题目运算:将生成的题目进行运算,遇到异常表达式时须做异常处理,保存结果 。
按照面向对象的思想 ,作为Core组,我们设计了一个Core类,这个类下包含了一个结构体对象config,三个public方法:Calc(),setting(),generate()。
a.根据config的设置来随机的生成没有括号的表达式,然后递归调用私有方法AddBracket(), 随机的生成合法的并列或者是嵌套的括弧
并且将表达式尝试传入Calc方法,如果抛出不整除,除零,越界,幂指数不为整数等异常,就进行处理,放弃这个表达式,重新生成。每生成一个表达式,需要和之前生成的所有表达式进行运算过程比较,即传入ProblemCompare方法,两个表达式同时进行计算,如果每次计算的两个操作室相同(不计入顺序), 操作符相同,则两个表达式为同一表达式。
1 typedef struct 2 { 3 int ProblemNum; 4 int precision; 5 int OperandNum; 6 int lrange; 7 int hrange; 8 int calculate_kind; 9 string KindofOperator; 10 }Config;
core.Calc(string expression);
1 // transform integral expression to suffix 2 string exp2suffix(string exp){ 3 stack<char> s; 4 string sur; 5 int i; 6 char w; 7 sur; 8 9 // travel loop 10 for (i = 0; i < exp.size(); i++){ 11 if (isdigit(exp[i]) || exp[i] == '.'){ 12 while (isdigit(exp[i]) || exp[i] == '.') 13 { 14 sur += exp[i++]; 15 } 16 i--; 17 sur += ' '; 18 } 19 // if it is + or - 20 else if (isone(exp[i])) 21 { 22 while (s.size() && (isone(s.top()) || istwo(s.top()) || isthree(s.top()))) 23 { 24 sur += s.top(); 25 s.pop(); 26 } 27 s.push(exp[i]); 28 } 29 // if it is ( or ) 30 else if (exp[i] == ')') 31 { 32 while (s.top() != '(') 33 { 34 sur += s.top(); 35 s.pop(); 36 } 37 s.pop(); 38 } 39 // if it is * or / 40 else if (istwo(exp[i])){ 41 while (s.size() && (istwo(s.top()) || isthree(s.top()))) 42 { 43 sur += s.top(); 44 s.pop(); 45 } 46 s.push(exp[i]); 47 } 48 // if it is ^ 49 else if (isthree(exp[i])) 50 { 51 while (s.size() && isthree(s.top())) 52 { 53 sur += s.top(); 54 s.pop(); 55 } 56 s.push(exp[i]); 57 } 58 // other character('(') 59 else 60 { 61 s.push(exp[i]); 62 } 63 } 64 while (s.size()) 65 { 66 sur += s.top(); 67 s.pop(); 68 } 69 return sur; 70 }
1 // calcInte a integral expression 2 double calcInte(string s, int lrange, int hrange){ 3 double operand1; 4 double operand2; 5 double result; 6 stack<double> num; 7 string temp; 8 int i; 9 10 for (i = 0; i<s.size(); i++){ 11 temp = ""; 12 if (isdigit(s[i]) || s[i] == '.'){ 13 while (isdigit(s[i]) || s[i] == '.') 14 { 15 temp += s[i++]; 16 }//如果最后一位是数字,这样做会出错 17 num.push(str2double(temp)); 18 } 19 else{ 20 operand2 = num.top(); 21 num.pop(); 22 operand1 = num.top(); 23 result = oprInte(operand1, s[i], operand2, lrange, hrange); 24 num.pop(); 25 num.push(result); 26 } 27 } 28 result = num.top(); 29 return result; 30 }
1 // operate one step of caculation in fraction 2 fraction oprFrac(fraction opd1, char opt, fraction opd2, int lrange, int hrange) 3 { 4 fraction res; 5 res.denominator = 1; 6 res.numerator = 1; 7 8 if (opd1.denominator == 0 || opd2.denominator == 0) 9 { 10 throw "ERROR: denominator can not be 0!"; 11 } 12 switch (opt){ 13 case '+': 14 res = FracPlus(opd1, opd2); 15 break; 16 case '-': 17 res = FracMinus(opd1, opd2); 18 if (res.numerator < 0) 19 { 20 throw "ERROR: temperary result less than 0" ; 21 } 22 break; 23 case '*': 24 res = FracMul(opd1, opd2); 25 break; 26 case '/': 27 if (opd2.numerator == 0) 28 { 29 throw "ERROR: divisor can not be 0"; 30 } 31 else 32 { 33 res = FracDiv(opd1, opd2); 34 } 35 break; 36 case '^': 37 if (opd1.numerator == 0 && opd2.numerator == 0) 38 { 39 throw "ERROR: base 