有关O/R Mapping的一些信息

使用O/R Mapping的理由

Traditionally, object oriented business objects and relational databases have differing ways of structuring data. As a result of this impedance mismatch, developers are forced to develop a layer of Object-to-Relational "plumbing" code between their business logic and the database access layers. To solve this common data access scenario, Microsoft is developing an Object-to-Relational data access framework called ADO.NET ObjectSpaces. Learn how ObjectSpaces allows the developer to query, modify or persist their CLR business objects without being concerned with the underlying structure of the relational data store. Building on session DAT301 (Object-relational mapping Using ADO.NET ObjectSpaces), this talk will concentrate on demonstrating how ObjectSpaces can be utilized to solve real challenges faced by enterprise application developers.

有关Object Spaces和Whibey的信息
Object Spaces是建立在Ado.net之上,用于帮助用户快速生成Data Access和Business Layer的技术,它究竟会不会出现在.Net 2.0当中?以下是微软官方的说法:
ObjectSpaces is not participating in Whidbey beta 1, however, it remains part of the Whidbey/Yukon wave and will be made available as a downloadable add-on pack for the .NET Framework Whidbey shortly after Whidbey ships. This additional development and stabilization period will be focused on improving the overall ObjectSpaces programming experience and providing tighter integration with WinFS, the next generation file system in Longhorn. The schedule for the ObjectSpaces mapping tool is also being adjusted accordingly.
简而言之,Object Spaces不会随Whidbey一起发布,但是会在Whidbey发布后以Add-on Pack的形式提供给用户。

有关Object Spaces的Blog和文章
Andrew Conrad's WebLog
A First Look at ObjectSpaces in Visual Studio 2005
ADO.NET v2.0: ObjectSpaces Delivers an O/R Mapper

O/R Mappers and Code Generators

posted on 2005-05-02 15:11  enjoy .net  阅读(361)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报