
sshpass: 用于非交互的ssh 密码验证

 ssh登陆不能在命令行中指定密码,也不能以shell中随处可见的,sshpass 的出现,解决了这一问题。它允许你用 -p 参数指定明文密码,然后直接登录远程服务器。 它支持密码从命令行,文件,环境变量中读取


curl -O -L http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/sshpass/sshpass/1.06/sshpass-1.06.tar.gz && tar xvzf sshpass-1.06.tar.gz && cd sshpass-1.06 && ./configure && make && sudo make install

安装后执行sshpass -V查看版本

sshpass -V
sshpass 1.06
(C) 2006-2011 Lingnu Open Source Consulting Ltd.
(C) 2015-2016 Shachar Shemesh
This program is free software, and can be distributed under the terms of the GPL
See the COPYING file for more information.

Using "assword" as the default password prompt indicator.

sshpass -h查看帮助

Usage: sshpass [-f|-d|-p|-e] [-hV] command parameters
-f filename Take password to use from file
-d number Use number as file descriptor for getting password
-p password Provide password as argument (security unwise)
-e Password is passed as env-var "SSHPASS"
With no parameters - password will be taken from stdin

-P prompt Which string should sshpass search for to detect a password prompt
-v Be verbose about what you're doing
-h Show help (this screen)
-V Print version information
At most one of -f, -d, -p or -e should be used

    sshpass 参数 SSH命令(ssh,sftp,scp等)。
        -p  password    //将参数password作为密码。
        -f   passwordfile //提取文件passwordfile的第一行作为密码。

    -d   使用数字作为文件描述符来获取密码
        -e  //将环境变量SSHPASS作为密码。

另外,对于ssh的第一次登陆,会提示:“Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)”,这时用sshpass会不好使,可以在ssh命令后面加上 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no来解决。比如说上面的命令,就可以写作ssh -p efghi scp abc@ /root -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no。


posted @ 2018-05-29 14:35  chillax1314  阅读(2647)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报