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 * Tika parser interface.
public interface Parser extends Serializable {

     * Returns the set of media types supported by this parser when used
     * with the given parse context.
     * @since Apache Tika 0.7
     * @param context parse context
     * @return immutable set of media types
    Set<MediaType> getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context);

     * Parses a document stream into a sequence of XHTML SAX events.
     * Fills in related document metadata in the given metadata object.
     * <p>
     * The given document stream is consumed but not closed by this method.
     * The responsibility to close the stream remains on the caller.
     * <p>
     * Information about the parsing context can be passed in the context
     * parameter. See the parser implementations for the kinds of context
     * information they expect.
     * @since Apache Tika 0.5
     * @param stream the document stream (input)
     * @param handler handler for the XHTML SAX events (output)
     * @param metadata document metadata (input and output)
     * @param context parse context
     * @throws IOException if the document stream could not be read
     * @throws SAXException if the SAX events could not be processed
     * @throws TikaException if the document could not be parsed
    void parse(
            InputStream stream, ContentHandler handler,
            Metadata metadata, ParseContext context)
            throws IOException, SAXException, TikaException;


该接口只提供void parse(InputStream stream, ContentHandler handler,Metadata metadata, ParseContext context)方法供其他类调用


 * Abstract base class for new parsers. This method implements the old
 * deprecated parse method so subclasses won't have to.
 * @since Apache Tika 0.10
public abstract class AbstractParser implements Parser {

     * Serial version UID.
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 7186985395903074255L;

     * Calls the
     * {@link Parser#parse(InputStream, ContentHandler, Metadata, ParseContext)}
     * method with an empty {@link ParseContext}. This method exists as a
     * leftover from Tika 0.x when the three-argument parse() method still
     * existed in the {@link Parser} interface. No new code should call this
     * method anymore, it's only here for backwards compatibility.
     * @deprecated use the {@link Parser#parse(InputStream, ContentHandler, Metadata, ParseContext)} method instead
    public void parse(
            InputStream stream, ContentHandler handler, Metadata metadata)
            throws IOException, SAXException, TikaException {
        parse(stream, handler, metadata, new ParseContext());



新增void parse(InputStream stream, ContentHandler handler, Metadata metadata)方法,提供模板方法功能


 * Composite parser that delegates parsing tasks to a component parser
 * based on the declared content type of the incoming document. A fallback
 * parser is defined for cases where a parser for the given content type is
 * not available.
public class CompositeParser extends AbstractParser {

    /** Serial version UID */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 2192845797749627824L;

     * Media type registry.
    private MediaTypeRegistry registry;

     * List of component parsers.
    private List<Parser> parsers;

     * The fallback parser, used when no better parser is available.
    private Parser fallback = new EmptyParser();

    public CompositeParser(MediaTypeRegistry registry, List<Parser> parsers) {
        this.parsers = parsers;
        this.registry = registry;

    public CompositeParser(MediaTypeRegistry registry, Parser... parsers) {
        this(registry, Arrays.asList(parsers));

    public CompositeParser() {
        this(new MediaTypeRegistry());

    public Map<MediaType, Parser> getParsers(ParseContext context) {
        Map<MediaType, Parser> map = new HashMap<MediaType, Parser>();
        for (Parser parser : parsers) {
            for (MediaType type : parser.getSupportedTypes(context)) {
                map.put(registry.normalize(type), parser);
        return map;

     * Utility method that goes through all the component parsers and finds
     * all media types for which more than one parser declares support. This
     * is useful in tracking down conflicting parser definitions.
     * @since Apache Tika 0.10
     * @see <a href="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TIKA-660">TIKA-660</a>
     * @param context parsing context
     * @return media types that are supported by at least two component parsers
    public Map<MediaType, List<Parser>> findDuplicateParsers(
            ParseContext context) {
        Map<MediaType, Parser> types = new HashMap<MediaType, Parser>();
        Map<MediaType, List<Parser>> duplicates =
            new HashMap<MediaType, List<Parser>>();
        for (Parser parser : parsers) {
            for (MediaType type : parser.getSupportedTypes(context)) {
                MediaType canonicalType = registry.normalize(type);
                if (types.containsKey(canonicalType)) {
                    List<Parser> list = duplicates.get(canonicalType);
                    if (list == null) {
                        list = new ArrayList<Parser>();
                        duplicates.put(canonicalType, list);
                } else {
                    types.put(canonicalType, parser);
        return duplicates;

     * Returns the media type registry used to infer type relationships.
     * @since Apache Tika 0.8
     * @return media type registry
    public MediaTypeRegistry getMediaTypeRegistry() {
        return registry;

     * Sets the media type registry used to infer type relationships.
     * @since Apache Tika 0.8
     * @param registry media type registry
    public void setMediaTypeRegistry(MediaTypeRegistry registry) {
        this.registry = registry;

     * Returns the component parsers.
     * @return component parsers, keyed by media type
    public Map<MediaType, Parser> getParsers() {
        return getParsers(new ParseContext());