0 can be with an negtive or zeroth index" ; 40 } 41 else 42 { 43 if ((double)opd2.numerator / (double)opd2.denominator - int(opd2.numerator / opd2.denominator) != 0) 44 { 45 throw "ERROR: this pow can not be calculate easily"; 46 } 47 if (opd2.numerator / opd2.denominator > 10 && opd1.numerator / opd1.denominator > 10) 48 { 49 throw "ERROR: too big number may cause overflow!"; 50 } 51 res = FracPow(opd1, opd2); 52 } 53 break; 54 default: 55 throw "ERROR: operator"; 56 break; 57 } 58 if (res.numerator < lrange || res.denominator < lrange || res.numerator > hrange || res.denominator >hrange) 59 { 60 throw "ERROR: temporary result surpass the range"; 61 } 62 return res; 63 }
1 // judge the operator 2 bool isOperator(char ch) 3 { 4 if (ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '*' || ch == '/' || ch == '^') 5 { 6 return true; 7 } 8 if (ch == '.' || ch == '|') 9 { 10 return true; 11 } 12 if (isdigit(ch)) 13 { 14 return false; 15 } 16 } 17 18 // match the bracket 19 bool MatchBracket(string exp) 20 { 21 int matchstat = 1; 22 stack<char> charStack; 23 24 for (int i = 0; i < exp.size(); i++) 25 { 26 switch(exp[i]) 27 { 28 case'(': 29 charStack.push(exp[i]); 30 break; 31 case')': 32 if (charStack.empty()) 33 { 34 matchstat = 0; 35 } 36 else if (charStack.top() != '(') 37 { 38 charStack.pop(); 39 matchstat = 0; 40 } 41 else if (charStack.top() == '(') 42 { 43 charStack.pop(); 44 } 45 break; 46 default: 47 break; 48 } 49 } 50 if (matchstat == 1 && charStack.empty()) 51 { 52 return true; 53 } 54 throw "ERROR: bracket matching!"; 55 return false; 56 } 57 58 // judge exp is one specific kind expression 59 bool FracOrInte(string exp) 60 { 61 string::size_type idx1; 62 string::size_type idx2; 63 idx1 = exp.find("."); 64 idx2 = exp.find("|"); 65 if (idx1 != string::npos && idx2 != string::npos) 66 { 67 throw "ERROR: fraction expression can't contain float"; 68 } 69 return true; 70 } 71 // exception char 72 bool ExceptChar(string exp) 73 { 74 for (int i = 0; i < exp.size(); i++) 75 { 76 char ch = exp.at(i); 77 if (!isdigit(ch) && ch != '.' && ch != '|') 78 { 79 if (ch != '+' && ch != '-' && ch != '*' && ch != '/' && ch != '^') 80 { 81 if (ch != '(' && ch != ')') 82 { 83 throw "ERROR: character in this expression!"; 84 } 85 } 86 } 87 } 88 return true; 89 } 90 91 // check out the operator connection 92 bool ExceptConnection(string exp) 93 { 94 for (int i = 0; i < exp.size(); i++) 95 { 96 if (isOperator(exp[i])) 97 { 98 // check out the connection between operators 99 if (i == 0) 100 { 101 throw "ERROR: operator can not be in the start"; 102 } 103 if (i + 1 == exp.size()) 104 { 105 throw "ERROR: operator can not be in the end"; 106 } 107 if (exp[i - 1] == '(') 108 { 109 throw "ERROR: operation connection!"; 110 } 111 if (exp[i + 1] == ')') 112 { 113 throw "ERROR: operation connection!"; 114 } 115 if (isOperator(exp[i + 1])) 116 { 117 throw "ERROR: operation connection!"; 118 } 119 if (exp[i] == '.' || exp[i] == '|') 120 { 121 if (exp[i + 1] == '(' || exp[i+1] == '|' || exp[i + 1] == '.') 122 throw "ERROR: operation connection!"; 123 } 124 // end check 125 } 126 } 127 return true; 128 }
