




 1 //社区消息
 2     public function mess()
 3     {
 4         if(IS_POST){
 5             $da['username'] = $_POST['username'];
 6             $db1 = M('postmessage');
 7             $postid = $db1->field('postid')->order('time desc')->where($da)->select();
 8             $db2 = M('postlikes');
 9             foreach($postid as $k => $v){
10                 $th['postid'] = $postid[$k]['postid'];
11                 $db5 = M('postmessage');
12                 $postmessage = $db5->where($th)->select();
13                 $postlikes[] = $db2->order('time desc')->where($th)->select();
14                 foreach($postlikes as $m=>$n){
15                     foreach($n as $d=>$f){
16                         foreach($postmessage as $a=>$s){
17 //                            print_r($postmessage[$a]['title']);exit;
18                             $n[$d]['title'] = $postmessage[$a]['title'];
19                             $n[$d]['portrait'] = $postmessage[$a]['portrait'];
20                             $n[$d]['sex'] = $postmessage[$a]['sex'];
21                             $n[$d]['nickname'] = $postmessage[$a]['nickname'];
22                         }
23                         $postlikes[$m] = $n;
24                     }
25                 }
26             }
27             $db3 = M('postcomments');
28             foreach($postid as $ke => $va){
29                 $thi['postid'] = $postid[$ke]['postid'];
30                 $comments[] = $db3->order('time desc')->where($thi)->select();
31                 $db5 = M('postmessage');
32                 $postmessage = $db5->where($th)->select();
33                 foreach($comments as $m=>$n){
34                     foreach($n as $d=>$f){
35                         foreach($postmessage as $a=>$s){
36 //                            print_r($postmessage[$a]['title']);exit;
37                             $n[$d]['title'] = $postmessage[$a]['title'];
38                             $n[$d]['portrait'] = $postmessage[$a]['portrait'];
39                             $n[$d]['sex'] = $postmessage[$a]['sex'];
40                             $n[$d]['nickname'] = $postmessage[$a]['nickname'];
41                         }
42                         $comments[$m] = $n;
43                     }
44                 }
45             }
46             $db4 = M('postdouble');
47             foreach($postid as $k => $v){
48                 $thu['postid'] = $postid[$k]['postid'];
49                 $double = $db4->order('time desc')->where($thu)->select();
50 //                print_r($double);exit;
51                 /*foreach($likes as $l => $i){
52                     $the['postid'] = $likes[$l]['postid'];
53                     $the['floor'] = $likes[$l]['floor'];
54                     $double = $db4->order('time desc')->where($the)->select();
55                 }*/
56             }
57 //            print_r($double);exit;
58             if(true){
59                 $response['status'] = 'Y';
60                 $response['msg'] = '成功';
61                 $response['data1'] = $postlikes;
62                 $response['data2'] = $comments;
63                 $response['data3'] = $double;
64                 echo json_encode($response);
65             }else{
66                 $response['status'] = 'N';
67                 $response['msg'] = '失败';
68                 echo json_encode($response);
69             }
70         }
71     }


  1 {
  2   "status": "Y",
  3   "msg": "成功",
  4   "data1": [
  5     [
  6       {
  7         "id": "20",
  8         "postid": "23",
  9         "username": "13760272643",
 10         "tag": "1",
 11         "uname": "",
 12         "floor": "0",
 13         "time": "1465973899",
 14         "title": "stupid",
 15         "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/1465783454.png",
 16         "sex": "0",
 17         "nickname": "Rick "
 18       },
 19       {
 20         "id": "19",
 21         "postid": "23",