     * Sets the component parsers.
     * @param parsers component parsers, keyed by media type
    public void setParsers(Map<MediaType, Parser> parsers) {
        this.parsers = new ArrayList<Parser>(parsers.size());
        for (Map.Entry<MediaType, Parser> entry : parsers.entrySet()) {
                    entry.getValue(), Collections.singleton(entry.getKey())));

     * Returns the fallback parser.
     * @return fallback parser
    public Parser getFallback() {
        return fallback;

     * Sets the fallback parser.
     * @param fallback fallback parser
    public void setFallback(Parser fallback) {
        this.fallback = fallback;

     * Returns the parser that best matches the given metadata. By default
     * looks for a parser that matches the content type metadata property,
     * and uses the fallback parser if a better match is not found. The
     * type hierarchy information included in the configured media type
     * registry is used when looking for a matching parser instance.
     * <p>
     * Subclasses can override this method to provide more accurate
     * parser resolution.
     * @param metadata document metadata
     * @return matching parser
    protected Parser getParser(Metadata metadata) {
        return getParser(metadata, new ParseContext());

    protected Parser getParser(Metadata metadata, ParseContext context) {
        Map<MediaType, Parser> map = getParsers(context);
        MediaType type = MediaType.parse(metadata.get(Metadata.CONTENT_TYPE));
        if (type != null) {
           // We always work on the normalised, canonical form
           type = registry.normalize(type);
        while (type != null) {
            // Try finding a parser for the type
            Parser parser = map.get(type);
            if (parser != null) {
                return parser;
            // Failing that, try for the parent of the type
            type = registry.getSupertype(type);
        return fallback;

    public Set<MediaType> getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context) {
        return getParsers(context).keySet();

     * Delegates the call to the matching component parser.
     * <p>
     * Potential {@link RuntimeException}s, {@link IOException}s and
     * {@link SAXException}s unrelated to the given input stream and content
     * handler are automatically wrapped into {@link TikaException}s to better
     * honor the {@link Parser} contract.
    public void parse(
            InputStream stream, ContentHandler handler,
            Metadata metadata, ParseContext context)
            throws IOException, SAXException, TikaException {
        Parser parser = getParser(metadata);
        TemporaryResources tmp = new TemporaryResources();
        try {
            TikaInputStream taggedStream = TikaInputStream.get(stream, tmp);
            TaggedContentHandler taggedHandler = new TaggedContentHandler(handler);
            try {
                parser.parse(taggedStream, taggedHandler, metadata, context);
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                throw new TikaException(
                        "Unexpected RuntimeException from " + parser, e);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new TikaException(
                        "TIKA-198: Illegal IOException from " + parser, e);
            } catch (SAXException e) {
                throw new TikaException(
                        "TIKA-237: Illegal SAXException from " + parser, e);
        } finally {



且分析CompositeParser类是怎样将解析任务委托给其他解析组件的,关键是parser方法的这行代码 Parser parser = getParser(metadata);


    protected Parser getParser(Metadata metadata) {
        return getParser(metadata, new ParseContext());

    protected Parser getParser(Metadata metadata, ParseContext context) {
        Map<MediaType, Parser> map = getParsers(context);
        MediaType type = MediaType.parse(metadata.get(Metadata.CONTENT_TYPE));
        if (type != null) {
           // We always work on the normalised, canonical form
           type = registry.normalize(type);
        while (type != null) {
            // Try finding a parser for the type
            Parser parser = map.get(type);
            if (parser != null) {
                return parser;
            // Failing that, try for the parent of the type
            type = registry.getSupertype(type);
        return fallback;


执行流程是首先获取mime类型跟相应的Parser实现类的映射Map<MediaType, Parser> ,然后根据Metadata的Metadata.CONTENT_TYPE属性得到MediaType类型,最后从Map<MediaType, Parser>获取相应的Parser实现类

 上面的代码Map<MediaType, Parser> map = getParsers(context)是获取Map<MediaType, Parser>映射

public Map<MediaType, Parser> getParsers(ParseContext context) {
        Map<MediaType, Parser> map = new HashMap<MediaType, Parser>();
        for (Parser parser : parsers) {
            for (MediaType type : parser.getSupportedTypes(context)) {
                map.put(registry.normalize(type), parser);
        return map;


即根据构造方法初始化的List<Parser> parsers组件集合,这里注意的是如果该组件类集合中的成员之一为CompositeParser本身的类型,则该成员提供的可以支持的mime类型同时又来自于该成员的解析组件集合(这里也许是CompositeParser命名的原因,这里用到了Composite模式),我们可以看到它Set<MediaType> getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)方法:

    public Set<MediaType> getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context) {
        return getParsers(context).keySet();



 * A composite parser based on all the {@link Parser} implementations
 * available through the
 * {@link javax.imageio.spi.ServiceRegistry service provider mechanism}.
 * @since Apache Tika 0.8
public class DefaultParser extends CompositeParser {

    /** Serial version UID */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 3612324825403757520L;

