

“Any problem  in computer science can be solved by anther layer of indirection.”
                              ——David Wheeler(剑桥大学计算机科学教授)
 1 #include <iostream>
 3 using namespace std;
 5 class Fa
 6 {
 7 public:
 8     virtual void Show()
 9     {
10         cout << "father show" << endl;
11     }
12     virtual ~Fa()
13     {
14         cout << "father destructor" << endl;
15     }
16 };
18 class Tclass :public Fa
19 {
20     float pa;
21     double pb;
22     string name;
23     int age;
24 public:
25     Tclass(float pa = 1.0, double pb = 2.0, string name = "all", int age = 20)
26     {
27         this->pa = pa;
28         this->pb = pb;
29         this->name = name;
30         this->age = age;
31     }
32     void Show() override
33     {
34         std::cout << pa << " " << pb << " " << name << " " << age << endl;
35     }
37     ~Tclass()
38     {
39         cout << "call Tclass destructor" << endl;
40     }
41 };
42 class Tcb :public Fa
43 {
44 public:
45     void Show()override
46     {
47         cout << "Tcb show" << endl;
48     }
49     ~Tcb()
50     {
51         cout << "call Tcb destructor" << endl;
52     }
53 };
54 class Shhanlde
55 {
56     Fa* ta;
57 public:
58     Shhanlde(Tclass *tcls)
59     {
60         ta = tcls;
61     }
62     Shhanlde(Tcb *tcls)
63     {
64         ta = tcls;
65     }
66     Fa* GetPt()
67     {
68         return ta;
69     }
71     ~Shhanlde()
72     {
73         delete ta;
74     }
75 };
77 int main()
78 {
79     {
80         shared_ptr<Shhanlde> tc = make_shared<Shhanlde>(new Tclass());
81         tc->GetPt()->Show();
82         tc = make_shared<Shhanlde>(new Tcb());
83         tc->GetPt()->Show();
84     }
86     cout << "test" << endl;
87     return 0;
88 }


posted @ 2022-05-09 11:31  小小林林  阅读(73)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报