






  1 .calender {
  2   text-align: center;
  3   min-width: 280px;
  4   /* height: 400px; */
  5   overflow: hidden;
  6 }
  7 .calender-title-wrapper {
  8   height: 30px;
  9   line-height: 30px;
 10 }
 12 .calender-title {
 13       display: -moz-box;
 14     display: -webkit-box;
 15     display: -ms-flexbox;
 16     display: -webkit-flex;
 17     display: flex;
 18   display: flex;
 19   margin: 0 auto;
 20   width: 280px;
 21 }
 23 .calender-arrow-item {
 24   flex: 0 0 30px;
 25   cursor: pointer;
 26 }
 27 .calender-arrow-item.left1,.calender-arrow-item.left2{float: left;}
 28 .calender-arrow-item.right1,.calender-arrow-item.right2{float: right;}
 30 .calender-arrow-item.left1:after {
 31   content: "\00AB ";
 32   display: inline;
 33 }
 34 .calender-arrow-item.left2:after {
 35   content: "\00AB ";
 36   display: inline;
 37 }
 38 .calender-arrow-item.right1:after {
 39   content: "\00BB";
 40   display: inline;
 41 }
 42 .calender-arrow-item.right2:after {
 43   content: "\00BB";
 44   display: inline;
 45 }
 46 .calender-Date-text {
 47   flex: 1;
 48   color: #424242;
 49   font-size: 14px;
 50   display: inline-block;
 51 }
 53 .calender-days-wrapper {
 54   display: flex;
 55   height: 30px;
 56   line-height: 30px;
 57   margin-bottom: 11px;
 58 }
 60 .calender-days {
 61   flex: 1;
 62   color: #a7a7a7;
 63   font-size: 14px;
 64     float: left;
 65   width: 14.285%;
 66 }
 68 .calender-item-wrapper {
 69   position: relative;
 70   float: left;
 71   width: 14.285%;
 72   height: 30px;
 73   line-height: 30px;
 74   color: #686868;
 75   cursor: pointer;
 76 }
 77 .calender-item-wrapper.active {
 78   background-color: #03a9f44f;
 79 }
 80 .active {
 81   background-color: #03a9f44f;
 82 }
 83 .tem-wrapper {
 84   position: absolute;
 85   left: 50%;
 86   height: 10px;
 87   width: 30px;
 88   transform: translate3d(-50%, 35px, 0);
 89   font-size: 0;
 90 }
 92 .temp {
 93   position: relative;
 94   display: inline-block;
 95   line-height: 10px;
 96   width: 6px;
 97   height: 6px;
 98   background: #4fff41;
 99   border-radius: 3px;
100   top: -20px;
101   margin: 0 2px;
102 }
104 .calender-item {
105   position: absolute;
106   left: calc(50% - 15px);
107   top: calc(50% - 15px);
108   height: 30px;
109   width: 30px;
110   border-radius: 20px;
111   line-height: 30px;
112 }
114 .calender-item:hover {
115   background: #2a81e2;
116 }
117 .no-current-day .calender-item {
118   color: #dcdcdc;
119 }
120 .currentDay .calender-item {
121   color: #ffffff;
122   background: #2a81e2;
123 }
124 .calender-item {
125   /* background :#FFC912; */
126 }
127 .calender-item.active {
128   color: #ffffff;
129 }
130 .calender-item {
131   /* background: #FFC912; */
132 }
133 .calender-mask-wrapper {
134   height: 37px;
135 }
137 .calender-mask-item {
138   height: 37px;
139   line-height: 37px;
140   width: 25%;
141   float: left;
142 }
144 .tem {
145   margin-right: 3px;
146   display: inline-block;
147   height: 8px;
148   width: 8px;
149   border-radius: 4px;
150 }
152 .text {
153   font-size: 14px;
154 }
156 button.ivu-btn.ivu-btn-save{
157     border-color: #1E9FFF;
158     background-color: #1E9FFF;
159     color: #fff;
160 }
161 button.ivu-btn.ivu-btn-save:hover{
162     opacity: .9;
163     text-decoration: none;
164 }
166 .ivu-select-dropdown{
167   z-index: 1001;
168 }



 1     <div class="calender">
 2       <div class="calender-title-wrapper">
 3         <div class="calender-title">
 4           <div class="calender-arrow-item left2" v-if="false"></div>
 5           <div class="calender-arrow-item left1" @click="month--"></div>
 6           <div class="calender-Date-text">{{year}}年{{month}}月</div>
 7           <div class="calender-arrow-item right1" @click="month++"></div>
 8           <div class="calender-arrow-item right2" v-if="false"></div>
 9         </div>
10       </div>
11       <div class="calender-content-wrapper">
