


  1. Never mourn the past. 永远不要为过去悲伤。——2020.12.01
  2. When a friendship is real, you can feel it. 交到真心朋友的时候,你是可以感觉到的。——2020.12.02
  3. You can nearly always enjoy something if you make up your mind firmly that you will. 只要你下定决定做某件事,总能从中找到乐趣。——2020.12.03
  4. You can help us with the battle ahead, perhaps we can help you get home. 如果你能和我们并肩作战,也许我们就能帮你回家。——2020.12.04
  5. People prepare for the worst but hope for the best. 人们总是做着最坏的打算,但仍然期望着最美好的结局。——2020.12.05
  6. I will always  be with you. 我永远都会陪伴你。——2020.12.06
  7. Never wasting an hour, never letting one moment go cold. 不要虚度光阴,即使是一瞬,也要用力把握。——2020.12.07
  8. Solitude allowed me to think about important things. 独处能让我思考很多重要的事情。——2020.12.08
  9. You cannot count on anyone except yourself. 凡事靠自己,不能指望别人。——2020.12.09
  10. I could buy anything, but I couldn't buy time. 我可以买下所有东西,除了时间。——2020.12.10
  11. The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart. 勇气的最大挑战是承受失败却不是去信息。——2020.12.11
  12. Maybe things didn't work out, because there's something better out there for you. 或许有时候会失败,是因为有更好的事在等着你。——2020.12.12
  13. Keep smiling and never give up, even when things get you down. 即使现实领你沮丧,也要保持微笑,永不言弃。——2020.12.13
  14. We are infinite. 我们有无限可能。——2020.12.14
  15. The world is a fine place and worth fighting for. 这世界是值得为之奋斗的好地方。——2020.12.15
  16. You want to see a miracle, son? Be the miracle. 年轻人,想要看到奇迹,那就去成为奇迹。——2020.12.16
  17. Really get  to know yourself before you make any decision. 做任何决定之前必须先了解自己。——2020.12.17
  18. The world needs you. 世界需要你。——2020.12.18
  19. By letting go of something, your arms are free to grab hold of something else. 学会放手,才能学会更多。——2020.12.19
  20. I wish I had a different life. I wish I was braver and prettier...or just happy. 我希望有不一样的人生。自己更勇敢、漂亮,至少要快乐。——2020.12.20
  21. All that matters is knowing what you really want and going after it. 重要的是知道自己真正想要什么,然后去争取。——2020.12.21
  22. Winners don't give up. 赢家从不放弃。——2020.12.22
  23. The only real failure is the failure to try. 真正的失败是未曾尝试。——2020.12.23
  24. You know I'd rather die than betray a comrade. 你知道我是宁死都不出卖战友的。——2020.12.24
  25. You just need to know what to look. 你只需要找到方向。——2020.12.25
  26. There's nothing for you behind you. All that exists is what's ahead. 来路无可眷恋,值得期待的只有前方。——2020.12.26
  27. We don't live alone upon this earth. We are responsible for each other. 在这个世界上我们并非独自生活,而是对彼此都负有责任。——2020.12.27
  28. A man makes his own way. 路是自己走出来的。——2020.12.28
  29. None of us is perfect forever. 没有人是永远完美无瑕的。——2020.12.29
  30. Love is very loaded word. 爱,是个意义深远的词。——2020.12.30
  31. We can't change the past. But we can make the future. 不念过往,未来可期。——2020.12.31




posted @ 2020-12-01 18:22  XA_Fanny  阅读(1272)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报