库: rspec/rspec-expectations matcher匹配器常用








be_completed是Predicate matchers

expect(actual).to be_xxx  #passes if actual.xxx? 

 RSpec::Expectations lets you express expected outcomes on an object in an example.


Built-in matchers

expect(actual_value).to eq(expected_value) 


expect(actual_value).to be >= expected_value   包括>, < , <=, >=


expect(actual_value).to match(/expression/)  正则表达式(expect不支持匹配符号 =~)


expect(array).to all(inner_matcher)    #让array通过inner_matcher

如:expect([1,2,3]).to all(be_truthy) 


expect(array).to contain_exactly(expected_array) #如果实际的和期待的数组包含相同的元素,则期待成功。不考虑顺序。



expect(actual).to exist 


Collection membership

expect(actual).to include(expected)  #actual可以是数组,字符串,hash.

例子:expect([1,2,3]).to include(1,2), expect({:a => "b"}).to include(:a => "b")


include的变型, start_with, end_with



expect(actual).to be_an_instance_of(expected) 

# passes if actual.class == expected


expect(actual).to be_a(expected)  #passes if actual.kind_of?(expected) 



Predicate matchers 

expect(actual).to be_xxx   #passes if actual.xxx?

expect(actual).to have_xxx(:arg) #passes if actual.has_xxx?(:arg) 

expect(actual).to have_attributes(key/value pairs) 



expect(actual).to be_truthy/falsy     # passes if actual is truthy (not nil or false) 

expect(actual).to be true/false  #passes if actual == true/false

expect(actual).to be_nil   #passes if actual is nil 

expect(actual).to_not be_nil   #passes if actual is not nil 



expect(1..10).to cover(3) 


expect(actual).to be_between(min, max)



Expecting errors 

expect { ... }.to raise_error
expect { ... }.to raise_error(ErrorClass)
expect { ... }.to raise_error("message")
expect { ... }.to raise_error(ErrorClass, "message")

 expect可以用于block也可以用于value expectations.


Expecting throws and Yielding没看懂⚠️


Compound Matcher Expressions

通过user,or可以创建混合匹配表达式 。

expect(stoplight.color).to eq("red").or eq("green").or eq("yellow") 

expect(alphabet).to start_with("a").and end_with("z") 


Composing Matchers

以下matchers接受matchers 作为参数。


  • change().by(matcher) #改变sth等于by(匹配的值)
  • change{}.from(mather).to(matcher) #改变sth,从matcher_val到mather_val
  • include(matcher, matcher)
  • include(:key => matcher, :other => mathcer)


‘change’ matcher:


  • expect {do_sth}.to change(object, :attribute)
  • expect {do_sth}.to change{object.attribute} 
  • 可以联合  from().to();  by(), by_at_least(), by_at_most()



Relish(n:great enjoyment; 水果蔬菜酱) 案例连接 


posted @ 2018-05-18 22:07  Mr-chen  阅读(361)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报