procedure TForm1.btnDat2XmlClick(Sender: TObject); var XMLDoc: TXMLDocument; Node1: IXMLNode; Node2: IXMLNode; MyStream: TMemoryStream; i: integer; begin if FileExists('.\GoodsSale_Tw.dat') then begin XMLDoc := TXMLDocument.Create(nil); XMLDoc.Active := True; XMLDoc.Version := '1.0'; XMLDoc.Encoding := 'GB2312'; XMLDoc.Options := [doNodeAutoCreate, doNodeAutoIndent, doAttrNull, doAutoPrefix, doNamespaceDecl]; XMLDoc.DocumentElement := XMLDoc.CreateNode('table'); myStream := TMemoryStream.Create; myStream.LoadFromFile('.\GoodsSale_Tw.dat'); Count := (myStream.Size - 40) div 10; //myStream.ReadBuffer(Head[0], 10); MyStream.Position := 10; for i := 0 to Count - 1 do begin new(Pgshop); MyStream.Read(Pgshop^, sizeof(gshop_info)); Node1 := XMLDoc.DocumentElement; Node2 := Node1.AddChild('row'); if ((i + 1) mod 2) <> 0 then begin Node2.SetAttributeNS('大类', '', Pgshop^.a1 xor $72); Node2.SetAttributeNS('位置', '', Pgshop^.a2 xor $67); Node2.SetAttributeNS('物品ID', '', Pgshop^.a3 xor $AA13); Node2.SetAttributeNS('折叠数量', '', Pgshop^.a5 xor $86); Node2.SetAttributeNS('价格', '', Pgshop^.a6 xor $DFB0); Node2.SetAttributeNS('功能1', '', Pgshop^.a8 xor $C2); Node2.SetAttributeNS('功能2', '', Pgshop^.a9 xor $C8); Node2.SetAttributeNS('标识', '', Pgshop^.a10 xor $9D); end else begin Node2.SetAttributeNS('大类', '', Pgshop^.a1 xor $4E); Node2.SetAttributeNS('位置', '', Pgshop^.a2 xor $B0); Node2.SetAttributeNS('物品ID', '', Pgshop^.a3 xor $D103); Node2.SetAttributeNS('折叠数量', '', Pgshop^.a5 xor $BC); Node2.SetAttributeNS('价格', '', Pgshop^.a6 xor $8E05); Node2.SetAttributeNS('功能1', '', Pgshop^.a8 xor $07); Node2.SetAttributeNS('功能2', '', Pgshop^.a9 xor $92); Node2.SetAttributeNS('标识', '', Pgshop^.a10 xor $80); end; end; //myStream.ReadBuffer(LastRecord, 10); //myStream.ReadBuffer(Bottom[0], 20); XMLDoc.SaveToFile('.\GoodsSale_Tw.xml'); XMLDoc.Free; myStream.Free; end; end; procedure TForm1.btnXml2DatClick(Sender: TObject); var XMLDoc: TXMLDocument; Node, Node1: IXMLNode; MyStream: TMemoryStream; i, Count: integer; begin if FileExists('.\GoodsSale_Tw.xml') then begin XMLDoc := TXMLDocument.Create(Application); XMLDoc.LoadFromFile('.\GoodsSale_Tw.xml'); XMLDoc.Active := True; Node := XMLDoc.DocumentElement; Count := Node.ChildNodes.Count; myStream := TMemoryStream.Create; myStream.Write(Head[0], Length(Head)); for i := 0 to Count - 1 do begin Node1 := XMLDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes[i]; new(Pgshop); if ((i + 1) mod 2) <> 0 then begin Pgshop^.a1 := Byte(StrToInt(Node1.Attributes['大类'])) xor $72; Pgshop^.a2 := Byte(StrToInt(Node1.Attributes['位置'])) xor $67; Pgshop^.a3 := StrToInt(Node1.Attributes['物品ID']) xor $AA13; Pgshop^.a5 := Byte(StrToInt(Node1.Attributes['折叠数量'])) xor $86; Pgshop^.a6 := StrToInt(Node1.Attributes['价格']) xor $DFB0; Pgshop^.a8 := Byte(StrToInt(Node1.Attributes['功能1'])) xor $C2; Pgshop^.a9 := Byte(StrToInt(Node1.Attributes['功能2'])) xor $C8; Pgshop^.a10 := Byte(StrToInt(Node1.Attributes['标识'])) xor $9D; end else begin Pgshop^.a1 := Byte(StrToInt(Node1.Attributes['大类'])) xor $4E; Pgshop^.a2 := Byte(StrToInt(Node1.Attributes['位置'])) xor $B0; Pgshop^.a3 := StrToInt(Node1.Attributes['物品ID']) xor $D103; Pgshop^.a5 := Byte(StrToInt(Node1.Attributes['折叠数量'])) xor $BC; Pgshop^.a6 := StrToInt(Node1.Attributes['价格']) xor $8E05; Pgshop^.a8 := Byte(StrToInt(Node1.Attributes['功能1'])) xor $07; Pgshop^.a9 := Byte(StrToInt(Node1.Attributes['功能2'])) xor $92; Pgshop^.a10 := Byte(StrToInt(Node1.Attributes['标识'])) xor $80; end; myStream.Write(Pgshop^, SizeOf(gshop_info)); end; myStream.Write(LastRecord[0], Length(LastRecord)); myStream.Write(Bottom[0], Length(Bottom)); myStream.SaveToFile('.\GoodsSale_Tw1.dat'); myStream.Free; end; end;