- The best cure is the laughing cure. 笑容治愈一切。——2022.04.01
- We humans are alone in this world for a reason. 独行于世,自有其因。——2022.04.02
- Sometimes what you want is right in front of you. 你想要的,就在前方。——2022.04.03
- You can't undo the past. All you can do is face what's ahead. 往事随风,把握当下。——2022.04.04
- Memories connect humans even when they are apart. 即便分离,回忆仍能连接你我。——2022.04.05
- You can't change the world, but you can change yourself. 你无法改变世界,但你可以改变自己。——2022.04.06
- We make ourselves who we are. 我们的人生由自己创造。——2022.04.07
- Even if we make mistakes, we can try to make things right. 即使犯下错误,我们也能尽力改正。——2022.04.08
- We have to be open to love. 要学会接纳爱意。——2022.04.09
- Love conquers all. 爱能战胜一切。——2022.04.10
- Life is one grand, sweet song, so start the music. 生活如歌,谱写美妙人生。——2022.04.11
- Victory comes in defending what we know is right. 坚守正义,胜利终将来临。——2022.04.12
- The future belongs to those who know where they belong. 明确定位,未来可期。——2022.04.13
- We prize things most when we've lost them. 人总是失去时才懂得珍惜。——2022.04.14
- Anyone can make their future whatever they want it to be. 你的未来,由你打造。——2022.04.15
- You can't let the mistakes of the past determine your future. 不要让获取的错误决定你的未来。——2022.04.16
- The only person standing in your way is you. 唯一能够阻碍你的人是你自己。——2022.04.17
- What makes life valuable is that it doesn't last forever. 正因岁月短暂,人生才弥足珍贵。——2022.04.18
- The more difficult something became, the more rewarding it was in the end. 事情越难,最终的收获也越大。——2022.04.19
- The rain brings life. So does the sun. 雨水带来生机,阳光亦如此。——2022.04.20
- Change begins with persistence and commitment. 改变始于坚持和付出。——2022.04.21
- We're not put on this Earth to think of only ourselves. 人生在世,不能只考虑自己。——2022.04.22
- A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone. 宝剑锋从磨砺出,智慧亦从书籍来。——2022.04.23
- It takes guts to make change. 做出改变需要勇气。——2022.04.24
- One has to adapt to survive. 要想生存,就要学会适应。——2022.04.25
- There is no fate but what we make for ourselves. 一切尚未定局,未来由我们自己创造。——2022.04.26
- What matters is what you do, not what you think. 行动比空想更重要。——2022.04.27
- My courage always rises with every attempt to intimidate me. 凡试图打败我的,皆让我勇气倍增。——2022.04.28
- You have a chance to write your own story. 你的故事由你书写。——2022.04.29
- The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. 最美好的事,莫过于彼此相爱。——2022.04.30