 22         "username": "876D276C34C51EC381D98A4959F10EA3",
 23         "tag": "1",
 24         "uname": "",
 25         "floor": "0",
 26         "time": "1465969540",
 27         "title": "stupid",
 28         "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/1465783454.png",
 29         "sex": "0",
 30         "nickname": "Rick "
 31       }
 32     ],
 33     [
 34       {
 35         "id": "26",
 36         "postid": "24",
 37         "username": "13760272643",
 38         "tag": "1",
 39         "uname": "",
 40         "floor": "0",
 41         "time": "1465981250",
 42         "title": "stupid",
 43         "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/1465783454.png",
 44         "sex": "0",
 45         "nickname": "Rick "
 46       },
 47       {
 48         "id": "25",
 49         "postid": "24",
 50         "username": "876D276C34C51EC381D98A4959F10EA3",
 51         "tag": "1",
 52         "uname": "",
 53         "floor": "0",
 54         "time": "1465981246",
 55         "title": "stupid",
 56         "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/1465783454.png",
 57         "sex": "0",
 58         "nickname": "Rick "
 59       }
 60     ],
 61     [
 62       {
 63         "id": "27",
 64         "postid": "25",
 65         "username": "13760272643",
 66         "tag": "1",
 67         "uname": "",
 68         "floor": "0",
 69         "time": "1465987326",
 70         "title": "stupid",
 71         "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/1465783454.png",
 72         "sex": "0",
 73         "nickname": "Rick "
 74       }
 75     ]
 76   ],
 77   "data2": [
 78     [
 79       {
 80         "id": "28",
 81         "postid": "23",
 82         "username": "13760272643",
 83         "nickname": "Rick ",
 84         "contents": "就看看",
 85         "likes": "0",
 86         "comments": "0",
 87         "time": "1465981162",
 88         "floor": "4",
 89         "title": "stupid",
 90         "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/1465783454.png",
 91         "sex": "0"
 92       },
 93       {
 94         "id": "27",
 95         "postid": "23",
 96         "username": "13760272643",
 97         "nickname": "Rick ",
 98         "contents": "回家看看",
 99         "likes": "0",
100         "comments": "0",
101         "time": "1465981158",
102         "floor": "3",
103         "title": "stupid",
104         "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/1465783454.png",
105         "sex": "0"
106       },
107       {
108         "id": "26",
109         "postid": "23",
110         "username": "13760272643",
111         "nickname": "Rick ",
112         "contents": "很可靠快结婚",
113         "likes": "0",
114         "comments": "0",
115         "time": "1465974612",
116         "floor": "2",
117         "title": "stupid",
118         "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/1465783454.png",
119         "sex": "0"
120       },
121       {
122         "id": "19",
123         "postid": "23",
124         "username": "876D276C34C51EC381D98A4959F10EA3",
125         "nickname": "Rick ",
126         "contents": "不知道为什么,突然就想评论一下!!!",
127         "likes": "0",
128         "comments": "0",
129         "time": "1465969568",
130         "floor": "1",
131         "title": "stupid",
132         "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/1465783454.png",
133         "sex": "0"
134       }
135     ],
136     [
137       {
138         "id": "30",
139         "postid": "24",
140         "username": "13760272643",
141         "nickname": "Rick ",
142         "contents": "吃v",
143         "likes": "0",
144         "comments": "0",
145         "time": "1465981260",
146         "floor": "2",
147         "title": "stupid",
148         "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/1465783454.png",
149         "sex": "0"
150       },
151       {
152         "id": "29",
153         "postid": "24",
154         "username": "13760272643",
