Prometheus断电后启动异常 Error on ingesting samples

Prometheus断电后启动异常 Error on ingesting samples that are too old or are too far into the future

国庆假期回来后,发现 Prometheus 服务启动后没数据,查看日志

level=warn ts=2020-10-09T02:29:06.700Z caller=scrape.go:1216 component="scrape manager" scrape_pool=service.server target= msg="Error on ingesting samples that are too old or are too far into the future" num_dropped=929
level=warn ts=2020-10-09T02:29:06.700Z caller=scrape.go:987 component="scrape manager" scrape_pool=service.server target= msg="appending scrape report failed" err="out of bounds"


日志的时间戳与当前时间戳提前了8个小时: level=warn ts=2020-10-09T02:29:06.700Z

可能是国庆服务器长时间断电导致的 tsdb 记录日期太旧。


prometheus 版本:2.16.0
操作系统:CentOS 7.6


# 创建一个新的 tsdb 数据目录
mkdir /root/prometheus-2.16.0/tsdb_data/

# 启动时指定 tsdb 数据目录为刚刚创建的
/root/prometheus-2.16.0/prometheus \
--config.file="/root/prometheus-2.16.0/prometheus.yml" \
--storage.tsdb.path="/root/prometheus-2.16.0/tsdb_data" \
--web.enable-lifecycle \
--web.enable-admin-api &
posted @ 2021-02-24 21:14  技术颜良  阅读(2309)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报