Vue -el-table表格动态控制表头动态展示数据(控制每一列展示)
<template> <div class="content"> <!-- 标题 --> <div class="title">维保统计报表</div> <!-- 搜索 --> <el-form class="search" :inline="true" :model="pageInfo" size="mini"> <el-form-item label="工单类型:"> <el-input v-model="" placeholder=""></el-input> </el-form-item> <el-form-item label="维保小组:"> <el-input v-model="" placeholder=""></el-input> </el-form-item> <el-form-item label="完成情况:"> <el-input v-model="" placeholder=""></el-input> </el-form-item> <el-form-item label="生成时间:"> <el-input v-model="" placeholder=""></el-input> </el-form-item> <el-form-item> <el-button @click="onSubmit" icon="el-icon-search" type="primary" >查询</el-button > <el-button @click="showSetting" icon="el-icon-setting" type="primary" >配置表单</el-button > </el-form-item> </el-form> <!-- 表格数据 --> <div class="tables"> <el-table :data="tableData" border stripe size="mini" height="100%" style="width: 100%" > <!-- <el-table-column label="序号" width="60" align="center"> <template slot-scope="scope"> {{ (pageInfo.pageNo - 1) * pageInfo.pageSize + scope.$index + 1 }} </template> </el-table-column> --> <el-table-column v-for="item in showTableColumn" :key="item.prop" :fixed="item.fixed" :align="item.align" :prop="item.prop" :min-width="item.minWidth" :width="item.width" :show-overflow-tooltip="item.tooltip" :resizable="item.resizable" :label="item.label" /> </el-table> </div> <!-- 配置页面 --> <key-setting :visible.sync="isSetting" :data-arr="AllPropertyArrForManage" :check-list="checkProp" :default-arr="DefaultPropertyArrForManage" @confirm="handleConfirm" /> <!-- 分页查询 --> <div class="pagination"> <el-pagination @size-change="handleSizeChange" @current-change="handleCurrentChange" :current-page="pageInfo.pageNo" :page-sizes="[15, 30, 50, 100]" :page-size="pageInfo.pageSize" layout="total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper" :total="" > </el-pagination> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: "statics", data() { return { // 分页查询 pageInfo: { // 总条数 total: 0, // 当前页 pageNo: 1, // 每页条数 pageSize: 15, data: "", }, // 选中的表头字段 showTableColumn: [], // 所有数据源 tableData: [ { serial: "1", date: "2016-05-02", age: "28", gender: "男", name: "王虎", address: "上海市普陀区金沙江路 1518 弄", }, { serial: "2", date: "2016-05-04", age: "20", gender: "男", name: "王小虎", address: "上海市普陀区金沙江路 1517 弄", }, { serial: "3", date: "2016-05-01", age: "25", gender: "男", name: "王二虎", address: "上海市普陀区金沙江路 1519 弄", }, { serial: "4", date: "2016-05-03", age: "40", gender: "男", name: "王大虎", address: "上海市普陀区金沙江路 1516 弄", }, ], // 开关 isSetting: false, // 所有表头字段字段 AllPropertyArrForManage: [ { prop: "serial", label: "序号", minWidth: "120", align: "center", tooltip: true, resizable: true, }, { prop: "date", label: "日期", minWidth: "120", align: "center", tooltip: true, resizable: true, }, { prop: "age", label: "年龄", minWidth: "120", align: "center", tooltip: true, resizable: true, }, { prop: "gender", label: "性别", minWidth: "120", align: "center", tooltip: true, resizable: true, }, { prop: "name", label: "姓名", minWidth: "120", align: "center", tooltip: true, resizable: true, }, { prop: "address", label: "地址", minWidth: "120", align: "center", tooltip: true, resizable: true, }, ], // 选中字段 checkProp: [], // 默认选中字段 DefaultPropertyArrForManage: ["name", "age", "serial"], }; }, created() {}, mounted() { this.dealTableColumn(this.checkProp); }, methods: { // 搜索按钮 onSubmit() {}, // 分页 左右 点击 输入 handleSizeChange(val) { // console.log(`每页 ${val} 条`); this.pageInfo.pageSize = val; // this.loadData(); }, // 分页多少条点击事件 handleCurrentChange(val) { // console.log(`当前页: ${val}`); this.pageInfo.pageNo = val; // this.loadData(); }, // 点击配置图标 showSetting() { this.isSetting = !this.isSetting; // 打开表单 if (this.isSetting) { // 默认选中 // 重新赋值一次,是因为所有数据和默认选中数据是本来就有的, // 重新赋值一次,子组件就可以侦听到值变化了,就可以使子组件多选选中了 this.checkProp = this.DefaultPropertyArrForManage; } }, // 提交确定事件 实际工作中会调接口 handleConfirm(val) { this.checkProp = val; this.dealTableColumn(this.checkProp); }, // 重新渲染table表格 dealTableColumn(arr) { console.log("执行了", arr); this.showTableColumn = []; this.AllPropertyArrForManage.forEach((item) => { if (arr.indexOf(item.prop) > -1) { this.showTableColumn.push(item); } }); }, }, }; </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> .content { overflow: