Using Weka and Libsvm with C# in Visual Studio
0. Environment
Windows 8 Enterprice English X64
Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate
Weka 3.6.8 (weka-3-6-8.exe,
wlsvm (,
ikvm 7.2.4630.5 (,
JDK 1.6.0_37 x86
1. Steps
1.0. I have JDK and Visual Studio installed
1.1. Install Weka by double click the file
1.2. Unzip, you get two files: libsvm.jar and wlsvm.jar. Move them to weka's root folder where you can find weka.jar.
1.3. Unzip ikvm, it's a green version. And add the bin folder to "Environment Variables" PATH.
1.4. In cmd, enter weka's root and run the command:
ikvmc -target:library weka.jar libsvm.jar wlsvm.jar
You can get a dll file, weka.dll
1.5. In Visual Studio, add weka.dll, IKVM.OpenJDK.*.dll and IKVM.Runtime.dll files into the "References"
1.6. Have fun!
2. References
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