- In unity, there is strength. 团结就是力量。——2022.08.01
- Light tomorrow with today. 用今日行动点亮明日未来!——2022.08.02
- Dreams without goals are just dreams. 没有目标的梦想,只是一场梦。——2022.08.03
- Love can be weakness, but it can also be a weapon. 爱是软肋,亦是盔甲。——2022.08.04
- In a partnership, there is give and there is take. 友情是双向奔赴。——2022.08.05
- Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat. 一次失败并不代表最终失败。——2022.08.06
- You'll start seeing the autumn colors coming in. 秋色渐进。——2022.08.07
- Nothing feels impossible when I'm with you. 与你携手,万事顺遂。——2022.08.08
- Don't be afraid to thing outside the box. 不要害怕跳出固定思维。——2022.08.09
- If you keep living in the past, you can't fully live in the present. 总是活在过去,就无法享受当下。——2022.08.10
- Live life on your own terms. 活出自我。——2022.08.11
- Never be afraid of who you are. 不要害怕面对真实的自己。——2022.08.12
- Remember, it's the courage to continue that counts. 要记得,怀揣坚持的勇气至关重要。——2022.08.13
- We may be down, but we're not out. 我们可能会失败,但永远不会被打败。——2022.08.14
- Somethings the hardest things in life are the things most worth doing. 有时,事情愈难而意义愈大。——2022.08.15
- Even a game lost is game well played. 即使败局一场,也可以是漂亮一仗。——2022.08.16
- Great success is built on failure. 失败是成功的奠基石。——2022.08.17
- You are more than what you have become. 你的能力不止于此。——2022.08.18
- Find your inner beast. 发掘你内心的强大。——2022.08.19
- Smart is making the right decision at the right time. 聪明就是在正确的时间做正确的决定。——2022.08.20
- You keep hoping and you keep fighting, and one day you win. 保持希望并不断努力,终有一天会获得胜利。——2022.08.21
- We fight for our future! 我们为未来而奋斗!——2022.08.22
- Winners don't need motivation. Winners need discipline. 胜者要的不是打鸡血,而是自律。——2022.08.23
- There's a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path. 知道和做到是两码事。——2022.08.24
- Never make decisions out of fear. 不要让恐惧左右你的决定。——2022.08.25
- The heart wants what it wants. 听从你内心的想法。——2022.08.26
- You cannot judge a place before you've even seen it. 未知全貌,不予置评。——2022.08.27
- Anything is possible when you have inner peace. 冷静面对,事事皆有可能。——2022.08.28
- You have to confront your pain. 人得面对自己的痛苦。——2022.08.29
- Trust is earned. 信任是靠争取来的。——2022.08.30
- The faster you rise, the harder you fall. 欲速则不达。——2022.08.31