- New Year, new chapter. 新的一年,新的篇章。——2022.02.01
- Love is what binds us, through the fair or stormy weather. 爱将我们紧紧相连,让我们共度风雨。——2022.02.02
- I hope you have the strength to start all over again. 愿你有勇气重新开始。——2022.02.03
- The first blooms of spring always make my heart sing. 看见春天的第一朵花,我的心都开始歌唱。——2022.02.04
- Pretty things should be enjoyed. 美玉不该蒙尘。——2022.02.05
- Learn to like the little things in life. 学会感受生活中的点滴欢愉。——2022.02.06
- There is always a chance that things'll get better. 生活总有转机。——2022.02.07
- There is always something more to learn. 学海无涯。——2022.02.08
- The path has been placed before you. 路就在你脚下。——2022.02.09
- Don't you stop running and don't you ever look behind you. 向前跑,不要留恋过去。——2022.02.10
- We are the composers of our own epic poem. 人生的史诗由自己书写。——2022.02.11
- Sometimes affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom. 有时感情犹如含羞的花,需要时间缓缓绽放。——2022.02.12
- Only one thing can make a soul complete, and that thing is love. 唯独爱能使灵魂完整。——2022.02.13
- Love is the best we do. 爱是最美好的事。——2022.02.14
- May every color of love fill your heart on the auspicious Lantern Festival. 元宵佳节至,愿您内心爱意丰盈。——2022.02.15
- There are some natures too noble to curb, and too lofty to bend. 有的人生来高尚,从不低头。——2022.02.16
- You decide what makes you happy. 你的快乐你做主。——2022.02.17
- Don't make promise you can't keep. 言出必行,有诺必践。——2022.02.18
- I wish we could stay friends. 希望我们友谊依然。——2022.02.19
- I want you to be the very best version of yourself that you can be. 愿你成为最好的自己。——2022.02.20
- We only know what we're capable of when we test our limits. 尽力一试才知道自己的能耐。——2022.02.21
- Nobody's a hundred percent of any one thnig. 没人能被简单定义。——2022.02.22
- Everything's gonna work out exactly the way it's supposed to be. 万事万物自有其道。——2022.02.23
- Life will always undervalue you if you let it. 敷衍人生,人生也会敷衍你。——2022.02.24
- When you finally let go of the past, something better comes along. 放手过去,才能拥抱更好的未来。——2022.02.25
- A friend is a gift you give yourself. 朋友是我们送给自己的礼物。——2022.02.26
- Every mountain is unclimbable until someone climbs it. 世上无难事,只要肯登攀。——2022.02.27
- No one can put a value on your smile. 千金难买一笑。——2022.02.28