这是要输入SDI IP核内的
同样是要输入给SDI 核内的,需要重点关注SDI播出工程中有关这两个信号线的连接情况。
module x7gtx_sdi_wrapper #( parameter FXDCLK_FREQ = 27000000, // Frequency, in hertz, of fixed frequency clock parameter DRPCLK_PERIOD = 13, // Period of drpclk in ns, always round down parameter PLLLOCK_TIMEOUT_PERIOD = 2000000, // Period of PLLLOCK timeout in ns, defaults to 2ms parameter RESET_TIMEOUT_PERIOD = 500000, // Period of GTH RESETDONE timeout in ns, defaults to 500us parameter TIMEOUT_CNTR_BITWIDTH = 15, // Width in bits of timeout counter parameter RETRY_CNTR_BITWIDTH = 8, // Width in bits of the retry counter parameter CPLL_REFCLK_PORT = "REFCLK1", // Options are REFCLK0, REFCLK1, GREFCLK, NORTH0, NORTH1, SOUTH0, SOUTH1 parameter TX_CLK0_QPLL = 1, // Set to 1 if QPLL is TX serial clock source with tx_m = 0, else set to 0 parameter TX_CLK1_QPLL = 0, // Set to 1 if QPLL is TX serial clock source with tx_m = 1, else set to 0 parameter GT_SIM_GTRESET_SPEEDUP = "FALSE") ( input wire clk, // fixed frequency clock for GTX control module input wire drpclk, // DRPCLK input wire qpllclk, // connect to the GTXE2_COMMON qplloutclk input wire qpllrefclk, // Connect to the GTXE2_COMMON qplloutrefclk output wire qpllreset, input wire qplllock, input wire cpllrefclk, output wire cplllock, input wire rxp, input wire rxn, output wire txp, output wire txn, // RX ports input wire rx_rst, // sync reset for SDI RX pipeline output wire rx_usrclk_out, // rxusrclk input input wire rx_gtx_full_reset, // 1 causes a full reset of GTX RX, including the QPLL (drpclk) input wire rx_gtx_reset, // 1 causes a GTRXRESET cycle to occur (drpclk) input wire rx_refclk_stable, // input must be low until reference clock to QPLLis stable (async) input wire rx_frame_en, // 1 = enable framer position update input wire [2:0] rx_mode_en, // unary enable bits for SDI mode search {3G, SD, HD} 1=enable, 0=disable output wire [1:0] rx_mode, // 00=HD, 01=SD, 10=3G output wire rx_mode_hd, // 1 = HD mode output wire rx_mode_sd, // 1 = SD mode output wire rx_mode_3g, // 1 = 3G mode output wire rx_mode_locked, // auto mode detection locked output wire rx_bit_rate, // 0 = 1000/1000, 1 = 1000/1001 output wire rx_t_locked, // transport format detection locked output wire [3:0] rx_t_family, // transport format family output wire [3:0] rx_t_rate, // transport frame rate output wire rx_t_scan, // transport scan: 0=interlaced, 1=progressive output wire rx_level_b_3g, // 0 = level A, 1 = level B output wire rx_ce_sd, // clock enable for SD, always 1 for HD & 3G output wire rx_nsp, // framer new start position output wire [10:0] rx_line_a, // line number for HD & 3G (link A for level B) output wire [31:0] rx_a_vpid, // payload ID packet ds1 for 3G or HD-SDI output wire rx_a_vpid_valid, // 1 = rx_a_vpid is valid output wire [31:0] rx_b_vpid, // video payload ID packet data from data stream 2 output wire rx_b_vpid_valid, // 1 = rx_b_vpid is valid output wire rx_crc_err_a, // CRC error for HD & 3G output wire [9:0] rx_ds1a, // data stream 1A: SD=Y/C, HD=Y, 3GA=ds1, 3GB=Y link A output wire [9:0] rx_ds2a, // data stream 2A: HD=C, 3GA=ds2, 3GB=C link A output wire rx_eav, // 1 during XYZ word of EAV output wire rx_sav, // 1 during XYZ word of SAV output wire rx_trs, // 1 during all 4 words of EAV and SAV output wire [10:0] rx_line_b, // line number of 3G level B link B output