









public class Base64 {



                    * Byte value that maps to 'a' in Base64 encoding


                   private final static int LOWER_CASE_A_VALUE = 26;



                    * Byte value that maps to '0' in Base64 encoding


                   private final static int ZERO_VALUE = 52;



                    * Byte value that maps to '+' in Base64 encoding


                   private final static int PLUS_VALUE = 62;



                    * Byte value that maps to '/' in Base64 encoding


                   private final static int SLASH_VALUE = 63;



                    * Bit mask for one character worth of bits in Base64 encoding. Equivalent

                    * to binary value 111111b.


                   private final static int SIX_BIT_MASK = 63;



                    * Bit mask for one byte worth of bits in Base64 encoding. Equivalent to

                    * binary value 11111111b.


                   private static final int EIGHT_BIT_MASK = 0xFF;



                    * The input String to be decoded


                   private String mString;



                    * Current position in the String(to be decoded)


                   private int mIndex = 0;



                    * Encode an array of bytes using Base64


                    * @param data[]

                    *            The bytes to be encoded

                    * @return A valid Base64 representation of the input


                   public static String encode(byte data[])


                            return new Base64().internalEncode(data);




                    * Encode an array of bytes using Base64


                    * @param data[]

                    *            The bytes to be encoded

                    * @return A valid Base64 representation of the input


                   public String internalEncode(byte data[])


                            // Base64 encoding yields a String that is 33% longer than the byte

                            // array

                            int charCount = ((data.length * 4) / 3) + 4;


                            // New lines will also be needed for every 76 charactesr, so allocate a

                            // StringBuffer that is long enough to hold the full result without

                            // having to expand later

                            StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer((charCount * 77) / 76);


                            int byteArrayLength = data.length;

                            int byteArrayIndex = 0;

                            int byteTriplet = 0;

                            while (byteArrayIndex < byteArrayLength - 2)


                                     // Build the 24 bit byte triplet from the input data

                                     byteTriplet = convertUnsignedByteToInt(data[byteArrayIndex++]);

                                     // Each input byte contributes 8 bits to the triplet

                                     byteTriplet <<= 8;

                                     byteTriplet |= convertUnsignedByteToInt(data[byteArrayIndex++]);

                                     byteTriplet <<= 8;

                                     byteTriplet |= convertUnsignedByteToInt(data[byteArrayIndex++]);


                                     // Look at the lowest order six bits and remember them

                                     byte b4 = (byte) (SIX_BIT_MASK & byteTriplet);

                                     // Move the byte triplet to get the next 6 bit value

                                     byteTriplet >>= 6;

                                     byte b3 = (byte) (SIX_BIT_MASK & byteTriplet);

                                     byteTriplet >>= 6;

                                     byte b2 = (byte) (SIX_BIT_MASK & byteTriplet);

                                     byteTriplet >>= 6;

                                     byte b1 = (byte) (SIX_BIT_MASK & byteTriplet);


                                     // Add the Base64 encoded character to the result String






                                     // There are 57 bytes for every 76 characters, so wrap the line when

                                     // needed

                                     // if ( byteArrayIndex % 57 == 0 ) {

                                     // result.append( "\n" );

                                     // }



                            // Check if we have one byte left over

                            if (byteArrayIndex == byteArrayLength - 1)


                                     // Convert our one byte to an int

                                     byteTriplet = convertUnsignedByteToInt(data[byteArrayIndex++]);

                                     // Right pad the second 6 bit value with zeros

                                     byteTriplet <<= 4;


                                     byte b2 = (byte) (SIX_BIT_MASK & byteTriplet);

                                     byteTriplet >>= 6;

                                     byte b1 = (byte) (SIX_BIT_MASK & byteTriplet);





                                     // Add "==" to the output to make it a multiple of 4 Base64

                                     // characters




                            // Check if we have two byte left over

                            if (byteArrayIndex == byteArrayLength - 2)


                                     // Convert our two bytes to an int

                                     byteTriplet = convertUnsignedByteToInt(data[byteArrayIndex++]);

                                     byteTriplet <<= 8;

