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Crawling and extraction results typically need to be stored somewhere and be made queryable. We are still working on APIs and implementations that handle this aspect for Aperture.

For the technically interested: this code will provide a Sesame Sail implementation that combines the use of a standard Sesame storage mechanism (e.g. the native store) with a Lucene index.

From the outside this Sail will (almost) function as any other Sail: you can add RDF statements to it and use any of the available query languages to query it. Below the surface this Sail will store some properties in the Sesame store and index others in the Lucene index. In practice there may be some overlap, e.g. a last modified date of a file is stored in the Sesame store, its full-text is indexed in the Lucene index and the title and author are both stored and indexed.

The properties stored in the Sesame store are directly queryable. The properties that were redirected to the Lucene index are queryable through one or more virtual properties in the RDF graph (e.g. a "matches" property) that connect a document resource to a Lucene query, embedded as a literal in the RDF query. This Lucene query is then evaluated on the index, yielding a list of document URIs. This list is joined with the results of the other subqueries. Therefore, this Sail provides a virtual RDF graph, as some properties are not physically stored but dynamically map on a Lucene query.

As we said, this is all still work in progress. However, we do know that this approach works and scales: we have applied it in Aduna AutoFocus, Aduna Metadata Server and tailor-made Aduna applications and it will be used in the upcoming Gnowsis release as well.

At the time of writing it was still unclear whether the final code will become a part of Aperture, whether it fits better as a Sesame module or whether it is spread along both.

posted on 2013-07-17 05:26  刺猬的温驯  阅读(151)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报