C# 压缩文件
上一节讲述了C# WebApi传参之Post请求-AJAX
public class ZipUtility { /// <summary> /// 所有文件缓存 /// </summary> List<string> files = new List<string>(); /// <summary> /// 所有空目录缓存 /// </summary> List<string> paths = new List<string>(); /// <summary> /// 压缩单个文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="fileToZip">要压缩的文件</param> /// <param name="zipedFile">压缩后的文件全名</param> /// <param name="compressionLevel">压缩程度,范围0-9,数值越大,压缩程序越高</param> /// <param name="blockSize">分块大小</param> public void ZipFile(string fileToZip, string zipedFile, int compressionLevel, int blockSize) { if (!System.IO.File.Exists(fileToZip))//如果文件没有找到,则报错 { throw new FileNotFoundException("The specified file " + fileToZip + " could not be found. Zipping aborderd"); } FileStream streamToZip = new FileStream(fileToZip, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); FileStream zipFile = File.Create(zipedFile); ZipOutputStream zipStream = new ZipOutputStream(zipFile); ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry(fileToZip); zipStream.PutNextEntry(zipEntry); zipStream.SetLevel(compressionLevel); byte[] buffer = new byte[blockSize]; int size = streamToZip.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); zipStream.Write(buffer, 0, size); try { while (size < streamToZip.Length) { int sizeRead = streamToZip.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); zipStream.Write(buffer, 0, sizeRead); size += sizeRead; } } catch (Exception ex) { GC.Collect(); throw ex; } zipStream.Finish(); zipStream.Close(); streamToZip.Close(); GC.Collect(); } /// <summary> /// 压缩目录(包括子目录及所有文件) /// </summary> /// <param name="rootPath">要压缩的根目录</param> /// <param name="destinationPath">保存路径</param> /// <param name="compressLevel">压缩程度,范围0-9,数值越大,压缩程序越高</param> public void ZipFileFromDirectory(string rootPath, string destinationPath, int compressLevel) { GetAllDirectories(rootPath); /* while (rootPath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1 == rootPath.Length)//检查路径是否以"\"结尾 { rootPath = rootPath.Substring(0, rootPath.Length - 1);//如果是则去掉末尾的"\" } */ //string rootMark = rootPath.Substring(0, rootPath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1);//得到当前路径的位置,以备压缩时将所压缩内容转变成相对路径。 string rootMark = rootPath + "\\";//得到当前路径的位置,以备压缩时将所压缩内容转变成相对路径。 Crc32 crc = new Crc32(); ZipOutputStream outPutStream = new ZipOutputStream(File.Create(destinationPath)); outPutStream.SetLevel(compressLevel); // 0 - store only to 9 - means best compression foreach (string file in files) { FileStream fileStream = File.OpenRead(file);//打开压缩文件 byte[] buffer = new byte[fileStream.Length]; fileStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(file.Replace(rootMark, string.Empty)); entry.DateTime = DateTime.Now; entry.Size = fileStream.Length; fileStream.Close(); crc.Reset(); crc.Update(buffer); entry.Crc = crc.Value; outPutStream.PutNextEntry(entry); outPutStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } this.files.Clear(); foreach (string emptyPath in paths) { ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(emptyPath.Replace(rootMark, string.Empty) + "/"); outPutStream.PutNextEntry(entry); } this.paths.Clear(); outPutStream.Finish(); outPutStream.Close(); GC.Collect(); } /// <summary> /// 取得目录下所有文件及文件夹,分别存入files及paths /// </summary> /// <param name="rootPath">根目录</param> private void GetAllDirectories(string rootPath) { string[] subPaths = Directory.GetDirectories(rootPath);//得到所有子目录 foreach (string path in subPaths) { GetAllDirectories(path);//对每一个字目录做与根目录相同的操作:即找到子目录并将当前目录的文件名存入List } string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(rootPath); foreach (string file in files) { this.files.Add(file);//将当前目录中的所有文件全名存入文件List } if (subPaths.Length == files.Length && files.Length == 0)//如果是空目录 { this.paths.Add(rootPath);//记录空目录 } } /// <summary> /// 解压缩文件(压缩文件中含有子目录) /// </summary> /// <param name="zipfilepath">待解压缩的文件路径</param> /// <param name="unzippath">解压缩到指定目录</param> /// <returns>解压后的文件列表</returns> public List<string> UnZip(string zipfilepath, string unzippath) { //解压出来的文件列表 List<string> unzipFiles = new List<string>(); //检查输出目录是否以“\\”结尾 if (unzippath.EndsWith("\\") == false || unzippath.EndsWith(":\\") == false) { unzippath += "\\"; } ZipInputStream s = new ZipInputStream(File.OpenRead(zipfilepath)); ZipEntry theEntry; while ((theEntry = s.GetNextEntry()) != null) { string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(unzippath); string fileName = Path.GetFileName(theEntry.Name); //生成解压目录【用户解压到硬盘根目录时,不需要创建】 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(directoryName)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryName); } if (fileName != String.Empty) { //如果文件的压缩后大小为0那么说明这个文件是空的,因此不需要进行读出写入 if (theEntry.CompressedSize == 0) continue; //解压文件到指定的目录 directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(unzippath + theEntry.Name); //建立下面的目录和子目录 Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryName); //记录导出的文件 unzipFiles.Add(unzippath + theEntry.Name); FileStream streamWriter = File.Create(unzippath + theEntry.Name); int size = 2048; byte[] data = new byte[2048]; while (true) { size = s.Read(data, 0, data.Length); if (size > 0) { streamWriter.Write(data, 0, size); } else { break; } } streamWriter.Close(); } } s.Close(); GC.Collect(); return unzipFiles; } public string GetZipFileExtention(string fileFullName) { int index = fileFullName.LastIndexOf("."); if (index <= 0) { throw new Exception("The source package file is not a compress file"); } //extension string string ext = fileFullName.Substring(index); if (ext == ".rar" || ext == ".zip") { return ext; } else { throw new Exception("The source package file is not a compress file"); } } }
这是项目源文件,我要把:高效程序员的45个习惯压缩.pdf 文件进行压缩,由图可知,确实压缩成了:高效程序员的45个习惯压缩.zip 但是当你尝试去解压这个.zip文件后,你会发现解压后得到的文件夹中包含N+1层文件夹,最后的一层文件夹中能够找到我压缩的pdf文件,这点匪夷所思,有兴趣的小虎斑可以把你们的见解贴在下面的评论上,供大家参考,同时也为LZ提供个思路,谢谢!
public ActionResult Index() { C2Global.Architect.Common.ZipUtility zip = new C2Global.Architect.Common.ZipUtility(); zip.ZipFile(Server.MapPath("~/file/高效程序员的45个习惯.pdf"), Server.MapPath("~/file/高效程序员的45个习惯.zip"), 5, 10); return View(); }
程序声明:本段程序需要引用一个dll文件,这个dll文件的全名叫做:ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll 小虎斑们可自行下载
大家也可尝试用这个链接进行下载:https://files.cnblogs.com/files/chenwolong/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.zip 这是我上传至博客园的,应该可以下载,支持Net4.5框架

