- Happy New Year! Wish you peace and good luck this year. 新年快乐!愿你新年平平安安,好运连连。——2022.01.01
- We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone. 在探寻生命意义的旅途上,我们并非孤身一人。——2022.01.02
- The most important time is now. 当下,才是最重要的。——2022.01.03
- Love looks not with eyes, but with the mind. 爱,不是用眼睛看,而是用心去感受。——2022.01.04
- One jurney ends, another begins. 凡是过往,皆为序章。——2022.01.05
- Courage is the mastery of fear, not the absence of it. 勇气不是无所畏惧,而是战胜恐惧。——2022.01.06
- Even in our darkest moments, there's light. 日子再灰暗,也会见光明。——2022.01.07
- The hardest choices require the strongest wills. 最艰难的选择需要最坚定的意志。——2022.01.08
- All new souls are given unique and individual personalities. 人人生而不同。——2022.01.09
- I suppose some things are worth the wait. 生命中有些事值得等待。——2022.01.10
- The higher I got, the more amazed I was by the view. 站得越高,风景越迷人。——2022.01.11
- I figure life is a gift and I don't intent on wasting it. 生命是上天的馈赠,我不想虚度年华。——2022.01.12
- You are the master of your own destiny. 命运掌握在自己手上。——2022.01.13
- This is our only chance. 机不可失。——2022.01.14
- Things have a way of working themselves out. 车到山前必有路。——2022.01.15
- You'll find the love you need, when you learn to love yourself. 要找到真爱,先学会爱自己。——2022.01.16
- You learn to take life as it comes at you. 世事难料,随遇而安。——2022.01.17
- The only direction in life that matter is forward. 前行,是人生唯一重要的方向。——2022.01.18
- Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. 世间万物,相互制衡,共存于此。——2022.01.19
- One day you're up and another you're down. 人生就是起起落落,浮沉不定。——2022.01.20
- Words and ideas can change the world. 一知一言皆有撼世之力。——2022.01.21
- It's not who I am underneath but what I do that defines me. 定义你的,不是身份,而是行动。——2022.01.22
- Whatever you do, do it a hundred percent. 倾尽所能,力求极致。——2022.01.23
- We're all travelling through time together. 人生就是一场时间旅行。——2022.01.24
- You just have to take the first step, even before you're ready. 即使没有万全准备,也要勇敢迈出第一步。——2022.01.25
- Families stay together, from this day till the end of our days. 家人相互陪伴,今天如此,日日皆然。——2022.01.26
- If you want something in this life, you just have to reach out and grab it. 想要什么,就得努力争取。——2022.01.27
- We must stay true to ourselves. 忠于自我,顺心而为。——2022.01.28
- You must look to the future. 人要向前看。——2022.01.29
- The important thing in life isn't the destination. It's the journey. 人生重要的不是目的,而是过程。——2022.01.30
- May you have a prosperous New Year. 愿您新年万事顺意。——2022.01.31