     * Finds all statically loadable parsers and sort the list by name,
     * rather than discovery order. CompositeParser takes the last
     * parser for any given media type, so put the Tika parsers first
     * so that non-Tika (user supplied) parsers can take precedence.
     * @param loader service loader
     * @return ordered list of statically loadable parsers
    private static List<Parser> getDefaultParsers(ServiceLoader loader) {
        List<Parser> parsers =
        Collections.sort(parsers, new Comparator<Parser>() {
            public int compare(Parser p1, Parser p2) {
                String n1 = p1.getClass().getName();
                String n2 = p2.getClass().getName();
                boolean t1 = n1.startsWith("org.apache.tika.");
                boolean t2 = n2.startsWith("org.apache.tika.");
                if (t1 == t2) {
                    return n1.compareTo(n2);
                } else if (t1) {
                    return -1;
                } else {
                    return 1;
        return parsers;

    private transient final ServiceLoader loader;

    public DefaultParser(MediaTypeRegistry registry, ServiceLoader loader) {
        super(registry, getDefaultParsers(loader));
        this.loader = loader;

    public DefaultParser(MediaTypeRegistry registry, ClassLoader loader) {
        this(registry, new ServiceLoader(loader));

    public DefaultParser(ClassLoader loader) {
        this(MediaTypeRegistry.getDefaultRegistry(), new ServiceLoader(loader));

    public DefaultParser(MediaTypeRegistry registry) {
        this(registry, new ServiceLoader());

    public DefaultParser() {

    public Map<MediaType, Parser> getParsers(ParseContext context) {
        Map<MediaType, Parser> map = super.getParsers(context);

        if (loader != null) {
            // Add dynamic parser service (they always override static ones)
            MediaTypeRegistry registry = getMediaTypeRegistry();
            for (Parser parser
                    : loader.loadDynamicServiceProviders(Parser.class)) {
                for (MediaType type : parser.getSupportedTypes(context)) {
                    map.put(registry.normalize(type), parser);

        return map;



该类主要是为基类初始化MediaTypeRegistry registry成员与List<Parser> parsers成员,它本身并没有覆盖void parse(InputStream stream, ContentHandler handler,Metadata metadata, ParseContext context)方法,为的是执行基类的方法(根据mime类型执行具体parser类的parse方法)


public class AutoDetectParser extends CompositeParser {

    /** Serial version UID */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 6110455808615143122L;

     * The type detector used by this parser to auto-detect the type
     * of a document.
    private Detector detector; // always set in the constructor

     * Creates an auto-detecting parser instance using the default Tika
     * configuration.
    public AutoDetectParser() {

    public AutoDetectParser(Detector detector) {

     * Creates an auto-detecting parser instance using the specified set of parser.
     * This allows one to create a Tika configuration where only a subset of the
     * available parsers have their 3rd party jars included, as otherwise the
     * use of the default TikaConfig will throw various "ClassNotFound" exceptions.
     * @param detector Detector to use
     * @param parsers
    public AutoDetectParser(Parser...parsers) {
        this(new DefaultDetector(), parsers);

    public AutoDetectParser(Detector detector, Parser...parsers) {
        super(MediaTypeRegistry.getDefaultRegistry(), parsers);

    public AutoDetectParser(TikaConfig config) {
        super(config.getMediaTypeRegistry(), config.getParser());

     * Returns the type detector used by this parser to auto-detect the type
     * of a document.
     * @return type detector
     * @since Apache Tika 0.4
    public Detector getDetector() {
        return detector;

     * Sets the type detector used by this parser to auto-detect the type
     * of a document.
     * @param detector type detector
     * @since Apache Tika 0.4
    public void setDetector(Detector detector) {
        this.detector = detector;

    public void parse(
            InputStream stream, ContentHandler handler,
            Metadata metadata, ParseContext context)
            throws IOException, SAXException, TikaException {
        TemporaryResources tmp = new TemporaryResources();
        try {
            TikaInputStream tis = TikaInputStream.get(stream, tmp);

            // Automatically detect the MIME type of the document
            MediaType type = detector.detect(tis, metadata);
            metadata.set(Metadata.CONTENT_TYPE, type.toString());

            // TIKA-216: Zip bomb prevention
            SecureContentHandler sch = new SecureContentHandler(handler, tis);
            try {
                // Parse the document
                super.parse(tis, sch, metadata, context);
            } catch (SAXException e) {
                // Convert zip bomb exceptions to TikaExceptions
                throw e;
        } finally {

    public void parse(
            InputStream stream, ContentHandler handler, Metadata metadata)
            throws IOException, SAXException, TikaException {
        ParseContext context = new ParseContext();
        context.set(Parser.class, this);
        parse(stream, handler, metadata, context);



 该类也初始化基类的MediaTypeRegistry registry成员与List<Parser> parsers成员,不过这里的List<Parser> parsers成员有TikaConfig类提供,后者默认提供的Parser实现类为DefaultParser

它的void parse(InputStream stream, ContentHandler handler,Metadata metadata, ParseContext context)方法首先检测文档的mime类型,然后将解析处理委托给CompositeParser基类执行,自身对外提供接口



二、AutoDetectParser的基类CompositeParser的parse方法:根据参数里面的mime类型获取解析类DefaultParser(支持所有已经注册的mime类型,由List<Parser> parsers成员提供)








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