如何在数据集中加载 XML
此示例阐释如何使用 XML 数据加载数据集 (DataSet)。该示例是根据主题如何从 XSD 架构创建数据集映射建立的,方法是首先将 XML 数据加载到 XmlDataDocument 中,然后从数据集访问这些数据。为了创建内部映射,该数据集已加载了一个架构。下面的示例显示 XML 数据和创建关系对象之间的转换,以访问该 XML 数据。
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如下列代码所示,此示例首先实现 ParseSchema 函数以将 XML 架构定义 (XSD) 语言架构 books.xsd 加载到 XmlDataDocument 的 DataSet 属性中。然后,此示例使用 XmlDataDocument 的 Load 方法加载 XML 文件 books.xml。
private const String document = "books.xml"; private const String myLoadSchema = "books.xsd"; private XmlDataDocument myXmlDataDocument; public static void Main() { String[] args = {document, myLoadSchema}; LoadDataSetXMLDataSample myLoadDataSetXMLDataSample = new LoadDataSetXMLDataSample(); myLoadDataSetXMLDataSample.Run(args); } public void Run(String[] args) { try { Console.WriteLine("Creating an XmlDataDocument ..."); myXmlDataDocument = new XmlDataDocument(); ParseSchema(args[1]); DisplayTableStructure(); myXmlDataDocument.Load(args[0]); DisplayTables(myXmlDataDocument.DataSet); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine ("Exception: {0}", e.ToString()); } } // Loads a specified schema into the DataSet public void ParseSchema(String schema) { StreamReader myStreamReader = null; try { Console.WriteLine("Reading Schema file ..."); myStreamReader = new StreamReader(schema); myXmlDataDocument.DataSet.ReadXmlSchema(myStreamReader); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine ("Exception: {0}", e.ToString()); } finally { if (myStreamReader != null) myStreamReader.Close(); } } |
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如在如何从 XSD 架构创建数据集映射中说明的那样,只需通过在表、列和行的集合上迭代,然后设置输出格式,DisplayTableStructure 方法(使用 books.xsd 架构文件生成)即可使该示例显示内部表结构。此示例使用 DisplayTables 方法扩展了该概念(如下列代码所示),该方法使示例得以显示 XML 文件的内容。此示例使用 For Each 关键字而非 For 循环来说明重复集合的其他机制。
// Displays the contents of the DataSet tables private void DisplayTables(DataSet dataset) { // Navigate Dataset Console.WriteLine("Content of Tables ...\r\n"); foreach(DataTable table in dataset.Tables) { Console.WriteLine("TableName = " + table.TableName); Console.WriteLine ("{0}", "---------"); Console.WriteLine("Columns ...\r\n"); foreach(DataColumn column in table.Columns) { Console.Write("{0,-22}",column.ColumnName); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("\r\nNumber of rows = {0}", table.Rows.Count.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Rows ...\r\n"); foreach(DataRow row in table.Rows) { foreach(Object value in row.ItemArray) { Console.Write("{0,-22}",value.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine(); } } |
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下列输出显示 books.xml 的表名、列名和行内容,如 DisplayTables 方法显示的那样。
Creating an XmlDataDocument ... Reading Schema file ... Table structure Tables count=3 TableName='bookstore'. Columns count=1 ColumnName='bookstore_Id', type = System.Int32 TableName='book'. Columns count=5 ColumnName='title', type = System.String ColumnName='price', type = System.Decimal ColumnName='genre', type = System.String ColumnName='book_Id', type = System.Int32 ColumnName='bookstore_Id', type = System.Int32 TableName='author'. Columns count=3 ColumnName='first-name', type = System.String ColumnName='last-name', type = System.String ColumnName='book_Id', type = System.Int32 Content of Tables ... TableName = bookstore --------- Columns ... bookstore_Id Number of rows = 1 Rows ... 0 TableName = book --------- Columns ... title price genre book_Id bookstore_Id Number of rows = 3 Rows ... The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin8.99 autobiography 0 0 The Confidence Man 11.99 novel 1 0 The Gorgias 9.99 philosophy 2 0 TableName = author --------- Columns ... first-name last-name book_Id Number of rows = 3 Rows ... Benjamin Franklin 0 Herman Melville 1 Sidas Plato 2
- 可通过 DataSet 属性上的关系方法访问已加载到 XmlDataDocument 中的 XML 数据。
- 当通过 XmlDataDocument 的 DataSet 属性输入关系数据时,也可以读取 XML 数据