wire rx_dout_rdy_3g, // 3G data ready: 1 for level A, asserted every other clock for level B output wire rx_crc_err_b, // CRC error for link B (level B only) output wire [9:0] rx_ds1b, // data stream 1B: 3G level B only = Y link B output wire [9:0] rx_ds2b, // data stream 2B: 3G level B only = C link B input wire [15:0] rx_edh_errcnt_en, // enables various errors to increment rx_edh_errcnt input wire rx_edh_clr_errcnt, // clears rx_edh_errcnt output wire rx_edh_ap, // 1 = AP CRC error detected previous field output wire rx_edh_ff, // 1 = FF CRC error detected previous field output wire rx_edh_anc, // 1 = ANC checksum error detected output wire [4:0] rx_edh_ap_flags, // EDH AP flags received in last EDH packet output wire [4:0] rx_edh_ff_flags, // EDH FF flags received in last EDH packet output wire [4:0] rx_edh_anc_flags, // EDH ANC flags received in last EDH packet output wire [3:0] rx_edh_packet_flags, // EDH packet error condition flags output wire [15:0] rx_edh_errcnt, // EDH error counter output wire rx_change_done, // 1 indicates resets or dynamic SDI mode changes are complete (drpclk) output wire rx_change_fail, // 1 indicates failure of a reset or dynamic SDI mode change (drpclk) output wire [2:0] rx_change_fail_code, // if rx_change_fail is 1, this port indicates reason for failure (drpclk) output wire drpbusy, // 1 when the SDI RX control logic is using the GTX DRP (drpclk) // TX ports input wire tx_rst, // sync reset for SDI TX pipeline output wire tx_usrclk_out, // clock input input wire tx_gtx_full_reset, // causes a full reset of the GTH TX including PLL (drpclk) input wire tx_gtx_reset, // causes a reset of the GTH TX, not including the PLL (drpclk) input wire tx_refclk_stable, // assert high when reference clock to the TX PLL is stable (async) input wire [2:0] tx_ce, // clock enable - 3 identical copies input wire tx_din_rdy, // input data ready for level B, must be 1 for all other modes input wire [1:0] tx_mode, // 00 = HD, 01 = SD, 10 = 3G input wire tx_level_b_3g, // 0 = level A, 1 = level B input wire tx_m, // 0 = select 148.5 MHz refclk, 1 = select 148.35 MHz refclk input wire tx_insert_crc, // 1 = insert CRC for HD and 3G input wire tx_insert_ln, // 1 = insert LN for HD and 3G input wire tx_insert_edh, // 1 = generate & insert EDH for SD input wire tx_insert_vpid, // 1 = enable ST352 PID packet insert input wire tx_overwrite_vpid, // 1 = overwrite existing ST352 packets input wire [9:0] tx_video_a_y_in, // Data stream Y link A input: SD Y/C, HD & 3GA Y in, 3GB A Y in input wire [9:0] tx_video_a_c_in, // Data stream C link A input: HD & 3GA C in, 3GB A C in input wire [9:0] tx_video_b_y_in, // 3G level B only: Data stream Y link B input input wire [9:0] tx_video_b_c_in, // 3G level B only: Data stream C link B input input wire [10:0] tx_line_a, // current line number for link A input wire [10:0] tx_line_b, // current line number for link B input wire [7:0] tx_vpid_byte1, // ST352 user data word 1 input wire [7:0] tx_vpid_byte2, // ST352 user data word 2 input wire [7:0] tx_vpid_byte3, // ST352 user data word 3 input wire [7:0] tx_vpid_byte4a, // ST352 user data word 4 for link A input wire [7:0] tx_vpid_byte4b, // ST352 user data word 4 for link B input wire [10:0] tx_vpid_line_f1, // insert ST352 packet on this line in field 1 input wire [10:0] tx_vpid_line_f2, // insert