                                     byteTriplet |= convertUnsignedByteToInt(data[byteArrayIndex++]);

                                     // Right pad the third 6 bit value with zeros

                                     byteTriplet <<= 2;


                                     byte b3 = (byte) (SIX_BIT_MASK & byteTriplet);

                                     byteTriplet >>= 6;

                                     byte b2 = (byte) (SIX_BIT_MASK & byteTriplet);

                                     byteTriplet >>= 6;

                                     byte b1 = (byte) (SIX_BIT_MASK & byteTriplet);






                                     // Add "==" to the output to make it a multiple of 4 Base64

                                     // characters




                            return result.toString();




                    * Decode an input String using Base64


                    * @param data

                    *            The String to be decoded

                    * @return The appropriate byte array


                   public static byte[] decode(String data)


                            return new Base64().internalDecode(data);




                    * Decode an input String using Base64


                    * @param data

                    *            The String to be decoded

                    * @return The appropriate byte array


                   public byte[] internalDecode(String data)


                            mString = data;

                            mIndex = 0;



                             * Total number of Base64 characters in the input


                            int mUsefulLength = 0;

                            int length = mString.length();

                            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)


                                     if (isUsefulChar(mString.charAt(i)))






                            // mString = data;


                            // A Base64 byte array is 75% the size of its String representation

                            int byteArrayLength = mUsefulLength * 3 / 4;


                            byte result[] = new byte[byteArrayLength];


                            int byteTriplet = 0;

                            int byteIndex = 0;


                            // Continue until we have less than 4 full characters left to

                            // decode in the input.

                            while (byteIndex + 2 < byteArrayLength)



                                     // Package a set of four characters into a byte triplet

                                     // Each character contributes 6 bits of useful information

                                     byteTriplet = mapCharToInt(getNextUsefulChar());

                                     byteTriplet <<= 6;

                                     byteTriplet |= mapCharToInt(getNextUsefulChar());

                                     byteTriplet <<= 6;

                                     byteTriplet |= mapCharToInt(getNextUsefulChar());

                                     byteTriplet <<= 6;

                                     byteTriplet |= mapCharToInt(getNextUsefulChar());


                                     // Grab a normal byte (eight bits) out of the byte triplet

                                     // and put it in the byte array

                                     result[byteIndex + 2] = (byte) (byteTriplet & EIGHT_BIT_MASK);

                                     byteTriplet >>= 8;

                                     result[byteIndex + 1] = (byte) (byteTriplet & EIGHT_BIT_MASK);

                                     byteTriplet >>= 8;

                                     result[byteIndex] = (byte) (byteTriplet & EIGHT_BIT_MASK);

                                     byteIndex += 3;



                            // Check if we have one byte left to decode

                            if (byteIndex == byteArrayLength - 1)


                                     // Take out the last two characters from the String

                                     byteTriplet = mapCharToInt(getNextUsefulChar());

                                     byteTriplet <<= 6;

                                     byteTriplet |= mapCharToInt(getNextUsefulChar());


                                     // Remove the padded zeros

                                     byteTriplet >>= 4;

                                     result[byteIndex] = (byte) (byteTriplet & EIGHT_BIT_MASK);



                            // Check if we have two bytes left to decode

                            if (byteIndex == byteArrayLength - 2)


                                     // Take out the last three characters from the String

                                     byteTriplet = mapCharToInt(getNextUsefulChar());

                                     byteTriplet <<= 6;

                                     byteTriplet |= mapCharToInt(getNextUsefulChar());

                                     byteTriplet <<= 6;

                                     byteTriplet |= mapCharToInt(getNextUsefulChar());


                                     // Remove the padded zeros

                                     byteTriplet >>= 2;

                                     result[byteIndex + 1] = (byte) (byteTriplet & EIGHT_BIT_MASK);

                                     byteTriplet >>= 8;

                                     result[byteIndex] = (byte) (byteTriplet & EIGHT_BIT_MASK);



                            return result;




                    * Convert a Base64 character to its 6 bit value as defined by the mapping.


