Typora 主题,设置代码块Mac风格三个小圆点


Typora 编辑器让人们能更简单地用Markdown语言书写文字,解决了使用传统的Markdown编辑器写文的痛点,并且界面简洁优美,实现了实时预览等功能。

1 typoa样式修改步骤

1.1 第一步打开偏好设置


1.2 第二步打开主题文件夹


2 标题添加颜色




h1 {
color: #0077bb; /* 将标题改为蓝色 */
color: rgb(26, 143, 55)
color: #87CEFA
strong {

3 表格优化



tbody tr:nth-child(even){background-color:#effaff;}
tbody tr:nth-child(odd){background-color:#fff1f6;}
tbody tr:nth-child(1){background-color:#8AE1FC;}
tbody tr:nth-child(2){background-color:#EFA7A7;}
tbody tr:nth-child(3){background-color:#FFD972;}
tbody tr:nth-child(4){background-color:#FCF5FC;}
tbody tr:nth-child(5){background-color:#F3F1EC;}
tbody tr:nth-child(6){background-color:#CCECD6;}
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tbody tr:nth-child(8){background-color:#c9af98;}
tbody tr:nth-child(9){background-color:#F5E5FC;}
tbody tr:nth-child(10){background-color:#ed8a63;}
table thead{
table {
table-layout:fixed !important;
word-break:break-word !important;

4 代码块Mac风格三个圆点


/* 代码块主题 */
/* 顶部 */
.md-fences {
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.md-fences::before {
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5 主题总代码如下:

:root {
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/* 代码块主题 */
/* 顶部 */
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h1 {
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    /* 将标题改为蓝色 */

h2 {
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h3 {
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h4 {
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h5 {
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strong {
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/* 修改checkbox样式 */

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posted @ 2023-08-06 11:18  尘缘如梦!  阅读(1179)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报