Supper framework is used to achieve IOC and AOP. It's easy to use.
Decoupling Relations? intercept before and after the method?
Then, supper framework is a best way if you choose.
Using the code
Easy step to use:
1. Registe service:
var container = new Container(obj => obj. RegisteService<IRun, Quicker>(RegType.Multiple). RegisteService<IPersonService, StudentService>(RegType.Multiple));
2. Use your service:
var student = container.Resolve<IPersonService>(); student.Shout("excute success...");
3. Write AOP:
internal class Permission : AopAttribute { public override void CustomBeforeRun(IMethodCallMessage sender, object e) { Console.WriteLine("Pre Fire a method..." + sender.MethodName); Result.EnableInterruptExcute = false; } public override void CustomAfterRun(IMethodCallMessage sender, object e) { Console.WriteLine("Has Fired a method..." + sender.MethodName); Result.EnableInterruptExcute = false; } }
4. Use AOP:
internal class StudentService : BaseUnity, IPersonService { private readonly IRun _runner; public StudentService(IRun ps) { _runner = ps; } [Permission] public void Shout(string content) { Console.WriteLine("Student shouting..." + content); _runner.RunSpeed(); } }
Points of Interest
You can see in class "StudentService", this class is depend on IRun. Our framework also will support automated assembly object