a.core.Setting(string option, int key);
1 bool core::Setting(string option, int key) 2 {//TODO ::to call the wrong parameter 3 if (option == "calculate_kind") 4 { 5 config.calculate_kind = key; 6 } 7 if (option == "precision") 8 { 9 config.precision = key; 10 return true; 11 } 12 if (option == "ProblemNum") 13 { 14 config.ProblemNum = key; 15 return true; 16 } 17 if (option == "OperandNum") 18 { 19 config.OperandNum = key; 20 return true; 21 } 22 if (option == "lrange") 23 { 24 config.lrange = key; 25 return true; 26 } 27 if (option == "hrange") 28 { 29 config.hrange = key; 30 return true; 31 } 32 return false; 33 }
b.core.Setting(char option, bool key);
1 bool core::Setting(char c, bool key) 2 {//TODO ::to call the wrong parameter 3 if (c == '+') 4 { 5 if(key) 6 config.KindofOperator.append("+"); 7 return true; 8 } 9 if (c == '-') 10 { 11 if(key) 12 config.KindofOperator.append("-"); 13 return true; 14 } 15 if (c == '*') 16 { 17 if(key) 18 config.KindofOperator.append("*"); 19 return true; 20 } 21 if (c == '/') 22 { 23 if(key) 24 config.KindofOperator.append("/"); 25 return true; 26 } 27 if (c == '^') 28 { 29 if(key) 30 config.KindofOperator.append("^"); 31 return true; 32 } 33 34 return false; 35 }
1 void core::Generate(string* &Problem, string* &result) 2 { 3 int test; 4 vector<int> DivoperatorIndex; 5 vector<int> PowoperatorIndex; 6 int m;// for loop 7 int overflow = 0; 8 int calculate_kind = config.calculate_kind; 9 if (calculate_kind == 0) 10 { 11 config.precision = 0; 12 } 13 int precision = config.precision; 14 const int ProblemNum = config.ProblemNum;//the number of the problems 15 const int OperandNum = config.OperandNum;//the number of the operands 16 string KindofOperator = config.KindofOperator;//all of the kind of the operators 17 if (KindofOperator.find("+") != string::npos) 18 KindofOperator.append(30, '+'); 19 if (KindofOperator.find("-") != string::npos) 20 KindofOperator.append(30, '-'); 21 if (KindofOperator.find("*") != string::npos) 22 KindofOperator.append(10, '*'); 23 if (KindofOperator.find("/") != string::npos) 24 KindofOperator.append(20, '/'); 25 if (KindofOperator.find("^") != string::npos) 26 KindofOperator.append(8, '^'); 27 const int lrange = config.lrange; const int hrange = config.hrange;// the range of the operator and the result 28 int* IntOperand; 29 double *FloatOperand;//to store the operands, and to get their index 30 IntOperand = new int[OperandNum]; 31 FloatOperand = new double[OperandNum]; 32 fraction *FractionOperand; 33 FractionOperand = new fraction[OperandNum]; 34 char *Operator;// to store the operators, and to get their index 35 Operator = new char[OperandNum]; 36 37 Problem = new string[ProblemNum]; 38 result = new string[ProblemNum]; 39 string OriginalProblem = ""; 40 int j; 41 for (j = 0; j < ProblemNum && overflow < 10000*ProblemNum ; j++, overflow++) 42 { 43 PowoperatorIndex.clear(); 44 DivoperatorIndex.clear(); 45 46 OriginalProblem = ""; 47 for (int i = 0; i < OperandNum - 1; i++) 48 { 49 Operator[i] = KindofOperator[random(0, KindofOperator.size() - 1)]; 50 if (Operator[i] == '^') 51 PowoperatorIndex.push_back(i); 52 if (Operator[i] == '/') 