- True love lasts a lifetime. 唯有真爱,一生永恒。——2022.07.01
- Every once in a while, you find someone who's iridescent. 斯人若彩虹,遇上方知有。——2022.07.02
- Sacrifice leads and gains follow. 一分耕耘一分收获。——2022.07.03
- Adversity is a great teacher. 逆境教人成长。——2022.07.04
- Home represents belonging. 家是永远的港湾。——2022.07.05
- The past is the past. We're observing the future. 放下过去,看眼未来。——2022.07.6
- Have a great summer. 愿你拥有一个美好的夏天。——2022.07.07
- No time is ever really wasted. Time reveals all. 时间不会白白流逝,它终将揭示一切。——2022.07.08
- Our future is up to us. 未来掌握在自己手中。——2022.07.09
- All victories inevitable come at a cost. 所有的成功都需要有所付出。——2022.07.10
- When the fight comes to you, you have to be ready to fight back. 遇见困难学会迎难而上。——2022.07.11
- Dreams don't work unless you do. 努力分动才能梦想成真。——2022.07.12
- You are what you love, not what loves you. 成为自己热爱的模样,不必听从他人的喜恶。——2022.07.13
- The fruit of everything good in life begins with a challenge. 好事多磨。——2022.07.14
- You can focus on what is lost or you can fight for what is left. 与其被困于所失,不如奋力争未来。——2022.07.15
- Desperate times call for desperate measures. 绝处亦可逢生。——2022.07.16
- Rest at the end, not in the middle. 在抵达终点之前,永远不要停下脚步。——2022.07.17
- A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 奢求未来不如把握当下。——2022.07.18
- The course of true love never did run smooth. 真爱之路,难免坎坷。——2022.07.19
- Either you run the day or the day runs you. 要么你掌控命运,要么你被命运掌控。——2022.07.20
- Ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship. 安逸比挫折更消磨斗志。——2022.07.21
- If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. 没有机会,就去创造机会。——2022.07.22
- Just feel that summer breeze. 就尽情享受这夏日清风吧!——2022.07.23
- Goals without actions are just wishes. 不付诸行动的目标只是空想。——2022.07.24
- Decide what is yours to hold and let the rest go. 把握住自己想要的,放手那些无关紧要的。——2022.07.25
- A promise tomorrow is worth a lot less than trying today. 明日的承诺远不及今日的行动。——2022.07.26
- Where there is a life, there is hope. 生命尚存,希望不灭。——2022.07.27
- A wise man lives with a purpose. 智者的人生往往由目标指引。——2022.07.28
- We can never learn to fly without crashing a few times. 不经历几次跌倒,我们永远学不会飞翔。——2022.07.29
- The easiest way to reach goals is through daily and consistent small actions. 只要坚持付出,再微小的努力也终将会获得成功。——2022.07.30
- Love transcends all differences. 爱能超越一切。——2022.07.31