oceanbase 基于docker install
#download images
docker pull oceanbase/oceanbase-ce
#start containerd
docker run -p 2881:2881 --name oceanbase-ce -d -e OB_HOME_PATH="/root/obce" -e OB_TENANT_NAME="obmysql" oceanbase/oceanbase-ce
#into containerd
docker exec -it oceanbase-ce bash
#list OBD deployment config
obd cluster list
####start use oceanbase cluster
ob-mysql mysql
ob-mysql root
ob-mysql test
[root@be5b79ccd2d9 ~]# obd cluster list
| Cluster List |
| Name | Configuration Path | Status (Cached) |
| obcluster | /root/.obd/cluster/obcluster | running |
[root@be5b79ccd2d9 ~]# obd cluster display obcluster
Get local repositories and plugins ok
Open ssh connection ok
Cluster status check ok
Connect to observer ok
Wait for observer init ok
| observer |
| ip | version | port | zone | status |
| | 3.1.3 | 2881 | zone1 | active |
MySQL [oceanbase]> select tenant_id,tenant_name,primary_zone from __all_tenant;
| tenant_id | tenant_name | primary_zone |
| 1 | sys | zone1 |
| 1001 | obmysql | RANDOM |
2 rows in set (0.003 sec)
[root@be5b79ccd2d9 ~]# obd cluster obcluster status
Usage: obd cluster <command> [options]
Available commands:
autodeploy Deploy a cluster automatically by using a simple configuration file.
change-repo Change repository for a deployed component
check4ocp Check Whether OCP Can Take Over Configurations in Use
chst Change Deployment Configuration Style
deploy Deploy a cluster by using the current deploy configuration or a deploy yaml file.
destroy Destroy a deployed cluster.
display Display the information for a cluster.
edit-config Edit the configuration file for a specific deployment.
list List all the deployments.
redeploy Redeploy a started cluster.
reload Reload a started cluster.
restart Restart a started cluster.
start Start a deployed cluster.
stop Stop a started cluster.
tenant Create or drop a tenant.
upgrade Upgrade a cluster.
-h, --help Show help and exit.
-v, --verbose Activate verbose output.
[root@be5b79ccd2d9 ~]# obd cluster list
| Cluster List |
| Name | Configuration Path | Status (Cached) |
| obcluster | /root/.obd/cluster/obcluster | running |
[root@be5b79ccd2d9 ~]# obd cluster start obcluster
Get local repositories and plugins ok
Open ssh connection ok
Load cluster param plugin ok
Cluster status check ok
Deploy "obcluster" is running
select a.zone,concat(a.svr_ip,':',a.svr_port) observer, cpu_total, (cpu_total-cpu_assigned) cpu_free,
round(mem_total/1024/1024/1024) mem_total_gb, round((mem_total-mem_assigned)/1024/1024/1024) mem_free_gb,
round(disk_total/1024/1024/1024) disk_total_gb,
substr(a.build_version,1,6) version,usec_to_time(b.start_service_time) start_service_time
from __all_virtual_server_stat a join __all_server b on (a.svr_ip=b.svr_ip and a.svr_port=b.svr_port)
order by a.zone, a.svr_ip;
| zone | observer | cpu_total | cpu_free | mem_total_gb | mem_free_gb | disk_total_gb | version | start_service_time |
| zone1 | | 16 | 2.5 | 13 | 1 | 10 | 3.1.3_ | 2022-06-23 16:33:07.584955 |
1 row in set (0.011 sec)
select t1.name resource_pool_name, t2.`name` unit_config_name, t2.max_cpu, t2.min_cpu,
round(t2.max_memory/1024/1024/1024) max_mem_gb, round(t2.min_memory/1024/1024/1024) min_mem_gb,
t3.unit_id, t3.zone, concat(t3.svr_ip,':',t3.`svr_port`) observer,t4.tenant_id, t4.tenant_name
from __all_resource_pool t1 join __all_unit_config t2 on (t1.unit_config_id=t2.unit_config_id)
join __all_unit t3 on (t1.`resource_pool_id` = t3.`resource_pool_id`)
left join __all_tenant t4 on (t1.tenant_id=t4.tenant_id)
order by t1.`resource_pool_id`, t2.`unit_config_id`, t3.unit_id
| resource_pool_name | unit_config_name | max_cpu | min_cpu | max_mem_gb | min_mem_gb | unit_id | zone | observer | tenant_id | tenant_name |
| sys_pool | sys_unit_config | 5 | 2.5 | 4 | 3 | 1 | zone1 | | 1 | sys |
| obmysql_pool | obmysql_unit | 11 | 11 | 9 | 9 | 1001 | zone1 | | 1001 | obmysql |
select unit_config_id,name,max_cpu,min_cpu,round(max_memory/1024/1024/1024) max_mem_gb,
round(min_memory/1024/1024/1024) min_mem_gb, round(max_disk_size/1024/1024/1024) max_disk_size_gb
from __all_unit_config
order by unit_config_id;
| unit_config_id | name | max_cpu | min_cpu | max_mem_gb | min_mem_gb | max_disk_size_gb |
| 1 | sys_unit_config | 5 | 2.5 | 4 | 3 | 10 |
| 1001 | obmysql_unit | 11 | 11 | 9 | 9 | 10 |
mysql -h127.1 -uroot@sys -P2881 -p -c -A
Enter password:
-- observer log自清理设置
alter system set enable_syslog_recycle=true;
alter system set max_syslog_file_count=10;
show parameters where name in ('enable_syslog_recycle', 'max_syslog_file_count');
mysql -h127.1 -uroot@sys -P2881 -p -c -A
Enter password:
-- observer log自清理设置
alter system set enable_syslog_recycle=true;
alter system set max_syslog_file_count=10;
show parameters where name in ('enable_syslog_recycle', 'max_syslog_file_count');
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