import threading,time print('第一线程(默认):程序开始啦!') def takeANap(): time.sleep(5) print('第二线程:5秒到,我醒来啦!') #创建并启动多线程 t=threading.Thread(target=takeANap) t.start() print('第一线程(默认):程序结束啦!') ''' 输出: 第一线程(默认):程序开始啦! 第一线程(默认):程序结束啦! >>> 第二线程:5秒到,我醒来啦! '''
import threading ##多线程传递多参数print('Cats','Dogs','Frogs',sep='&')=>Cats & Dogs & Frogs: threadObj = threading.Thread(target=print, args=['Cats', 'Dogs', 'Frogs'],kwargs={'sep': ' & '}) threadObj.start() ##输出:Cats & Dogs & Frogs
可以轻松地创建多个新线程,让它们同时运行。但多线程也可能会导致所谓的并发问题。如果这些线程同时读写变量,导致互相干扰,就会发生并发问题。并发问题可能很难一致地重现,所以难以调试。多线程编程本身就是一个广泛的主题。必须记住的是:为了避免并发问题,绝不让多个线程读取或写入相同的变量。当创建一个新的Thread 对象时,要确保其目标函数只使用该函数中的局部变量。这将避免程序中难以调试的并发问题。
#! python3 # multidownloadXkcd.py - Downloads XKCD comics using multiple threads. import requests, os, bs4, threading os.makedirs('xkcd', exist_ok=True) # store comics in ./xkcd def downloadXkcd(startComic, endComic): for urlNumber in range(startComic, endComic): # Download the page. print('Downloading page http://xkcd.com/%s...' % (urlNumber)) res = requests.get('http://xkcd.com/%s' % (urlNumber)) res.raise_for_status() soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(res.text) # Find the URL of the comic image. comicElem = soup.select('#comic img') if comicElem == []: print('Could not find comic image.') else: comicUrl = comicElem[0].get('src') # Download the image. print('Downloading image %s...' % (comicUrl)) res = requests.get(comicUrl) res.raise_for_status() # Save the image to ./xkcd imageFile = open(os.path.join('xkcd', os.path.basename(comicUrl)), 'wb') for chunk in res.iter_content(100000): imageFile.write(chunk) imageFile.close() # Create and start the Thread objects. downloadThreads = [] # a list of all the Thread objects for i in range(0, 1400, 100): # loops 14 times, creates 14 threads downloadThread = threading.Thread(target=downloadXkcd, args=(i, i + 99)) downloadThreads.append(downloadThread) downloadThread.start() # Wait for all threads to end. for downloadThread in downloadThreads: downloadThread.join() print('Done.')