- May our country proser and the people live a peaceful life! 愿祖国繁荣富强,人民安居乐业。——2022.10.01
- The best years of your life are still ahead of you. 美好的生活就在前方。——2022.10.02
- Laughter lights up your life. 笑声点亮生活。 ——2022.10.03
- You deserve all the happiness in the world. 愿世间所有的快乐与你相伴。——2022.10.04
- All you can do is learn from your mistakes. 你要做的就是从错误里吸取教训。——2022.10.05
- The unknown is there for us to conquer. 未知等待着我们去征服。——2022.10.06
- Never let your head hang down. 永远不要轻易低头。——2022.10.07
- The world needs our open hearts and minds. 用开放的心态拥抱这个世界。——2022.10.08
- I'm with you every step of the way. 我会一直在你身边。——2022.10.09
- Success is about preparation and planning. 成功在于做好准备和规划。——2022.10.10
- Everybody deserves to be loved. 每个人都值得被爱。——2022.10.11
- A little confidence is always good. 带点自信是好事。——2022.10.12
- Nothing could ever replace you. 你是无可替代的。——2022.10.13
- You can't let the past define who you are. 别用过去来定义自己。——2022.10.14
- Time heals all wounds. 时间平复一切伤痛。——2022.10.15
- Love is everywhere. 爱,无处不在。——2022.10.16
- You learn to appreciate what you have. 学会珍惜你所拥有的。——2022.10.17
- Whatever the future brings, you are my light. 无论未来如何,你永远都是我的光。——2022.10.18
- You have your entire life in front of you. That's something to be thankful for. 来日方长,要心怀感恩之心。——2022.10.19
- You are in control of your own life. 你的人生自己主宰。——2022.10.20
- The shortest answer is doing the thing. 行动是最直接的回应。——2022.10.21
- You are everything to me. 你就是我的全部。——2022.10.22
- Knowledge is the food of the soul. 知识是精神食粮。——2022.10.23
- You're not a nobody. 你不是无名小卒。——2022.10.24
- The future holds limitless impossibilities. 未来有无限可能。——2022.10.25
- You know more than you think you do. 你远比自己想象的要出色。 ——2022.10.26
- Habit can provide a strong foundation. 良好的习惯可以夯实基础。——2022.10.27
- A very small man can cast a large shadow. 小角色也能有大作为。——2022.10.28
- A million different things make us who we are. 千万经历造就了我们。——2022.10.29
- Every choice that we make would create countless other possibilities. 我们的每个选择都能创造无数的可能。——2022.10.30
- We should learn to celebrate our difference. 学着为自己的不同而感到骄傲。——2022.10.31