155         "nickname": "Rick ",
156         "contents": "回家开门",
157         "likes": "0",
158         "comments": "0",
159         "time": "1465981255",
160         "floor": "1",
161         "title": "stupid",
162         "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/1465783454.png",
163         "sex": "0"
164       }
165     ],
166     []
167   ],
168   "data3": [
169     {
170       "id": "6",
171       "postid": "22",
172       "floor": "4",
173       "content": "滚滚滚",
174       "time": "1465971570",
175       "username": "13760272643",
176       "nickname": "Joker"
177     }
178   ]
179 }









 1 public function mess2()
 2     {
 3         $da['username'] = $_POST['username'];
 4         $db1 = M('postmessage');
 5         $Dao = M();
 7         $index = 0;
 8         $all[] = array();  //二维数组
10         $postid = $db1->field('postid')->order('time desc')->where($da)->select();
11         //查看主贴的点赞和评论
12         foreach($postid as $k => $v) {
13             $th = $postid[$k]['postid'];
14             $list1 = $Dao->query("select pl.id,pl.postid,pl.username,u.enname,u.sexnew,u.portrait,pl.time,concat(u.enname,'点赞了我的帖子') as title,
15 concat('赞了我的帖子:',pm.title) as content,pl.floor as floor from yne_postlikes as pl left join yne_postmessage as pm
16 on pl.postid = pm.postid right join yne_member as u on u.username = pl.username where pl.postid ="."$th");
17             $list2 = $Dao->query("select pc.id,pc.postid,pc.username,u.enname,u.sexnew,u.portrait,pc.time,pc.contents as title,
18 concat('评论了我的帖子:',pm.title) as content,pc.floor as floor from yne_postcomments as pc left join yne_postmessage as pm on pc.postid = pm.postid
19 right join yne_member as u on u.username = pc.username where pm.postid ="."$th");
21                     addArray($all,$list1,&$index);
22                     addArray($all,$list2,&$index);        
23         }
25      //查看层帖的点赞和层帖的回复(楼中楼)
26         $db2 = M('postcomments');
27         $id = $db2->field('id')->order('time desc')->where($da)->select();
28         foreach($id as $k => $v){
29             $ids = $id[$k]['id'];
30             $list3 = $Dao->query("SELECT pm.id, pm.postid, pm.username, u.enname, u.sexnew, u.portrait, pl.time,
31 concat( u.enname, '点赞了我的评论' ) AS title,concat( '赞了我的评论:', pm.contents ) AS content, pm.floor AS floor FROM yne_postcomments AS pm
32 LEFT JOIN yne_postlikes AS pl ON pl.postid = pm.postid AND pl.floor = pm.floor RIGHT JOIN yne_member AS u ON u.username = pl.uname
33 WHERE pm.id ="."$ids");
34             $list4 = $Dao->query("select pm.id,pm.postid,pm.username,u.enname,u.sexnew,u.portrait,pm.time,pd.content as title,
35 concat('回复了我的评论:',pm.contents) as content,pm.floor as floor from yne_postcomments as pm left join yne_postdouble as pd
36 on pd.postid = pm.postid and pd.floor = pm.floor right join yne_member as u on u.username = pd.username where pm.id = "."$ids");
37 //        addArray($all,$list3,&$index);
38                     addArray($all,$list4,&$index);
39         }
40         //最后根据time进行二维数组排序
41         print_r($all);exit;
42     }
45 //index的引用传递
46 function addArray($all[] = arrray(),$list = arrray(),$index) {
47         //遍历list1(list1,可能为一维,也可能是二维)
48         foreach($list1 as $key =>$value) {
49             if(is_array($value)) {         //二维
50                     //解析每一维数组
51                       $all[$index] = array(
52                          'id' => $value['id'],
53                          'postid' => $value['postid'],
54                          'username' => $value['username'],
55                          'enname' => $value['enname'],
56                          'sexnew' => $value['sexnew'],
57                          'portrait' => $value['portrait'],
58                          'time' => $value['time'],
59                          'title' => $value['title'],
60                          'content' => $value['content'],
61                          'floor' => $value['floor']
