
--select city,count(cid) as 顾客的个数

from customers group by city
--select distinct

c1.cname,c2.cname,c1.city from

customers c1, customers c2 where

c1.city=c2.city and c1.cname<c2.cname

select c1.cid,c2.cid from customers

c1,customers c2
where c1.city=c2.city and






--题6:检索由住在Duluth的顾客和住在New York 的代理商组成的所有订货记录的ordno值
select ordno from orders where cid in (select cid from customers where city='Duluth') and aid in (select aid from agents where city='New York') --6ms
select ordno from orders x where exists (select cid,aid from customers c,agents a
where c.cid=x.cid and a.aid=x.aid and c.city='Duluth' and a.city='New York')  --10ms

select top(1) aid from agents order by [percent]  --我能想到的就是排序然后取第一个,但是我这样做有问题,因为我求出来的只可能有 一个,而实际情况是可能有相同值的不止一个
select  aid from agents where [percent]<=all(select [percent] from agents)

--select  c1.cname ,c2.cname from customers c1,customers c2 where c1.discnt=c2.discnt and c1.cid<c2.cid --该方法得出的结果跟实际不符合
select cid,cname from customers where discnt in (select discnt from customers where city='Dallas' or city='Boston')
select cid,cname from customers where discnt=some(select discnt from customers where city='Dallas' or city='Boston')
--执行效率:in 3ms,some 6ms,难道in 的执行效率比some高?

select cid from customers where discnt<any(select discnt from customers where city='Duluth') --这里是错误的,题目中的任一应该是对应所有的,所以应把any改为all


select distinct cid from  orders x
where pid='p01' and exists (select * from orders where cid=x.cid and pid='p07')

select cid from orders where pid='p01' intersect select cid from orders where pid='p07'

--3.4.12 检索没有通过代理商a05订货的所有顾客的名字
select cid,cname from customers where cid not in (select cid from orders where aid='a05')
--这个时候in 不能用exists 代替

--3.5.4 找出订购了产品p01和价格超过1美元的所有产品的代理商的aid值
select aid from orders where dollars/qty>1 intersect select aid from orders where pid='p01'  --并且或交集的意思在SQL里面如何表达?
select aid from orders where pid in (select pid from products where price>1 or pid='p01' )

select y.aid from orders y where y.pid='p01' and not exists (select p.pid from products p where p.price>1.0000 and
not exists (select * from orders x where x.pid=p.pid and x.aid=y.aid))

--3.5.5 找出具有以下性质的顾客的cid 值:如果顾客c006订购了某种产品,那要检索的顾客也订购了该产品
select cname,cid from customers where cid in (select cid from orders where pid in (select pid from orders where cid='c006'))
select cid from customers c where not exists (select z.pid from orders z
 where z.cid='c006' and not exists (select * from orders y where y.pid=z.pid and y.cid=c.cid) 

--3.5.6 找出被所有住在Duluth的顾客订购的产品的pid值
select distinct pid from orders where cid in (select cid from customers where city='Duluth' )
select pid from products p where not exists (select c.cid from customers c where c.city='Duluth'
and not exists (select * from orders x where x.pid=p.pid and x.cid=c.cid)

--3.6.2 检索没有通过代理商a05订货的所有顾客的名字
select cname from customers except
(select cname from customers,orders where customers.cid=orders.cid and orders.aid='a05')

--3.6.4 检索至少订购了一件价格低于¥0.50 的商品的所有顾客的姓名
select distinct cname from (orders join products using(pid)) join customers using(cid) where price<0.50

select distinct cname from (orders o join products p on o.pid=p.pid) join customers c on o.cid=c.cid where p.price<0.5

--3.8.2 打印出代理商的名字和标识号、产品的名字和标识号以及每个代理商为顾客c002和c003订购该产品的总量
select aname,aid,pname,pid,sum(qty) as total
select aid,pid,sum(qty) as total from orders where cid='c002' or cid=
select aid,cid,pid,sum(qty) as total from orders where cid in ('c002','c003') group by aid,cid,pid inner
select aname,orders.aid,pname,orders.pid,sum(qty) as total from orders inner join
  agents on agents.aid=orders.aid inner join products on orders.pid=products.pid where
 cid in ('c002','c003') group by orders.aid,orders.cid,orders.pid

select aname,a.aid,pname,p.pid,sum(qty) as 每个代理商为每个顾客订购的该产品的总量 from orders x,products p,agents a
where x.pid=p.pid and x.aid=a.aid and x.cid in('c002','c003')
group by a.aid,aname,p.pid,p.pname

--3.8.5 构造一个查询来求出所有代理商的最大销售额平均值
select avg(select max(dollars)
from orders group by aid) from orders
select avg(t.x) from (select aid,max(dollars) as x from orders group by aid) t

--3.9.4 检索cname值以字母‘A’打头的顾客的所有信息
select * from customers where cname like 'A%'--注意:相似查询这样用

--3.9.5 检索cname值的第三个字母不等于“%”的顾客的cid值
select cid from customers where cname not like '__\%%' escape'\'

--3.9.6 检索cname值以'Tip_’打头并且后面跟着任意个字符的顾客的cid值
select cid,cname from customers where cname like 'Tip_%'
select cid from customers where cname like 'Tip\_%' escape '\' --难道这种方法有错误 ?得不出答案,上面的刚好可以满足题意,但是其他题目又可以

posted @ 2011-08-12 12:40  凌寒独自开  阅读(499)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报