- May our country prosper and the people live a peaceful life! 愿祖国繁荣富强,人民安居乐业!——2021.10.01
- With every sun comes a new day. A new beginning. 每每旭日东升,都是崭新的开始。——2021.10.02
- It's difficult to understand the sum of a person's life. 人生的功过是非,很难衡量。——2021.10.03
- I think our love can do anything we want it to. 我们的爱无所不能。——2021.10.04
- Failour is the fog through which we glimpse triumph. 透过失败的迷雾,才能窥见胜利的光辉。——2021.10.05
- Even miracles take a little time. 即便是奇迹也需要花点时间来实现。——2021.10.06
- I'm willing to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. 我会为弱者而战。——2021.10.07
- Remember, you can always find light in the dark. 记住,你总可以在黑暗中找到光明。——2021.10.08
- If you focus on what you left behind, you will never be able to see what lies ahead. 如果老是观念已失去的,你就永远看不到未来。——2021.10.09
- Always let your conscience be your guide. 永远凭着良心做事。——2021.10.10
- Nothing can help us endure dark times better than our faith. 没什么比信仰更能支撑我我们度过艰难时光了。——2021.10.11
- Power redides where men believe it resides. 你认为权利在何处,它就在何处。——2021.10.12
- Money is not life's report card. 金钱不能用来衡量人生精彩与否。——2021.10.13
- You took the sourest lemon that life has to offer and turned it into something resembling lemonade. 你将生活带给你柠檬般的酸楚,酿成犹如柠檬汽水般的甘甜。——2021.10.14
- The man who embraces the dark is never wwithout sight. 勇于拥抱黑暗的人,亦能开拓光明之路。——2021.10.15
- The answer must be in the attempt. 你所追寻的答案一定会在努力探索中展现。——2021.10.16
- We all have our moments of brilliance and glory. 我们都要属于自己的高光时刻。——2021.10.17
- Love isn't about ridiculous little words. Love is about grand gestures. 爱不是简单的几个字,爱要付诸行动。——2021.10.18
- Nothing is more important than famliy. 家人是最重要的。——2021.10.19
- I am gonna make the world a better place. 我要让世界变得更美好。——2021.10.20
- The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all. 逆境中绽放的花朵,是最珍惜美丽的。——2021.10.21
- You need to face your fears. 你需要直面恐惧。——2021.10.22
- All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride. 我们能做的就是尽己所能,珍惜这一趟珍贵的人生旅程。——2021.10.23
- You must always have faith in yourself. 用于要对自己充满信心。——2021.10.24
- There is a limit to what one can do if people are themselves limited. 如果一个人画地自限,那么他的成就也会很有限。——2021.10.25
- True courage is about being honest with yourself. Especially when it's difficult. 真正的用着能够诚实地面对自己,尤其是当真相很残酷时。——2021.10.26
- Good health is the most important thing. 健康是最重要的。——2021.10.27
- Brave is going where no man has gone before. 勇敢即是开创无人成就的伟业。——2021.10.28
- Fate draws us back together. 命运让我们重逢。——2021.10.29
- Every single day is the chance for a new beginning. 每一天都试试新的开始。——2021.10.30
- Mistakes are just the opportunities to learn how to do the right thing. 有时,过错反而能指引你通往正确的道路。——2021.10.31