2 mkdir $id
3 for i in  `find /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-*/current -name "*$id*"`; do cp $i $id'/'; done 


 1 #!/bin/sh
 2 #
 4 # Shawn Moore <smmoore@catawba.edu>
 5 # Rodney Rymer <rrr@catawba.edu>
 6 #
 7 #
 9 # GNU Awk (gawk)
10 #
11 #
12 # NOTES
13 # This utility assumes one copy of all object files needed to construct the rbd
14 # are located in the present working direcory at the time of execution.  
15 # For example all the rb.0.1032.5e69c215.* files.
16 #
17 # When listing the "RBD_SIZE_IN_BYTES", be sure you list the full potential size, 
18 # not just what it appears to be. If you do not know the true size of the rbd,
19 # you can input a size in bytes that you know is larger than the disk could be
20 # and it will be a large sparse file with un-partioned space at the end of the
21 # disk.  In our tests, this doesn't occupy any more space/objects in the cluster
22 # but the rbd could be resized from within the rbd (VM) to grow.  Once you bring
23 # it up and are able to find the true size, you can resize with "rbd resize ..".
24 #
25 # To obtain needed utility input information if not already known run:
26 # rbd info RBD
27 #
28 # To find needed files we run the following command on all nodes that might have
29 # copies of the rbd objects:
30 # find /${CEPH} -type f -name rb.0.1032.5e69c215.*
31 # Then copy the files to a single location from all nodes.  If using btrfs be
32 # sure to pay attention to the btrfs snapshots that ceph takes on it's own.
33 # You may want the "current" or one of the "snaps".
34 #
35 # We are actually taking our own btrfs snapshots cluster osd wide at the same
36 # time with parallel ssh and then using "btrfs subvolume find-new" command to
37 # merge them all together for disaster recovery and also outside of ceph rbd
38 # versioning.
39 #
40 # Hopefully once the btrfs send/recv functionality is stable we can switch to it.
41 #
42 #
43 # This utility works for us but may not for you.  Always test with non-critical
44 # data first.
45 #
47 # Rados object size
48 obj_size=4194304
50 # DD bs value
51 rebuild_block_size=512
53 rbd="${1}"
54 base="${2}"
55 dir=$base'/'
56 rbd_size="${3}"
57 if [ "${1}" = "-h" -o "${1}" = "--help" -o "${rbd}" = "" -o "${base}" = "" -o "${rbd_size}" = "" ]; then
58   echo "USAGE: $(echo ${0} | awk -F/ '{print $NF}') RESTORE_RBD BLOCK_PREFIX RBD_SIZE_IN_BYTES"
59   exit 1
60 fi
61 #base_files=$(ls -1 ${base}.* 2>/dev/null | wc -l | awk '{print $1}')
62 #if [ ${base_files} -lt 1 ]; then
63 #  echo "COULD NOT FIND FILES FOR ${base} IN $(pwd)"
64 #  exit
65 #fi
67 # Create full size sparse image.  Could use truncate, but wanted
68 # as few required files and dd what a must.
69 dd if=/dev/zero of=${rbd} bs=1 count=0 seek=${rbd_size} 2>/dev/null
71 for file_name in $(ls ./$dir |grep data); do
72   seek_loc=$(echo ${file_name} | awk -F_ '{print $1}' | awk -v os=${obj_size} -v rs=${rebuild_block_size} -F. '{print os*strtonum("0x" $NF)/rs}')
73   dd conv=notrunc if=$dir${file_name} of=${rbd} seek=${seek_loc} bs=${rebuild_block_size} 
74 done




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