/// <summary> /// 压缩目录下的多个文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="rootPath"></param> /// <param name="rootPath"></param> /// <param name="destinationPath"></param> /// <param name="compressLevel"></param> public void ZipDirectoryFiles(string rootMark, List<SharpZipLibFileModel> Files, string destinationPath, int compressLevel) { Crc32 crc = new Crc32(); ZipOutputStream outPutStream = new ZipOutputStream(File.Create(destinationPath)); outPutStream.SetLevel(compressLevel); // 0 - store only to 9 - means best compression foreach (var file in Files) { FileStream fileStream = File.OpenRead(file.SharpZipLibFilePath);//打开压缩文件 byte[] buffer = new byte[fileStream.Length]; fileStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); //构造函数中的文件名为新的文件名 ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(file.SharpZipLibFileName); entry.DateTime = DateTime.Now; entry.Size = fileStream.Length; fileStream.Close(); crc.Reset(); crc.Update(buffer); entry.Crc = crc.Value; outPutStream.PutNextEntry(entry); outPutStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } this.files.Clear(); foreach (string emptyPath in paths) { ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(emptyPath.Replace(rootMark, string.Empty) + "/"); outPutStream.PutNextEntry(entry); } this.paths.Clear(); outPutStream.Finish(); outPutStream.Close(); GC.Collect(); }