ST352 packet on this line in field 2 input wire tx_vpid_line_f2_en, // enable ST352 packet insertion in field 2 output wire [9:0] tx_ds1a_out, // data stream 1, link A out output wire [9:0] tx_ds2a_out, // data stream 2, link A out output wire [9:0] tx_ds1b_out, // data stream 1, link B out output wire [9:0] tx_ds2b_out, // data stream 2, link B out input wire tx_use_dsin, // 0=use the internal data streams, 1=use the tx_dsxx_in data streams input wire [9:0] tx_ds1a_in, // data stream 1 link A in: SD Y/C, HD Y, 3G Y, dual-link A Y input wire [9:0] tx_ds2a_in, // data stream 2 link A in: HD C, 3G C, dual-link A C input wire [9:0] tx_ds1b_in, // data stream 1 link B in: dual-link B Y input wire [9:0] tx_ds2b_in, // data stream 2 link B in: dual-link B C output wire tx_ce_align_err, // 1 if ce 5/6/5/6 cadence is broken output wire tx_slew, // slew rate control signal for SDI cable driver output wire tx_change_done, // 1 when txrate or txsysclksel changes complete successfully (drpclk) output wire tx_change_fail, // 1 when txrate or txsysclksel changes fail (drpclk) output wire [2:0] tx_change_fail_code // failure code when tx_change_fail = 1 (drpclk) );
TX ports部分信号定义如下:
input wire tx_rst, // sync reset for SDI TX pipeline output wire tx_usrclk_out, // clock input input wire [2:0] tx_ce, // clock enable - 3 identical copies input wire tx_din_rdy, // input data ready for level B, must be 1 for all other modes input wire [1:0] tx_mode, // 00 = HD, 01 = SD, 10 = 3G input wire tx_level_b_3g, // 0 = level A, 1 = level B input wire [9:0] tx_video_a_y_in, // Data stream Y link A input: SD Y/C, HD & 3GA Y in, 3GB A Y in input wire [9:0] tx_video_a_c_in, // Data stream C link A input: HD & 3GA C in, 3GB A C in output wire [9:0] tx_ds1a_out, // data stream 1, link A out output wire [9:0] tx_ds1b_out, // data stream 1, link B out input wire [9:0] tx_ds1a_in, // data stream 1 link A in: SD Y/C, HD Y, 3G Y, dual-link A Y input wire [9:0] tx_ds1b_in, // data stream 1 link B in: dual-link B Y
本工程播出部分的视频数据是通过工程内部的video pattern generators来产生
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Video pattern generators // multigenHD VIDGEN ( .clk (tx_usrclk), .rst (tx_fabric_reset), .ce (1'b1), .std (tx_fmt), .pattern (tx_pat), .user_opt (2'b00), .y (tx_hd_y), .c (tx_hd_c), .h_blank (), .v_blank (), .field (), .trs (), .xyz (), .line_num (tx_line)); vidgen_ntsc NTSC ( .clk (tx_usrclk), .rst (tx_fabric_reset), .ce (tx_sd_ce), .pattern (tx_pat[0]), .q (tx_ntsc_patgen), .h_sync (), .v_sync (), .field ()); vidgen_pal PAL ( .clk (tx_usrclk), .rst (tx_fabric_reset), .ce (tx_sd_ce), .pattern (tx_pat[0]), .q (tx_pal_patgen), .h_sync (), .v_sync (), .field ());
因此,只需要弄懂video pattern generators 与SDI播出部分是怎么连接的,就可以摸索出video_out_to_sdi 模块应该怎样与SDI工程连接。
.tx_video_a_y_in (tx_y),
assign tx_y = tx_mode == 2'b01 ? tx_sd : tx_hd_y;
可以得出当 tx_mode == 2’b01的时候,tx_y 为tx_sd;
当tx_mode 不为2’b01的时候,tx_y 为 tx_hd_y;
所以,现在需要找到tx_sd 和 tx_hd_y信号线在哪里。
assign tx_sd = tx_fmt[0] ? tx_pal_patgen : tx_ntsc_patgen;
则,tx_sd 根据tx_fmt[0]的值,来决定是为tx_pal_patgen 还是为tx_ntsc_patgen;
综合以上分析可以得出tx_y信号是视频输出信号,然后输入给SDI TX端口的tx_video_a_y_in
产生NTSC 视频数据,查看vidgen_ntscl模块代码中q信号的定义
综合以上分析可以得出tx_y信号是视频输出信号,然后输入给SDI TX端口的tx_video_a_y_in
综合以上分析可以得出tx_y信号是视频输出信号(luma),然后输入给SDI TX端口的tx_video_a_y_in
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