- Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. 人生匆匆,若不偶尔停下来看看周围,便会错过许多风景。——2020.04.01
- Out with the old, in with the new. 旧的不去,新的不来。——2020.04.02
- Every obstacle is an opportunity. 每个挫折都是一次机会。——2020.04.03
- It takes courage to believe. 坚持信仰需要勇气。——2020.04.04
- Take a break from worrying about what you can't control. Live a little.别再担心你不能控制的事情了,活在当下。——2020.04.05
- You can like the life you're living. You can live the life you like. 你可以热爱已有的生活,也可以去追求想要的生活。——2020.04.06
- If you stay positive, you have a shot at a silver lining. 山穷水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。——2020.04.07
- You're never really done for, as long as you've got a good story and someone to tell it to. 只要你拥有一个好故事和一个可以倾诉的人,这便不是你的末日。——2020.04.08
- When love and duty are one, the grace is within you. 当爱和责任合二为一,恩典便与你同在。——2020.04.09
- Growing up's a funny thing. Sneaks up on you. 长大是件很有趣的事,不经意间就发生了。——2020.04.10
- Step back for one minute and look at the big picture. 退后一步,看人生大局。——2020.04.11
- There are different ways to be brave. 勇敢有不同方式。——2020.04.12
- If you can take it. you can make it. 勇于实践,方能实现。——2020.04.13
- We make our own luck. 运气掌握在自己手中。——2020.04.14
- Do not let your emotions override your judgement. 别让情绪干扰了你的理智和判断力。——2020.04.15
- Duty first, self second. 责任第一,个人第二。——2020.04.16
- Time is the only true unit of measure. 时间是衡量一切的标准。——2020.04.17
- Some man must lead the first push to sell it well. 要想他人信服,自己就得树立起榜样。——2020.04.18
- We can probably do anything we set our minds do. 有志者,事竟成。——2020.04.19
- What we do in life echoes in eternity. 生命中走过的足迹会在历史中留下永久的印记。——2020.04.20
- Don't fear failure. Be afraid of not having thi chance. 不要害怕失败,而应该害怕没有机会。——2020.04.21
- It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be. 一个人的出身并不重要,重要的是他 成为怎样的人。——2020.04.22
- Everyone is always gonna go for the better everything. 人往高出走,水往低处流。——2020.04.23
- We all get to the peak together or we don't get there at all. 若不一起登顶便只有一事无成。——2020.04.24
- No amount of money ever bought a secound of time. 寸金难买寸光阴。——2020.04.25
- Don't let fear stop you from doing the thing you love. 不要让恐惧阻止的追逐向往的步伐。——2020.04.26
- It would be wrong to judge a place I've never seen before. 对于不了解的地方不该妄下定论。——2020.04.27
- Because tomorrow, the sun will rise. 因为明天,太阳总会升起。——2020.04.28
- Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere. 并非每个人都能成为伟大的艺术家,但艺术家却可能出自任何地方。——2020.04.29
- The most dangerous places are always the most beautiful. 最危险的地方也是最安全的地方。——2020.04.30