hidden; background-color: #fff; height: 827px; margin: 35px 0 25px; padding: 5px 10px; // 适配谷歌火狐,没有书签栏的上下边距 @media screen and (min-height: 950px) and (max-height: 990px) { margin-top: 50px; margin-bottom: 40px; } // 适配浏览器全屏模式下的上下边距 @media screen and (min-height: 1070px) { margin-top: 100px; height: 887px; margin-bottom: 60px; } .title { padding-left: 15px; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 700; color: #464c5b; line-height: 40px; border: solid 1px #e3e8ee; background-color: #fff; border-radius: 4px; &:hover { box-shadow: 0 1px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-color: rgb(233, 231, 231); } } .search { padding: 15px 0 0; } .tables { width: 100%; height: 595px; border-top: 2px solid #2da9fa; border-radius: 2px; cursor: pointer; ::v-deep .el-table__body tr.current-row > td { background-color: #fcf0da !important; } @media screen and (min-height: 1070px) { height: 685px; } } .pagination { // background-color: skyblue; position: fixed; bottom: 80px; right: 120px; // 适配浏览器全屏模式下的上下边距 @media screen and (min-height: 1070px) { bottom: 80px; } } } </style>
<template> <div class="wrapper"> <!-- 控制显示隐藏 --> <el-card :style="{ opacity: visible ? '1' : '0' }"> <div slot="header" style="min-width: 200px"> <span>字段配置</span> <span class="fr close-btn" @click="$emit('update:visible', false)" >x</span > </div> <div class="keyconter"> <el-checkbox v-model="checkAll" :indeterminate="isIndeterminate" @change="selectAll" >全选</el-checkbox > <el-checkbox-group v-model="realList" class="check-list" @change="handleCheckedChange" > <el-checkbox v-for="item in dataArr" :key="item.prop" :label="item.prop" :disabled="item.prop == 'name'" >{{ item.label }}</el-checkbox > </el-checkbox-group> </div> <div class="footer"> <el-button type="primary" size="small" :disabled="realList.length < 1" @click="confirm" >确定</el-button > <el-button size="small" @click="reset">重置</el-button> <el-button size="small" @click="cancel">取消</el-button> </div> </el-card> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: "KeySetting", props: { // 组件开关 visible: { type: Boolean, default: false, }, // 表头字段 dataArr: { type: Array, default: () => [], }, // 选中字段 checkList: { type: Array, default: () => [], }, // 默认选中 defaultArr: { type: Array, default: () => [], }, }, data() { return { // 全选按钮选中状态 checkAll: false, // 多选框选中值 realList: [], // 判断不确定状态 isIndeterminate: true, }; }, watch: { checkList(val) { console.log("watch", val); // 监听选中的字段,等于默认字段,就全选 this.realList = val; if (val.length === this.dataArr.length) { // 关闭不确定状态 this.isIndeterminate = false; // 全选 this.checkAll = true; } }, }, methods: { // 全选按钮变化事件 selectAll(val) { // 为true 全选 为false 选中默认值 this.realList = val ? => item.prop) : this.defaultArr; // if (val) { // this.isIndeterminate = false; // } else { // this.isIndeterminate = true; // } this.isIndeterminate = true; }, // el-checkbox选中事件 // value 是一个数组,里面是多选绑定的值 handleCheckedChange(value) { const checkedCount = value.length; // 赋值全选按钮 // 当选中数组长度等于默认渲染长度就把全选改成勾选状态true this.checkAll = checkedCount === this.dataArr.length; // 赋值不确定状态 // 当选中数组长度大于0并且等于默认渲染长度就把不确定状态关闭 this.isIndeterminate = checkedCount > 0 && checkedCount < this.dataArr.length; }, // 点击确定 confirm() { // 把多选框选中值传递给父组件 this.$emit("confirm", this.realList); // 关闭弹框 this.$emit("update:visible", false); }, // 点击重置 reset() { // 把默认选中绑定给多选选中 this.realList = [...this.defaultArr]; // 把不确定状态开启 this.isIndeterminate = true; // 关闭全选按钮 this.checkAll = false; }, // 点击取消 cancel() { // 把多选框值赋值回原来默认的值 this.realList = this.checkList; // 跟下面这一句是一样效果 // 把默认选中绑定给多选选中 // this.realList = [...this.defaultArr]; // 关闭弹框 this.$emit("update:visible", false); }, }, }; </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> .wrapper { // background-color: red; position: fixed; width: 300px; height: 500px; top: 85px; right: 30px; z-index: 999; @media screen and (min-height: 950px) and (max-height: 990px) { top: 100px; } // 适配浏览器全屏模式下的上下边距 @media screen and (min-height: 1070px) { top: 150px; } .el-card { // background-color: skyblue; width: 100% !important; height: 100%; ::v-deep .el-card__body { min-height: 87%; // background-color: red; position: absolute; } .footer { // background-color: red; position: relative; left: 20px; bottom: -315px; } } } </style>