\subsection{e.g 1 \textless \textless3意思是把1左移3位,右边补0,得到1*2*2*2=8}
\subsection{inc ,arc,mise.c文件含义}
\subparagraph{inc里面装的是外设头文件, src里面装的是库函数源文件,中断文件是 mise.c}
\subparagraph{I/O 引脚可以被软件设置成各种 不同的功能 ,如输入或输出,所以被称为 GPIO(General-purpose I/O)。而 GPIO 引脚又被分为GPIOA、GPIOB,GPIOG 不同的组,每组端口分为 0到15}
\subparagraph{串口通信(Serial Communications)的概念非常简单,串口按位(bit)发送和接收字节的通信方式
\subparagraph{点击edit,找到最下方的configuration,在Editor页面,可以看到General Editor Setting 下方有一个Encoding,这里有许多的选项,选择Chinese GB2312(Simplified).点击OK即可输入中文注释}
\subsection{定时器实验中,while 0 只闪一次,不再循环}
\subsection{查看pin引脚复用,搜索alternate function}
\subparagraph{重新build 一下就好}
\subsection{working principle}
\subparagraph{Laser scattering}
\subsection{life span}
\subparagraph{More than eight years}
\subparagraph{41 x 41 x 12 mm}
\subsection{Important parameters}
\begin{tabular}{ p{5cm} p{2cm}p{2cm}p{5cm}p{1cm}}
parameter & value & unit & Remarks \\
voltage& 4.5-5&V & -- \\
Idle current & <8 & mA & Idle mode \\
Average current & 60 & mA & -- \\
Precision & $\pm$ 10 & ug/m & 0-100ug/ m \\
concentration & $\pm$ 10 & $\%$ & 100-1000ug/ m \\
I/Opin (RX/SDA,TX/SCL) & -0.3-5.5 & V & \\
max IO pin current & 16 & mA & \\\hline
\subsection{Pin parameter}
\begin{tabular}{ p{1cm} p{2cm}p{5cm}p{6cm}p{1cm}}
pin & name & description & remark \\
1 & VDD &Support voltage & 5V $\pm$ 10$\%$ \\
2 & RX & UART Communication acceptance pin & TTL 5V and LVTTL 3.3V compatible \\
& SDA & I2CSerial data output pin & TTL 5V and LVTTL 3.3V compatible \\
3 & TX & UART Communication transmit pin & TTL 5V and LVTTL 3.3V compatible \\
& SCL & I2C Serial clock input & TTL 5V and LVTTL 3.3Vcomatible \\
4 & SEL & Interface selection & Floating mode selsection UART \\&&&Grounding mode selection I2C \\
5 & GND & Grounding mode selection & -- \\
\subsection{ Typical UART application circuit.}
\subparagraph{Both SCL and SDA lines are open drain I/Os. They should be connected to external pull-up resistors (e.g. Rp = 10 $ \Omega $).}
\subparagraph{in order to correctly select I2C as interface, the interface select (SEL) pin must be pulled to GND before or at the same time the sensor is powered up.}
\subsection{Set Pointer Read Data}
\subsection{Set Pointer Write Data}
\subsection{Checksum Calculation}
\subsection{I 2 C Commands}
\subsection{Read Measured Values}