62                       ); 
63                          index++;
65             }
66         }
67 }


 1 Array
 2 (
 3     [0] => Array
 4         (
 5             [id] => 20
 6             [postid] => 23
 7             [username] => 13760272643
 8             [enname] => Joker
 9             [sexnew] =>10             [portrait] => uploads/image/portrait/default.png
11             [time] => 1465973899
12             [title] => Joker点赞了我的帖子
13             [content] => 赞了我的帖子:greyer
14             [floor] => 0
15         )
17     [1] => Array
18         (
19             [id] => 19
20             [postid] => 23
21             [username] => 876D276C34C51EC381D98A4959F10EA3
22             [enname] => っ 丶        LNR
23             [sexnew] => 0
24             [portrait] => http://qzapp.qlogo.cn/qzapp/1105262825/876D276C34C51EC381D98A4959F10EA3/100
25             [time] => 1465969540
26             [title] => っ 丶        LNR点赞了我的帖子
27             [content] => 赞了我的帖子:greyer
28             [floor] => 0
29         )
30 )



  1 {
  2   "status": "Y",
  3   "msg": "成功",
  4   "data": [
  5     {
  6       "id": "27",
  7       "postid": "25",
  8       "username": "13760272643",
  9       "enname": "Joker",
 10       "sexnew": "男",
 11       "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/default.png",
 12       "time": "1465987326",
 13       "title": "Joker点赞了我的帖子",
 14       "content": "赞了我的帖子:stupid",
 15       "floor": "0"
 16     },
 17     {
 18       "id": "30",
 19       "postid": "24",
 20       "username": "13760272643",
 21       "enname": "Joker",
 22       "sexnew": "男",
 23       "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/default.png",
 24       "time": "1465981260",
 25       "title": "吃v",
 26       "content": "评论了我的帖子:qwertyuop ",
 27       "floor": "2"
 28     },
 29     {
 30       "id": "29",
 31       "postid": "24",
 32       "username": "13760272643",
 33       "enname": "Joker",
 34       "sexnew": "男",
 35       "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/default.png",
 36       "time": "1465981255",
 37       "title": "回家开门",
 38       "content": "评论了我的帖子:qwertyuop ",
 39       "floor": "1"
 40     },
 41     {
 42       "id": "26",
 43       "postid": "24",
 44       "username": "13760272643",
 45       "enname": "Joker",
 46       "sexnew": "男",
 47       "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/default.png",
 48       "time": "1465981250",
 49       "title": "Joker点赞了我的帖子",
 50       "content": "赞了我的帖子:qwertyuop ",
 51       "floor": "0"
 52     },
 53     {
 54       "id": "25",
 55       "postid": "24",
 56       "username": "876D276C34C51EC381D98A4959F10EA3",
 57       "enname": "っ 丶        LNR",
 58       "sexnew": "0",
 59       "portrait": "http://qzapp.qlogo.cn/qzapp/1105262825/876D276C34C51EC381D98A4959F10EA3/100",
 60       "time": "1465981246",
 61       "title": "っ 丶        LNR点赞了我的帖子",
 62       "content": "赞了我的帖子:qwertyuop ",
 63       "floor": "0"
 64     },
 65     {
 66       "id": "28",
 67       "postid": "23",
 68       "username": "13760272643",
 69       "enname": "Joker",
 70       "sexnew": "男",
 71       "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/default.png",
 72       "time": "1465981162",
 73       "title": "就看看",
 74       "content": "评论了我的帖子:greyer",
 75       "floor": "4"
 76     },
 77     {
 78       "id": "27",
 79       "postid": "23",
 80       "username": "13760272643",
 81       "enname": "Joker",
 82       "sexnew": "男",
 83       "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/default.png",
 84       "time": "1465981158",
 85       "title": "回家看看",
 86       "content": "评论了我的帖子:greyer",
 87       "floor": "3"
 88     },
 89     {
 90       "id": "25",
 91       "postid": "22",
 92       "username": "15072475892",
 93       "enname": "Joker",
 94       "sexnew": "男",
 95       "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/default.png",
 96       "time": "1465978020",