12         <div class="calender-days-wrapper">
13           <div class="calender-days"></div>
14           <div class="calender-days"></div>
15           <div class="calender-days"></div>
16           <div class="calender-days"></div>
17           <div class="calender-days"></div>
18           <div class="calender-days"></div>
19           <div class="calender-days"></div>
20         </div>
21         <div class="calender-content">
22           <div class="calender-item-wrapper" v-for="item in daysArr" :class="{'no-current-day':item.month!=month,
23                     active:item === clickItemObj,
24                     currentDay:item.day===_CurrentDate.day&&
25                                item.month===_CurrentDate.month&&
26                                item.year===_CurrentDate.year}" @click="_clickDaysItem(item)">
27             <div class="calender-item">{{item.day}}</div>
28             <div class="tem-wrapper">
29               <span class="temp" v-for="d in markArr" v-if="_visibleTemp(d,item)"></span>
30             </div>
31           </div>
32         </div>
33       </div>
34     </div>
35     <Modal title="add new note" v-model="noteSome" class-name="vertical-center-modal"
36       footerHide class="memo">
37       <Form ref="formValidate" :model="formValidate" :rules="ruleValidate" :label-width="80">
38         <FormItem label="theme:" prop="theme">
39           <Input v-model="formValidate.theme" placeholder="please send the theme..."></Input>
40         </FormItem>
41         <FormItem label="currentTime:">
42           <p>{{currentTime}}</p>
43         </FormItem>
44         <FormItem label="reminderTime:" prop="pickTime">
45           <DatePicker type="datetime" placeholder="please choose the time" v-model="formValidate.pickTime"></DatePicker>
46         </FormItem>
47         <FormItem label="content:" prop="desc">
48           <Input id="text_book" v-model="formValidate.desc" type="textarea" :autosize="{minRows: 2,maxRows: 5}"
49             placeholder="please send the content..."></Input>
50         </FormItem>
51         <div class="ivu-modal-footer">
52           <slot name="footer">
53             <button class="ivu-btn ivu-btn-save" @click.stop.prevent="handleSubmit(dateValue,'formValidate')">save</button>
54             <button class="ivu-btn ivu-btn-info" @click.stop.prevent="handleReset('formValidate')">delete</button>
55             <button class="ivu-btn ivu-btn-info" @click.stop.prevent="clickCancel">cancel</button>
56           </slot>
57         </div>
58       </Form>
59     </Modal>
60     <Modal v-model="confirmDele" width="360" class-name="vertical-center-modal">
61       <p slot="header" style="color:#f60;text-align:center">
62         <span>conform cancel</span>
63       </p>
64       <div style="text-align:center">
65         <p>please confirm?</p>
66       </div>
67       <div slot="footer">
68         <Button type="error" size="large" @click="del('formValidate')">cancel</Button>
69       </div>
70     </Modal>


  1     data() {
  2       return {
  3         day: "",
  4         month: "",
  5         year: "",
  6         currentDays: "",
  7         daysArr: [],
  8         clickItemObj: {},
  9         noteSome: false,
 10         formValidate: {
 11           theme: "",
 12           pickTime: "",
 13           desc: ""
 14         },
 15         ruleValidate: {
 16           theme: [{ message: "please send theme", trigger: "blur" }],
 17           pickTime: [{ type: "date", message: "choose time", trigger: "change" }],
 18           desc: [{ message: "send content", trigger: "blur", value: "" }]
 19         },
 20         dateValue: "",
 21         markJson: {},
 22         dataAll: {},
 23         markArr: [],
 24         theUserCode: "",
 25         currentTime: this.formatDateTime(new Date()),
 26         confirmDele: false
 27       };
 28     },
 29     created() {
 30       this.theUserCode = store.state.sys.userCode;
 31       this.getMemo();
