





1       select goodsname,categoryname
2       from goods inner join category
3       using(categoryid)







1      select c.firstName,c.lastName,p.product_name ,pt.product_types_name 
2      from customers c,purchase pr,products p,product_types pt
3      where c.customer_id=pr.customer_id
4      and p.products_id = pr.products_id
5      and p.product_types_id=pt.product_types_id;



1      select c.first_name,c.last_name,p.products_name as product,pt.product_types_name as typesname
2      from customers c inner join purchases pr
3      using(customers_id)
4      inner join products p
5      using(products_id)
6      inner join product_types pt
7      using(product_types_id);



posted @ 2012-07-13 12:48  chenssy  阅读(515)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报