53 DivoperatorIndex.push_back(i); 54 } 55 if (calculate_kind == 0) 56 { 57 for (int i = 0; i < OperandNum; i++) 58 { 59 IntOperand[i] = random(lrange, hrange); 60 } 61 for (int i = 0; i < PowoperatorIndex.size(); i++) 62 { 63 IntOperand[PowoperatorIndex[i] + 1] = random(0, 3); 64 } 65 for (int i = DivoperatorIndex.size()-1; i >= 0 ; i--) 66 { 67 IntOperand[DivoperatorIndex[i] + 1] = tofinddiv(IntOperand[DivoperatorIndex[i]]); 68 } 69 70 for (int i = 0; i < OperandNum - 1; i++) 71 { 72 OriginalProblem += to_string(IntOperand[i]); 73 OriginalProblem += Operator[i]; 74 } 75 76 OriginalProblem += to_string(IntOperand[OperandNum - 1]); 77 78 79 } 80 if (calculate_kind == 1) 81 { 82 for (int i = 0; i < OperandNum; i++) 83 { 84 FloatOperand[i] = random((float)lrange, (float)hrange); 85 } 86 for (int i = 0; i < PowoperatorIndex.size(); i++) 87 { 88 FloatOperand[PowoperatorIndex[i] + 1] = random(0, 3); 89 } 90 91 for (int i = 0; i < OperandNum - 1; i++) 92 { 93 OriginalProblem += to_string_with_precision(FloatOperand[i], precision); 94 OriginalProblem += Operator[i]; 95 } 96 97 OriginalProblem += to_string_with_precision(FloatOperand[OperandNum - 1], precision); 98 } 99 if (calculate_kind == 2) 100 { 101 for (int i = 0; i < OperandNum; i++) 102 { 103 FractionOperand[i].denominator = random(lrange, hrange); 104 FractionOperand[i].numerator = random(lrange, hrange); 105 FractionOperand[i] = Simplify(FractionOperand[i]); 106 } 107 for (int i = 0; i < PowoperatorIndex.size(); i++) 108 { 109 FractionOperand[PowoperatorIndex[i] + 1].numerator = random(0, 3); 110 FractionOperand[PowoperatorIndex[i] + 1].denominator = 1; 111 FractionOperand[PowoperatorIndex[i] + 1] = Simplify(FractionOperand[PowoperatorIndex[i] + 1]); 112 } 113 for (int i = 0; i < OperandNum - 1; i++) 114 { 115 OriginalProblem += Frac2Str(FractionOperand[i]); 116 OriginalProblem += Operator[i]; 117 } 118 OriginalProblem += Frac2Str(FractionOperand[OperandNum - 1]); 119 } 120 Problem[j] = AddBracket(OriginalProblem); 121 cout << Problem[j] << endl; 122 if (Calc(Problem[j]) == "ERROR: expression!") 123 { 124 j--; 125 continue; 126 } 127 //cout << Problem[j] << endl; 128 for (m = 0; m < j; m++) 129 { 130 if (ProblemCompare(Problem[m], Problem[j]))//TODO 131 { 132 break; 133 } 134 } 135 if (m != j)// 136 { 137 j--; 138 continue; 139 }//TODO:: 140 } 141 if (overflow == 10000 * ProblemNum) 142 { 143 for (int i = j; i < ProblemNum; i++) 144 Problem[i] = ""; 145 } 146 147 for (int i = 0; i < ProblemNum; i++) 148 { 149 result[i] = Calc(Problem[i]); 150 //Problem[i] = to_unicode(Problem[i]); 151 //result[i] = to_unicode(result[i]); 152 } 153 } 154 v
编写了两个随机数的方法, 代码如下
1 int core::random(int low, int high) 2 { 3 int i; 4 srand(seed); 5 i = (rand() % (high - low + 1)) + low; 6 seed = (seed + 199) % RAND_MAX; 7 return i; 8 } 9 double core::random(double low, double high) 10 { 11 int i = random((int)low*(int)low, (int)high*(int)high); 12 return sqrt(i); 13 }
b.在UI组实验只选除号的整数运算时,我们因为设计中有整除的限制,导致随机生成的式子很难符号要求,代码需要跑很长时间,才能出结构于是我们遂在Generate里面就指定生成'/' 符号的后面的数字是前面数字的约数,这要大大提高了生成题目的速度
Calc()模块:驾驶员-陈志锴 领航员-黄志鹏
setting模块:驾驶员-黄志鹏 领航员-陈志锴
generate模块:驾驶员-黄志鹏 领航员-陈志锴