 32     },
 33     mounted() {
 34       this._getCurrentDate();
 35     },
 36     methods: {
 37       // 获取当前时间
 38       formatDateTime(date) {
 39         var y = date.getFullYear();
 40         var m = date.getMonth() + 1;
 41         m = m < 10 ? "0" + m : m;
 42         var d = date.getDate();
 43         d = d < 10 ? "0" + d : d;
 44         var h = date.getHours();
 45         h = h < 10 ? "0" + h : h;
 46         var minute = date.getMinutes();
 47         minute = minute < 10 ? "0" + minute : minute;
 48         var second = date.getSeconds();
 49         second = second < 10 ? "0" + second : second;
 50         return y + "-" + m + "-" + d + " " + h + ":" + minute + ":" + second;
 51       },
 52       //点击日期
 53       _clickDaysItem(item) {
 54         this.dateValue = item.year + "/" + item.month + "/" + item.day;
 55         let data = { year: item.year, month: item.month, date: item.day };
 56         this.dataAll = { year: item.year, month: item.month, date: item.day };
 57         this.$refs["formValidate"].resetFields();
 58         this.currentTime = this.formatDateTime(new Date());
 60         for (let i = 0; i < this.markArr.length; i++) {
 61           if (this.markArr[i] == this.dateValue) {
 62             this.formValidate.theme = this.markJson[this.dateValue][0].theme;
 63             this.formValidate.pickTime = this.markJson[
 64               this.dateValue
 65             ][2].pickTime;
 66             this.formValidate.desc = this.markJson[this.dateValue][3].desc;
 67             this.currentTime = this.markJson[this.dateValue][1].saveTime;
 68           }
 69         }
 71         if (this.clickItemObj === item) {
 72           this.clickItemObj = {};
 73         } else {
 74           this.clickItemObj = item;
 75         }
 77         //非当前月份跳转
 78         if (item.month != this.month) {
 79           this.month = item.month;
 80         }
 81         //传入事件筛选回返
 82         this.openPop();
 83         //传入当前时间
 84       },
 85       // 获取已存的日期
 86       getMemo() {
 87         let theMemo = JSON.parse(
 88           localStorage.getItem(this.theUserCode + "dateJson")
 89         );
 90         if (theMemo != null) {
 91           this.markJson = theMemo;
 92         }
 93         this.markArr = [];
 94         for (var a in this.markJson) {
 95           this.markArr.push(a);
 96         }
 97       },
 98       //调用弹出层方法
 99       openPop() {
100         this.noteSome = true;
101       },
102       //是否显示mark
103       _visibleTemp(d, item) {
104         // 展示是否标记
105         let dateStr = `${item.year}/${item.month}/${item.day}`;
106         if (d == dateStr) {
107           return d.includes(dateStr);
108         }
109       },
110       //获取月份天数
111       _getDaysForMonth(year, month, type) {
112         let temp = new Date(year, month, type);
113         let day = new Date(temp.getTime() - 864e5).getDate();
114         this.currentDays = day;
115         this._getFirstDaysForMonth(this.year, this.month);
116       },
117       //获取当前日期
118       _getCurrentDate() {
119         let date = new Date();
120         this.day = date.getDate();
121         this.month = date.getMonth() + 1;
122         this.year = date.getFullYear();
123         this._getDaysForMonth(this.year, this.month, 1);
124       },
125       //获取切换页月份第一天是周几与最后一天并获取月前与月后填补数组
126       _getFirstDaysForMonth(year, month) {
127         let weekdays = new Date(`${year}/${month}/01`).getDay();
128         let beforeMonthDaysArr = [];
129         let currentMonthDaysArr = [];
130         let afterMonthDaysArr = [];
131         //获取上一月总天数
132         if (month) {
133           let temp = new Date(year, month - 1, 1);
134           let day = new Date(temp.getTime() - 864e5).getDate();
135           for (let i = 0; i < day; i++) {
136             beforeMonthDaysArr.push({
137               year: year,
138               month: month - 1,
139               day: i + 1