/// <summary> /// 全部下载招标文件附件 /// </summary> /// <param name="flowId"></param> /// <param name="compressFilePath">打包压缩后的文件路径 用于下载完成后删除</param> public static void downLoadTenderDocs(string flowId,string RootSource,out string compressfilePath,out string destinationfileName) { string sql = @"select *from CF_Document where Refrecordid in (select CAST(Tenderdocumentid as varchar(50)) from TMS_Tenderdocument where Tenderflowid='" + flowId + "' and ISNULL (MT_Coreinfo,'')!='')"; var ds = DataAccessCommon.SelectDataSet(sql); var lst = JsonHelper.DataSetToIList<DocumentModel>(ds, 0); List<SharpZipLibFileModel> Files = new List<SharpZipLibFileModel>(); foreach (var item in lst) { string FilePath = RootSource + item.Url; if (File.Exists(FilePath)) { SharpZipLibFileModel M = new SharpZipLibFileModel(); M.SharpZipLibFilePath = FilePath; M.SharpZipLibFileName = item.Documentname; Files.Add(M); } } destinationfileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmssfff").ToString() + "招标文件.zip"; compressfilePath = RootSource + "/Uploads/" + destinationfileName; string path = RootSource + "/Uploads/"; SharpZipLib zipLib = new SharpZipLib(); zipLib.ZipDirectoryFiles(path, Files, compressfilePath, 9); }

/// <summary> /// 下载所有招标哦文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="flowId"></param> /// <param name="DownloadCate"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult DownloadTenderDocs(string flowId) { ViewBag.Title = "附件下载"; string _compressfilePath; string _destinationfileName; string path = Server.MapPath("/"); //完成打包压缩 TenderDiscussingService.downLoadTenderDocs(flowId,path,out _compressfilePath,out _destinationfileName); if (System.IO.File.Exists(_compressfilePath)) { return new downLoadFileResult(_compressfilePath, _destinationfileName); } else { ViewBag.Title = "未找到相关附件"; ViewBag.files = "None"; return View(); } }
关于下载方法,请阅读大附件上传:webuploader-异步切片上传(支持断点续传)及 下载方法!C#/.NET

public class SharpZipLibFileModel { public string SharpZipLibFilePath { get; set; } public string SharpZipLibFileName { get; set; } }
如果需要将某几个文件移动到另外一个文件夹,需要用到 File.Copy(SourcePth, DestPth, true);方法,如下:

public static void GetDocuments(string path,out string DirectoryPath,out string DestinationPath) { using (ShiMaoZhaoCaiEntities context = new ShiMaoZhaoCaiEntities()) { string sql = @"select *from CF_Document where Refrecordid in (select CAST(Tenderdocumentid as varchar(50)) from TMS_Tenderdocument where Tenderflowid='AC273672-ED2C-4F5D-9731-45C96EE39238' and ISNULL (MT_Coreinfo,'')!='')"; var lst = context.Database.SqlQuery<CF_Document>(sql).ToList(); string NewFilePaht = path+ "Uploads/"; CombineFile.CombineFiles(ref NewFilePaht); DirectoryPath = NewFilePaht; foreach (var item in lst) { if (File.Exists(path + item.Url)) { string SourcePth = path + item.Url; string DestPth = NewFilePaht + "/" + item.Documentname; File.Copy(SourcePth, DestPth, true); } } string destinationPath = NewFilePaht + "/" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString()+".zip" ; DestinationPath = destinationPath; SharpZipLib zipLib = new SharpZipLib(); zipLib.ZipFileFromDirectory(NewFilePaht, destinationPath, 9); } }

public ActionResult Index() { string path=Server.MapPath("/"); string DirectoryPath; string DestinationPath; DocumentService.GetDocuments(path,out DirectoryPath,out DestinationPath); }

public class CombineFile { public static void CombineFiles(ref string filePath) { string ChildFilePath = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() ; filePath = filePath+ ChildFilePath; if (!Directory.Exists(filePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath); } } }