I have a very simple MySql table with an auto increament primary key,
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my question is, how can i get my object’s generated primary key if i insert a new object to table “sampah”?
The answer is actually quite easy, as you can see here on my xml sql mapper, take a look an line 11.
01 |
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?> |
02 |
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" > |
03 |
< mapper namespace = "com.edw.mybatis.mapper.SampahMapper" > |
05 |
< resultMap id = "SampahMap" type = "com.edw.mybatis.bean.Sampah" > |
06 |
< id column = "id" property = "id" jdbcType = "INTEGER" /> |
07 |
< result column = "name" property = "name" jdbcType = "VARCHAR" /> |
10 |
< insert id = "saveUsingXML" parameterType = "com.edw.mybatis.bean.Sampah" |
11 |
useGeneratedKeys = "true" keyProperty = "id" > |
12 |
insert into sampah(name) |
13 |
values (#{name,jdbcType=VARCHAR}) |
Here is my main java class, you can see how i got my generated id in line 25.
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package com.edw.mybatis.main; |
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import com.edw.mybatis.bean.Sampah; |
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import com.edw.mybatis.config.MyBatisSqlSessionFactory; |
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import com.edw.mybatis.mapper.SampahMapper; |
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import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession; |
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import org.apache.log4j.Logger; |
11 |
private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Main. class ); |
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private void testSampah() { |
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SqlSession session = MyBatisSqlSessionFactory.getSqlSessionFactory().openSession(); |
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SampahMapper sampahMapper = session.getMapper(SampahMapper. class ); |
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Sampah sampah1 = new Sampah(); |
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sampah1.setName( "satu satu" ); |
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sampahMapper.saveUsingXML(sampah1); |
25 |
logger.debug(sampah1.getId()); |
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public static void main(String[] args) { |
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Main main = new Main(); |
Easy isnt it?