
Chinese painting sets record at Beijing auction

Three Chinese classical paintings grossed 663 million yuan ($96 million) at a Beijing auction Sunday night.

The top lot is Five Drunken Kings Return on Horses by Ren Renfa, a prominent painter of horses and also a high-ranking official in charge of water controls in the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368).

The 2-meter-long color hand scroll fetched 303 million yuan, claiming the record for the highest paid Chinese artwork at auction this year.

The painting exemplifies Ren's master techniques of portraying animals and figures. It was cataloged in Shi Qu Bao Ji, an inventory of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911)'s imperial collections.

It was later transported abroad and acquired by German-born collector Walter Hochstadter (1914-2007). After his death, the Hochstadter family sold it for HK$46 million at a Christie's auction in Hong Kong in 2009. The painting aroused heated bidding last night in Beijing Poly Auction's autumn sales.






后来它流失在国外,一个德国籍的收藏家 Walter Hochstadter手中.在他逝世之后,Hochstadter家人以460万美元的价格在2009的香港Christie拍卖会上卖出.接着这幅画引起了激烈的竞价在昨晚的北京的Poly Auction的秋季拍卖会.


posted @ 2016-12-05 20:00  chlips  阅读(481)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报