                    * @param c

                    *            Base64 character to decode

                    * @return int representation of 6 bit value


                   private int mapCharToInt(char c)


                            if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')


                                     return c - 'A';



                            if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')


                                     return (c - 'a') + LOWER_CASE_A_VALUE;



                            if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')


                                     return (c - '0') + ZERO_VALUE;



                            if (c == '+')


                                     return PLUS_VALUE;



                            if (c == '/')


                                     return SLASH_VALUE;



                            throw new IllegalArgumentException(c + " is not a valid Base64 character.");




                    * Convert a byte between 0 and 63 to its Base64 character equivalent


                    * @param b

                    *            Byte value to be converted

                    * @return Base64 char value


                   private char mapByteToChar(byte b)


                            if (b < LOWER_CASE_A_VALUE)


                                     return (char) ('A' + b);



                            if (b < ZERO_VALUE)


                                     return (char) ('a' + (b - LOWER_CASE_A_VALUE));



                            if (b < PLUS_VALUE)


                                     return (char) ('0' + (b - ZERO_VALUE));



                            if (b == PLUS_VALUE)


                                     return '+';



                            if (b == SLASH_VALUE)


                                     return '/';



                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Byte " + new Integer(b) + " is not a valid Base64 value");




                    * @param c

                    *            Character to be examined

                    * @return Whether or not the character is a Base64 character


                   private boolean isUsefulChar(char c)


                            return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c == '+') || (c == '/');




                    * Traverse the String until hitting the next Base64 character. Assumes that

                    * there is still another valid Base64 character left in the String.


                   private char getNextUsefulChar()


                            char result = '_'; // Start with a non-Base64 character

                            while (!isUsefulChar(result))


                                     result = mString.charAt(mIndex++);



                            return result;




                    * Convert a byte to an integer. Needed because in Java bytes are signed,

                    * and for Base64 purposes they are not. If not done this way, when

                    * converted to an int, 0xFF will become -127


                    * @param b

                    *            Byte value to be converted

                    * @return Value as an integer, as if byte was unsigned


                   private int convertUnsignedByteToInt(byte b)


                            if (b >= 0)


                                     return (int) b;



                            return 256 + b;







                   public static String getEncodeMsg(String tMessage)


                            String returnStr = "";



                                     ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream = getCompressedStr(tMessage);



                                               returnStr = Base64.encode(byteStream.toByteArray());


                                     //returnStr = Base64.encode(tMessage.getBytes("UTF-8"));





                            catch (Exception ex)






                            return returnStr;





                   private static ByteArrayOutputStream getCompressedStr(String tMessage)



                            ByteArrayOutputStream compressedStream = null;



                                     if (tMessage != null && !"".equals(tMessage))



                                               byte[] input = tMessage.getBytes("UTF-8");



                                               Deflater compresser = new Deflater();




                                               compressedStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

                                               byte[] buf = new byte[2048];



                                               while (!compresser.finished())


                                                        int got = compresser.deflate(buf);

                                                        compressedStream.write(buf, 0, got);





                            catch (Exception ex)







                                     if (compressedStream != null)






                                               catch (IOException ioex)









                            return compressedStream;





                   public static String getDecodeMsg(String tMessage)


                            String outputString = "";

                            byte[] inputStr  = null;



                                     String newStr = tMessage;

                                     newStr = newStr.replaceAll(" ", "+");

                                     inputStr = Base64.decode(newStr);

                                     outputString = getDeCompressedStr(inputStr);







                            catch (Exception ex)






                            return outputString;


                   //      return new String(inputStr);




                   private static String getDeCompressedStr(byte[] tMessage)


                            String returnStr = "";

                            ByteArrayOutputStream aDeCompressedStream = null;




                                     // Decompress the bytes

                                     Inflater decompresser = new Inflater();




                                     aDeCompressedStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();


                                     byte[] buf = new byte[2048];

                                     while (!decompresser.finished())


                                               int got = decompresser.inflate(buf);

                                               aDeCompressedStream.write(buf, 0, got);






                            catch (Exception ex)




                            } finally







                                     catch (IOException ioex)









                                     returnStr = aDeCompressedStream.toString("UTF-8");



                            catch (UnsupportedEncodingException encodeEx)






                            return returnStr;




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