

1. 创建表

-- 压缩表
SET GLOBAL innodb_file_per_table=1;
SET GLOBAL innodb_file_format=Barracuda;
CREATE TABLE compress_01 (
    id varchar(36) PRIMARY KEY
    ,name varchar(255)

CREATE TABLE compress_02 (
    id varchar(36) PRIMARY KEY
    ,name varchar(255)

CREATE TABLE compress_03 (
    id varchar(36) PRIMARY KEY
    ,name varchar(255)

-- 普通表
CREATE TABLE normal_01 (
    id varchar(36) PRIMARY KEY
    ,name varchar(255)
CREATE TABLE normal_02 (
    id varchar(36) PRIMARY KEY
    ,name varchar(255)

2. 造测试数据

insert into compress_01 
select uuid() as id, 'name_1' as name
insert into compress_01 
select uuid() as id, 'name_2' as name
from compress_01
insert into compress_01 
select uuid() as id, 'name_3' as name
from compress_01
insert into compress_01 
select uuid() as id, 'name_24' as name
from compress_01

3. 插入性能测试

-- 3.1 压缩表 to 普通表
insert into normal_01
select * from compress_01
> Affected rows: 8388608
> 时间: 244.767s

-- 3.2 普通表 to 普通表
insert into normal_02
select * from normal_01
> Affected rows: 8388608
> 时间: 242.232s

-- 3.3 压缩表 to 压缩表
insert into compress_02
select * from compress_01
> Affected rows: 8388608
> 时间: 250.885s

-- 3.4 普通表 to 压缩表
insert into compress_03
select * from normal_02
> Affected rows: 8388608
> 时间: 253.055s

4. 单表查询性能测试

-- 4.1 select查询 主键
select * from normal_01 where id = '408f0dd5-3abb-11eb-b5bb-0242ac110002' limit 10; -- 0.037
select * from compress_02 where id = '408f0dd5-3abb-11eb-b5bb-0242ac110002' limit 10; -- 0.039

-- 4.2 select查询 索引

-- 4.3 select查询 非主键
select * from normal_01 where name = 'name_23' limit 10; -- 0.616
select * from compress_02 where name = 'name_23' limit 10; -- 1.087

-- 4.4 count查询
select count(1) as cnt from normal_01;   -- 1.018
select count(1) as cnt from compress_02; -- 2.269

-- 4.5 count distinct 查询
select count(distinct name) as cnt from normal_01;   -- 5.044
select count(distinct name) as cnt from compress_02; -- 7.131

-- 4.6 分页查询
select * from normal_01 limit 50000,10; -- 0.043
select * from compress_02 limit 50000,10; -- 0.043

-- 4.6 in查询

5. 多表关联查询性能测试(雪花模型)

6. 多表关联查询性能测试(大表关联大表)

7. 删除数据性能

-- 7.1 删除记录
-- 7.2 truncate table
posted @ 2020-12-10 17:21  chenzechao  阅读(286)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报