


  1. Happy New Year! 新年快乐!——2021.01.01
  2. Life's too short to be ruled by fear. 人生苦短,别被恐惧支配。——2021.01.02
  3. If you can love your enermy, you already have the victory. 若你能爱你的敌人,你已经获得了胜利。——2021.01.03
  4. Every man dies. Not every man really lives. 每个人都会死,但并非每个人都活得有意义。——2021.01.04
  5. Life is always full of possibilities. 生命总是充满可能。——2021.01.05
  6. You have to learn to love yourself. 你要学会爱自己。——2021.01.06
  7. Nothing can stop love. 没有任何事物可以阻挡爱。——2021.01.07
  8. People love what other people are passionate about. 充满热情的付出总是令人动容。——2021.01.08
  9. I will bring honor to us all. 我将为所有人赢得荣耀。——2021.01.09
  10. If you know what you're worth, go and get what you're worth. 如果你知道自己的价值,那就去实现它。——2021.01.10
  11. You deserve someone who loves you with every beat of his heart. 你值得拥有一个全心全意爱你的人。——2021.01.11
  12. The measure of success is how we cope with disappointment. 成功的标准是如何应对失败。——2021.01.12
  13. I decide who I am. 只有我能定义我自己。——2021.01.13
  14. You are not small. You‘re beautiful. 你从不渺小,你一直很美丽。——2021.01.14
  15. Your wish will be granted. 你的愿望一定会实现。——2021.01.15
  16. My life is my own. 我的生活我做主。——2021.01.16
  17. Destiny takes a hand. 命中注定。——2021.01.17
  18. People are attracted to people with talent. 有才之士惺惺相惜。——2021.01.18
  19. No man is an island. 没有人是一座孤岛。——2021.01.19
  20. It's amazing what trusting one true friend in your life can do. 与朋友真心交付,能给生活带来神奇的改变。——2021.01.20
  21. I'm going to be what I was born to be. 我要做我生来就该成为的人。——2021.01.21
  22. Living life infinite. Giving it all I got. 生活无限,尽我所能。——2021.01.22
  23. If you smash into something good, you should hold on until it's time to let go. 如果你碰到美好的事物,应该抓住它,直到它必须离开。——2021.01.23
  24. Nobody is ordinary in the sight of God. 在上帝眼里,众生皆独一无二。——2021.01.24
  25. I'm just afraid that If I died today, that my life would've amounted to nothing. 我只是怕某天死了,我的生命却一无所有。——2021.01.25
  26. The future is up to us.  未来取决于我们。——2021.01.26
  27. Artists lead and hacks ask for a show of hands.  高手争做时代先锋,庸才只会举手表决。——2021.01.27
  28. You must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. 不要让任何人因为你的出身而界定你的界限。——2021.01.28
  29. Live today as if there's no tomorrow. 仿佛没有明天一样认真地活在当下。——2021.01.29
  30. New day, new beginning. 新的一天,新的开始。——2021.01.30
  31. I'm going to live every minute of it. 我会努力把握生命里的每一分钟。——2021.01.31




posted @ 2021-01-02 13:33  XA_Fanny  阅读(1244)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报