Windows 2003故障恢复



What is 故障恢复控制台?
Recovery Console is particularly useful if you need to repair your system by copying a file from a floppy disk or CD-ROM to your hard disk, or if you need to reconfigure a service that is preventing your computer from starting properly.

如何安装故障恢复控制台、如何通过Windows CD-ROM启动故障恢复控制台
How To Use the Recovery Console on a Windows Server 2003-Based Computer That Does Not Start
注意:从以上KB可以知道登录故障控制台的密码是Administrator的密码:Note Recovery Console uses the Administrator password that you configured when you installed Windows Server 2003. Changes that you make to the Administrator password after you install Windows Server 2003 do not apply to Recovery Console.

HOW TO:使管理员能够自动登录到故障恢复控制台;zh-cn;312149

HOW TO: Replace a Driver By Using Recovery Console in Windows Server 2003;en-us;816104

2、Automated System Recovery
 Microsoft recommends that you regularly create Automated System Recovery (ASR) sets as part of an overall plan for system recovery so that you are prepared if the system fails. ASR should be a last resort for system recovery. Use ASR only after you have exhausted other options. For example, you should first try Safe Mode Boot and Last Known Good.

ASR is a two-part system; it includes ASR backup and ASR restore. The ASR Wizard, located in Backup, does the backup portion. The wizard backs up the system state, system services, and all the disks that are associated with the operating system components. ASR also creates a file that contains information about the backup, the disk configurations (including basic and dynamic volumes), and how to perform a restore.

You can access the restore portion by pressing F2 when prompted in the text-mode portion of setup. ASR reads the disk configurations from the file that it creates. It restores all the disk signatures, volumes, and partitions on (at a minimum) the disks that you need to start the computer. ASR will try to restore all the disk configurations, but under some circumstances it might not be able to. ASR then installs a simple installation of Windows and automatically starts a restoration using the backup created by the ASR Wizard.;en-us;818903

Make sure you have the following items before you begin the recovery procedure:

Your previously created Automated System Recovery (ASR) floppy disk.

Your previously created backup media.

The original operating system installation CD.

3、How to troubleshoot startup problems in Windows Server 2003
How to Start the Computer by Using the Last Known Good Configuration
How to Start the Computer in Safe Mode
How to Use System Configuration Utility(主要讲msinfo32和msconfig)
How to Use Automated System Recovery (记得在2000中的紧急修复盘吗,现在叫做ASR)
How to Use the Microsoft Windows Recovery Console

4、示例:How to troubleshoot the "NTLDR is missing" error message in Windows Server 2003

nonauthoratative restore 非强制还原
authoratative restore:强制还原 将域控制器还原到备份时的状态,同时可以恢复不小心删除的对象,而非强制还原做不到这一点,因为域控制器之间会相互复制,当被删除对象恢复时,由于它的版本比较低,所以很快还是会被删除
primary restore:主要还原 如果整个域内的所有域控制器都出现故障,还原第一台域控制器时,使用此还原

1)重新启动Windows ,按F8并选择目录恢复模式
2)使用Windows Backup恢复系统状态

ntdsutil: authoratative restore
authoratative restore : restore subtree ou=业务部,dc=abc,dc=com

与非强制还原类似,只是在使用backup时,点高级按钮,并选择 “当还原复制的数据集时,将还原的数据作为所有副本的主要数据”
posted on 2005-08-25 06:16  enjoy .net  阅读(980)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报