root@ROUTER:/mnt/mmcblk0p1/log# psql -U postgres psql (9.6.8) Type "help" for help. postgres=# \c loraserver_ns You are now connected to database "loraserver_ns" as user "postgres". loraserver_ns=# \d List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+--------------------------------------+----------+--------------- public | device | table | loraserver_ns public | device_activation | table | loraserver_ns public | device_activation_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_ns public | device_profile | table | loraserver_ns public | device_queue | table | loraserver_ns public | device_queue_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_ns public | gateway | table | loraserver_ns public | gateway_profile | table | loraserver_ns public | gateway_profile_extra_channel | table | loraserver_ns public | gateway_profile_extra_channel_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_ns public | gateway_stats | table | loraserver_ns public | gateway_stats_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_ns public | gorp_migrations | table | loraserver_ns public | routing_profile | table | loraserver_ns public | service_profile | table | loraserver_ns (15 rows) loraserver_ns=# q loraserver_ns-# \q root@ROUTER:/mnt/mmcblk0p1/log# root@ROUTER:/mnt/mmcblk0p1/log# root@ROUTER:/mnt/mmcblk0p1/log# psql -U postgres psql (9.6.8) Type "help" for help. postgres=# \c loraserver_as You are now connected to database "loraserver_as" as user "postgres". loraserver_as=# \d List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+-----------------------------+----------+--------------- public | application | table | loraserver_as public | application_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_as public | device | table | loraserver_as public | device_activation | table | loraserver_as public | device_activation_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_as public | device_keys | table | loraserver_as public | device_profile | table | loraserver_as public | device_queue_mapping | table | loraserver_as public | device_queue_mapping_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_as public | gateway | table | loraserver_as public | gateway_ping | table | loraserver_as public | gateway_ping_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_as public | gateway_ping_rx | table | loraserver_as public | gateway_ping_rx_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_as public | gateway_profile | table | loraserver_as public | gorp_migrations | table | loraserver_as public | integration | table | loraserver_as public | integration_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_as public | network_server | table | loraserver_as public | network_server_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_as public | organization | table | loraserver_as public | organization_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_as public | organization_user | table | loraserver_as public | organization_user_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_as public | service_profile | table | loraserver_as public | user | table | loraserver_as public | user_id_seq | sequence | loraserver_as (27 rows) loraserver_as=# select * from device_keys loraserver_as-# select * from device_keys; ERROR: syntax error at or near "select" LINE 2: select * from device_keys; ^ loraserver_as=# select * from device_keys ; dev_eui | created_at | updated_at | app_key | join_nonce --------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------ \x24e124136a390234 | 2020-09-28 15:57:43.703477+08 | 2020-09-28 16:04:50.551366+08 | \x5572404c696e6b4c6f52613230313823 | 1 \x24e1641194717534 | 2020-09-29 11:49:40.291511+08 | 2020-09-29 17:08:31.070926+08 | \x5572404c696e6b4c6f52613230313823 | 1 \x24e124136a390442 | 2020-10-12 11:25:39.508542+08 | 2020-10-12 13:07:50.600399+08 | \x5572404c696e6b4c6f52613230313823 | 2 \x24e124137a370026 | 2020-10-12 13:33:11.302052+08 | 2020-10-12 13:33:11.302052+08 | \x5572404c696e6b4c6f52613230313823 | 0 (4 rows)
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