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Posted on 2011-08-15 22:39  ChessYoung  阅读(268)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报



#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

const int SIZE = 100;
void ParCount(char line[], char error[], int &flags);

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	char line[] = "((A+B)+(A+B)))";
	char error[SIZE] = {'\0'};
	int flags = 0;

	ParCount(line, error, flags);

	if (0 == flags)
		cout << "Correct!\n";
		printf("%s", line);
		printf("\n%s", error);

	return 0;

void ParCount( char line[], char error[], int &flags )
	int left = 0;
	int right = 0;
	int loc = -1;

	int location[SIZE] = {0};
	int i = 0;

	for (i = 0; line[i] != '\0'; ++i)
		error[i] = ' ';
		if (line[i] == '(')
			location[++loc] = i;
		if (line[i] == ')')
			if (left <= right)
				error[i] = '@';
				flags = 1;
	error[i] = '\0';
	if (loc >= 0)
		flags = 1;
		for (i = 0; i<=loc;++i)
			error[location[i]] = '#';



/* ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* FUNCTION par_count :                                   */
/*    Given an input string containing ( and ), this      */
/* function counts the # of ('s and )'s and indicates the */
/* positions of those incorrect placed ('s and )'s.  The  */
/* input string is stored in line[].  error[], which      */
/* stores a set of error position indicators, is returned */
/* and thus can be printed below the input line so that   */
/* all error positions are macthed with the input.  'sw'  */
/* is an indicator variable, =0 means no error.           */
/*                                                        */
/* Copyright Ching-Kuang Shene               July/08/1989 */
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */

#define  MAXLENGTH  100
#define  YES          1
#define  NO           0

void par_count(char line[], char error[], int *sw)
     int  location[MAXLENGTH];
     int  left    =  0;
     int  right   =  0;
     int  loc_ptr = -1;
     int  i;

     *sw = NO;                /* assume there is no error */
     for (i = 0; line[i] != '\0'; i++)
         /* scan the input*/
          error[i] = ' ';     /* initial to no error mark */

          if (line[i] == '(')
          { /* is it a '(' ?          */
               location[++loc_ptr] = i; /* YES, save pos  */
               left++;        /* and increase '(' count   */
          if (line[i] == ')') /* or if it is a ')'   */
               if (left <= right)
               {/* too many )'s ?      */
                    error[i] = '?';/* YES, record a mark  */
                    *sw      = YES;/* and set error switch*/
                    right++;  /* no error, inc. # of )'s  */
                    loc_ptr--;/* remove the matched (     */
     error[i] = '\0';         /* append a '\0'            */
     if (loc_ptr >= 0)
     {      /* are there more ('s ?     */
          *sw = YES;          /* YES, all of them are err.*/
          for (i = 0; i <= loc_ptr; i++) /* therefore set */
               error[location[i]] = '$'; /* error marks.  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------ */

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
     char  line[MAXLENGTH];
     char  error[MAXLENGTH];
     int   error_sw;

     printf("\nParenthesis Counting Program");
     printf("\nInput a line please\n");
     par_count(line, error, &error_sw);
     if (error_sw == NO)
          printf("\nCorrect Input.");
          printf("%s", error);

     return 0;