
Lucene 2

2009-06-19 10:43  蜡笔小旧  阅读(206)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

   Lucene NameSpace


  • Lucene.Net.Analysis defines an abstract Analyzer API for converting text from a java.io.Reader into a TokenStream, an enumeration of Tokens.  A TokenStream is composed by applying TokenFilters to the output of a Tokenizer.  A few simple implemenations are provided, including StopAnalyzer and the grammar-based StandardAnalyzer.
  • Lucene.Net.Documents provides a simple Document class.  A document is simply a set of named Fields, whose values may be strings or instances of java.io.Reader.
  • Lucene.Net.Index provides two primary classes: IndexWriter, which creates and adds documents to indices; and IndexReader, which accesses the data in the index.
  • Lucene.Net.Search provides data structures to represent queries (TermQuery for individual words, PhraseQuery for phrases, and BooleanQuery for boolean combinations of queries) and the abstract Searcher which turns queries into Hits. IndexSearcher implements search over a single IndexReader.
  • Lucene.Net.QueryParsers uses JavaCC to implement a QueryParser.
  • Lucene.Net.Store defines an abstract class for storing persistent data, the Directory, a collection of named files written by an IndexOutput and read by an IndexInput.  Two implementations are provided, FSDirectory, which uses a file system directory to store files, and RAMDirectory which implements files as memory-resident data structures.
  • Lucene.Net.Util contains a few handy data structures, e.g., BitVector and PriorityQueue.
  • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Lucene 常用类:

        Lucene.Net.Search.IndexSearcher - 使用IndexSearcher执行所有的实际中用到的搜索,当完成
        Lucene.Net.Index.Term - Term是搜索的最基本数据,Term是由两部分组成,我们要搜索的名字和

        Lucene.Net.Search.Query - 一个类通过IndexSearcher执行来提供结果数据,Query是一个抽象类,

        Lucene.Net.Search.Hits - 搜索返回的一系列文档,Hits对象能循环获取,负责从搜索中获取文档


  • Lucene:利用Lucene打造站内搜索引擎的思路

  • Url:【http://www.cnblogs.com/lihuimingcn/archive/2008/11/25/1340468.html