 97       "title": "很健康",
 98       "content": "回复了我的评论:Hjvf ",
 99       "floor": "6"
100     },
101     {
102       "id": "25",
103       "postid": "22",
104       "username": "15072475892",
105       "enname": "Rick ",
106       "sexnew": "0",
107       "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/1465783454.png",
108       "time": "1465975417",
109       "title": "Rick 点赞了我的评论",
110       "content": "赞了我的评论:Hjvf ",
111       "floor": "6"
112     },
113     {
114       "id": "23",
115       "postid": "22",
116       "username": "15072475892",
117       "enname": "Rick ",
118       "sexnew": "0",
119       "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/1465783454.png",
120       "time": "1465975415",
121       "title": "Rick 点赞了我的评论",
122       "content": "赞了我的评论:Wgyii ",
123       "floor": "4"
124     },
125     {
126       "id": "25",
127       "postid": "22",
128       "username": "15072475892",
129       "enname": "Joker",
130       "sexnew": "男",
131       "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/default.png",
132       "time": "1465975057",
133       "title": "Joker点赞了我的评论",
134       "content": "赞了我的评论:Hjvf ",
135       "floor": "6"
136     },
137     {
138       "id": "23",
139       "postid": "22",
140       "username": "15072475892",
141       "enname": "Joker",
142       "sexnew": "男",
143       "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/default.png",
144       "time": "1465975035",
145       "title": "Joker点赞了我的评论",
146       "content": "赞了我的评论:Wgyii ",
147       "floor": "4"
148     },
149     {
150       "id": "26",
151       "postid": "23",
152       "username": "13760272643",
153       "enname": "Joker",
154       "sexnew": "男",
155       "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/default.png",
156       "time": "1465974612",
157       "title": "很可靠快结婚",
158       "content": "评论了我的帖子:greyer",
159       "floor": "2"
160     },
161     {
162       "id": "20",
163       "postid": "23",
164       "username": "13760272643",
165       "enname": "Joker",
166       "sexnew": "男",
167       "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/default.png",
168       "time": "1465973899",
169       "title": "Joker点赞了我的帖子",
170       "content": "赞了我的帖子:greyer",
171       "floor": "0"
172     },
173     {
174       "id": "25",
175       "postid": "22",
176       "username": "15072475892",
177       "enname": "Joker",
178       "sexnew": "男",
179       "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/default.png",
180       "time": "1465971596",
181       "title": "哈哈哈",
182       "content": "回复了我的评论:Hjvf ",
183       "floor": "6"
184     },
185     {
186       "id": "23",
187       "postid": "22",
188       "username": "15072475892",
189       "enname": "Joker",
190       "sexnew": "男",
191       "portrait": "uploads/image/portrait/default.png",
192       "time": "1465971570",
193       "title": "滚滚滚",
194       "content": "回复了我的评论:Wgyii ",
195       "floor": "4"
196     },
197     {
198       "id": "19",
199       "postid": "23",
200       "username": "876D276C34C51EC381D98A4959F10EA3",
201       "enname": "っ 丶        LNR",
202       "sexnew": "0",
203       "portrait": "http://qzapp.qlogo.cn/qzapp/1105262825/876D276C34C51EC381D98A4959F10EA3/100",
204       "time": "1465969568",
205       "title": "不知道为什么,突然就想评论一下!!!",
206       "content": "评论了我的帖子:greyer",
207       "floor": "1"
208     },
209     {
210       "id": "19",
211       "postid": "23",
212       "username": "876D276C34C51EC381D98A4959F10EA3",
213       "enname": "っ 丶        LNR",
214       "sexnew": "0",
215       "portrait": "http://qzapp.qlogo.cn/qzapp/1105262825/876D276C34C51EC381D98A4959F10EA3/100",
216       "time": "1465969540",
217       "title": "っ 丶        LNR点赞了我的帖子",
218       "content": "赞了我的帖子:greyer",
219       "floor": "0"
220     }
221   ]
222 }


posted @ 2016-06-16 10:10  集君  阅读(389)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报