140             });
141           }
142           beforeMonthDaysArr.splice(0, beforeMonthDaysArr.length - weekdays);
143         } else {
144           //12月
145         }
146         //获取当前月总天数
147         let temp = new Date(year, month, 1);
148         let day = new Date(temp.getTime() - 864e5).getDate();
149         let afterWeekdays = new Date(`${year}/${month}/${day}`).getDay();
150         for (let i = 0; i < day; i++) {
151           currentMonthDaysArr.push({
152             year: year,
153             month: month,
154             day: i + 1
155           });
156         }
158         if (
159           beforeMonthDaysArr.length +
160             currentMonthDaysArr.length +
161             6 -
162             afterWeekdays ===
163           35
164         ) {
165           for (let i = 0; i < 13 - afterWeekdays; i++) {
166             afterMonthDaysArr.push({
167               year: year,
168               month: month + 1,
169               day: i + 1
170             });
171           }
172         } else {
173           for (let i = 0; i < 6 - afterWeekdays; i++) {
174             afterMonthDaysArr.push({
175               year: year,
176               month: month + 1,
177               day: i + 1
178             });
179           }
180         }
181         this.daysArr = [
182           ...beforeMonthDaysArr,
183           ...currentMonthDaysArr,
184           ...afterMonthDaysArr
185         ];
186       },
187       //保存按钮方法
188       handleSubmit(obj_date, name) {
189         this.$refs[name].validate(valid => {
190           // 判断是否为空
191           if (valid && this.theUserCode != undefined && this.theUserCode != "") {
192             this.chose_moban(this.dateValue, this.markJson);
193             this.noteSome = false;
194           } else {
195             // 为空
196             // this.$Message.error('Fail!');
197           }
198         });
199       },
200       // 存储
201       chose_moban(obj_date, markJson) {
202         if (this.formValidate.desc == "") {
203           delete markJson.obj_date;
204         } else {
205           markJson[obj_date] = [
206             { theme: this.formValidate.theme },
207             { saveTime: this.currentTime },
208             { pickTime: this.formatDateTime(this.formValidate.pickTime) },
209             { desc: this.formValidate.desc }
210           ];
211         }
212         this.noteSome = false;
213         localStorage.setItem(
214           this.theUserCode + "dateJson",
215           JSON.stringify(markJson)
216         );
217         this.getMemo();
218       },
219       handleReset(name) {
220         // 撤销
221         this.confirmDele = true;
222       },
223       del(name) {
224         this.$refs[name].resetFields();
225         this.chexiao(this.dateValue, this.markJson);
226         this.confirmDele = false;
227         this.chose_moban(this.dateValue, this.markJson);
228         this.getMemo();
229       },
230       chexiao(obj_date, markJson) {
231         //删除指定日期标注
232         delete markJson[obj_date];
233       },
234       clickCancel() {
235         this.noteSome = false;
236       },
237       _choseMoban(obj_date, markJson) {}
238     },
239     watch: {
240       month() {
241         if (this.month === 0) {
242           this.month = 12;
243           this.year--;
244         }
245         if (this.month === 13) {
246           this.month = 1;
247           this.year++;
248         }
249         this._getDaysForMonth(this.year, this.month, 1);
250       }
251     },
252     computed: {
253       _CurrentDate() {
254         let date = new Date();
255         let { day, month, year } = {
256           day: date.getDate(),
257           month: date.getMonth() + 1,
258           year: date.getFullYear()
259         };
260         return { day, month, year };
261       }
262     }


posted @ 2019-08-10 14:25  KIU的博客  阅读(1307)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报